Aster Yellows Disease in Coneflower (Echinacea)

Coneflowers are one of my favorite perennials. Environmentally there are few things to worry about with them. They are drought tolerant, bloom prolifically, and help to create a beautiful landscape. Unfortunately there is one major issue that can destroy whole gardens of these perennials: Aster Yellows. Recently I filmed a short video on a coneflower in my garden that has Aster Yellows disease. It’s easy to spot. Check out the video below for more information on Aster Yellows disease:

For more gardening videos please subscribe on my Youtube Channel: Growing The Home Garden.

Cause of Aster Yellows Disease

Aster Yellows main characteristics are deformed and discolored flowers.
  • Phyoplasma causes the deformities
  • Leaf hoppers and juice sucking inspects transfer it from plant to plant.

Prevention of Aster Yellows Disease

  • Remove infected plants
  • Plan your garden plantings with some space between members of the aster family.

If you enjoy coneflowers or are considering adding a few to your garden read this post: Echinacea in the Garden, Why You Should Plant It.

Blossom End Rot and What To Do

When the fruit first begins to form in your vegetable garden you may notice a condition where the blossom ends of the fruit turns brown to black then begins to rot away. This can happen to a number of different vegetable garden producers like tomatoes, squash, peppers, and more. Aptly named “Blossom End Rot”, this … Read more

Garden Status Report: Mid July

It hardly seems to me that spring had even started before it was gone.  This growing season has gone by so quickly, or maybe I’m just getting too busy!  Unfortunately the garden has been through some rough times.  Drought and unbelievable record heat have crippled gardening in many ways from killing plants to keeping gardener’s … Read more

Powdery Mildew and How to Fix It!

This Sunday’s weather was gorgeous.  A little cooler than we’ve been having but a great day to get out and get some big jobs done.  I spent much of the day mowing and preparing the vegetable garden then went around taking pictures of the gardens.  Things are coming along nicely but there was one issue … Read more

Aster Yellows and Coneflowers

Coneflowers are a work horse in many gardens including mine, but they aren’t completely issue free. Recently one of my coneflower plants began showing deformed flowers with a complete loss of color in the petals. The petals appeared stunted and pale. In some cases the deformed flowers mimic some new interesting variety of coneflower but … Read more

Q&A: Leaf Spot Disease

Dave, I had a Yoshino Cherry Tree planted in late May and I’m noticing holes in most of the leaves. I am asking you if you know what pest may be attacking it…and if it is under attack, what treatment does it need? The answer to your question is leaf spot disease, not exactly a … Read more