A Short Fall Garden To-Do List

There are probably a million things I could think of that need done around the yard and in our various gardens but here are a few that are bouncing around in my head at the moment. I’ve been distracted with the deer the last couple days and several things that need done haven’t been tackled yet.

Dave’s Fall Garden To-Do List

  • Build a second compost bin. I have three palettes that need screwed together to make a basic compost bin. My old one is full and I haven’t cleaned out the garden yet so it’s time for a second bin.
  • Clean out the vegetable garden. I’ll leave the tomatoes until they finish ripening but three beds need cleared.
  • Plant the garlic. In one of the garden beds that needs cleared I’ll put the garlic cloves for next year.
  • Weed the various gardens for cool season weeds. If I don’t get a handle on them now they will get away from me. I shouldn’t have too much trouble with the chickweed this winter since I’ve covered the area that was effected but other weeds are bound to pop up in it’s place.
  • Collect seeds from anything that has deadheads. The zinnias, cosmos, rudbeckias and coneflowers should have plenty of seed for collecting by now.
  • Finish laying rock near the patio. Between the patio and the house is a small rock area that needs finished. Once that part is done I can call the patio construction complete for this year!
  • Pot up more cuttings. I have some spirea cuttings that need potted as well as some salvia.
  • Clean out the garage. The garage is in complete disarray at the moment, as a result of a busy gardening season. Once I clean it out I can move some tender plants inside and put the cuttings in the garage greenhouse.

There’s just a few things that need done among many others that will pop up as I go. Every item on the to-do list seems to have several other chores attached to it. What chores need done in your garden?

8 thoughts on “A Short Fall Garden To-Do List”

  1. Clean out the garage. The garage is in complete disarray at the moment, as a result of a busy gardening season. Once I clean it out I can move some tender plants inside and put the cuttings in the garage greenhouse.

    And maybe a car? 🙂

  2. I think you need to put clean out the car at the top of the list Dave. lol I still have a few bulbs left to plant, a wheelbarrow or two of compost left to spread, and some deadheading once I get my first heavy frost. Been procrastinating about it, don’t know why. 🙂

  3. Clean out the garage!!!!! I wish my garage was cleaned out. Maybe I could bring some of my tender plants into the garage. Can’t, too full. I had a shed built a few yrs ago to put plants in for winter protection—no go there either. You guessed it—too full.
    I like the list Dave. A good guide line to follow.

  4. That is a lot Dave! It will be very rewarding if you get it all done. I don’t see how you keep this blog so professional, teach band, and then this list of yours. Bravo for you.

    I just want to get my shed done. I’ve been wanting it forever.

  5. Yep, cleaning out the garage is now at the top of the list! We’ve never actually put a car in it. Isn’t that what it’s for?


    Thanks for the compliment but I’m actually on a sabbatical from band! I’m one of the rare but growing number of Stay-at-Home Dads. Of course with two children that’s a job in itself! 😉 Good luck with your shed, that is definitely on our wish list!

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