The other day I wrote about layering rosemary plants. Layering is the process of propagation where roots are formed by placing the stem of the plant underneath rooting medium (soil) to allow it to root with the support of the parent plant. If you look closely at the picture to the left you can see small roots being formed at the base of the plant. These roots will continue to grow and will eventually be able to support their own plant.
Rosemary grows very well outdoors in Tennessee. Yesterday while visiting my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner I took an updated picture of the rosemary. The 1st picture below (it’s the same one in the layering rosemary post) was taken a year ago and the second picture is today. Notice how the large rock in the first picture has been devoured by the spreading herb. Like I said, rosemary grows well in Tennessee!

Overwintering Rosemary
Rosemary is a wonderful plant for gardening. I love it as a ornamental shrub as well as an edible herb. The problem is it CAN be finicky. Sometimes the winter cold is too tough for rosemary and it sadly dies over the winter. Fortunately there…
Sustaining Fresh Basil Over Winter with Basil Cuttings!
One of my goals this “offseason” (as if there ever really is!) is to maintain a constant supply of fresh basil from November to April. I could do this by simply planting a sequential crop of basil seeds every couple months. This will work but…
How to Propagate Basil
Rooted Basil It’s no secret that I love to propagate plants. I especially love to propagate the easy plants. The ones where success is almost 100% assured! Believe it or not there are a few of those. Basil is one that I almost always can…
How to Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings
A few years ago I wrote post about propagating rosemary from cuttings placed in water. That method for propagating rosemary is a viable method for sure but you probably will have more success if you take your rosemary cuttings and stick them in soil instead….
Propagating Creeping Thyme
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That’s interesting about layering rosemary. Some of mine have naturally layered where they sprawled on the ground, but I never thought of encouraging them to do that. I just learned this year (I think it was from Gotta Garden) that rosemary cuttings are really easy to root in water. I tried it in the spring with good results, and I may try some now with some plants that I have doubts about their winter hardiness.
Its a great way to get new plants, that’s for sure. Rosemary just grows so well, why not have more of it! Thanks for stopping by!