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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed
On our land I’ve purposely allowed the milkweed to grow. I want our land to be a haven and waystation for the monarch butterflies as they migrate south. I’ve been watching all summer to see when they would be passing through and took a short video of a monarch caterpillar that I found devouring a milkweed plant. Milkweed is the…
The Crane Fly
These giant mosquito like creatures called crane flies are all over the Middle Tennessee area right now. They are flies that may look like mosquitoes but aside from their unfortunate appearance have no other similar attributes. Crane flies are perfectly harmless in their adult form but can be very annoying. In their larval form they burrow through the ground until…
A Few Flower Photos
The signs of spring are showing themselves all over the garden. It’s not just in the flowers the bees and bugs are all coming out of their winter nesting places to sip on nectar and gain strength for another growing season. Here are a few pictures of the flowers I’ve seen over the week. The daffodils are coming up everywhere….
My Simple Compost Solution
You can go out and spend all kinds of money for a fancy compost bin but sometimes a simple solution can work just as well. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a lazy composter. There I said it. I don’t get out there to the bin to turn it regularly. I don’t check it with a fancy compost…
Even More Deer!
It appears that our local deer population has undergone a small expansion with the addition of a new fawn. Lately the deer have been keeping to the outskirts of the yard and haven’t been bothering the vegetable garden or any of our plants. Many of the plants in the other gardens have scented foliage and are considered deer resistant. The…
Aphid Alert
While aphids are easy to deal with they are definitely a nuisance! I discovered these on our hostas the other day feasting on the flower stalks. Aphids are easy to find, just look for the ants. Ants are opportunistic little insects that love a sweet and easy meal that the aphids provide. When the aphids begin to feed on the…
The Blooming of My Lenten Rose (Hellebore orientalis)
For a couple years now I’ve watched and waited for our hellebore to bloom. Every year I jealously read the posts of other gardener bloggers who are happily displaying their hellebore blooms but alas, I had no flowers to share! But now the single Lenten rose I have has grown into an 18″ little bush with glossy green leaves and…
The Can’t Miss Six!
Below you will find six plants that are some of the easiest to care for and grow in the garden. All are drought tolerant and are very seldom bothered very little by deer or rabbits (two of my greatest nemeses!) In addition to their drought tolerant and pest resistant properties these plants are very good at attracting beneficial insects like bees,…
Enemies and Allies: Hornworms and Wasps
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This ancient sentiment applies very well to the denizens of the garden. The tomato (tobacco) hornworm in the pictures is a being of great tomato destruction. This larval stage of the five-spotted hawkmoth is able to demolish whole tomato plants in a matter of days if not caught early. It feeds off…
A Plant Propagation Tip: Make a Mini Greenhouse
A couple weeks ago my wife stopped an bought us some croissants at the grocery store for dinner. The croissants came in a clear plastic box container. It was a little over a foot long and a little less than that wide, but the dimensions don’t really matter. The plastic box was tall enough to work in an idea I…
5 Spring Planning Things To Do
The holidays are almost past and that means it is time to start thinking and planning for the spring garden. Below are 5 things to do to start planning for that spring garden. Aside from getting a better start each year making the to do list puts my mind on the sunny days ahead rather than the cloudy cold days…
Growing Broccoli in the Garden
Last weekend we went to a family wedding in West TN. While out there we stopped by and visited my wife’s Uncle Joe in Jackson who loves to garden. He has a variety of plants ranging from broccoli, radishes, and spring greens to tomatoes and peppers. Since I don’t grow broccoli in my garden (I like it but my family…
5 Signs of Autumn’s Arrival
The autumn equinox is this weekend which means fall will be officially here but along the way nature has been telling us that fall is here already. Let’s take a peek at some of the signs of fall around my garden. 5 Signs of Autumn’s Arrival The annual discussion of what causes allergies begins when the golden rod blooms. Goldenrod…
Berries for Fall Color! (Fall Color Project 2010)
Fall color is still around but you may have to look beyond the foliage. The berries presently on display are like a natural nod to the holiday season. Check out the berry good post below! (Sorry, I just had to make the pun!) Chris over at Garden Sense has really enjoyed the fall color this year! This week’s fall color…
Starting a Nursery Business: Other Expenses That Add Up
It all adds up! Everything you do has some sort of financial cost to it that can contribute to your business expenses when beginning your nursery business. Often we don’t think much about them. I know I’m guilty of not considering certain items as part of the expenses. There are lots of things that sound so minor that you might…
Oops, I Missed One!
In my last post about the irises of May in my garden I showed you several of my irises. Today a new one opened up that we just planted this spring. It’s also a hand me down and has no real identity but it’s nifty to look at! I planted it with several others in front of the garden shed….
My Spring Challenge (Clearing the Weeds and Planting a Slope)
Here is a picture of our new territory that I didn’t quite know I had until a couple weeks ago. It is covered in a variety of weeds including notable family favorites like ragweed, goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace. Now if it were just the latter two weeds I would be OK with the area as a natural wild field…
5 Situations that Call for Raised Beds
Here at Growing The Home Garden I’m a huge proponent of raised bed gardening. Raised beds can be made of all sorts of materials and have all kinds of advantages for growing a garden. Raised beds are great solution for many tricky situations in the garden. Here are a few ways that raised beds can help a garden that may…