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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Save the Mums!
Mums are the staple of almost every household in the fall because of their abundant fall blossoms and varied array of colors. One thing many people don’t think about is that they are actually perennials. Some people realize this of course, but often people treat them as annuals only to buy them all over again next year. That is fine…
Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus)
I found these little insects today resting and munching on our Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed). They are known as milkweed bugs or Oncopeltus fasciatus. According to the University of Arizona Extension the milkweed bugs feed on: Seeds and tissue of the milkweed plant (Asclepias spp.). In captivity, the bugs feed on shelled sunflower seeds. I’m trying to figure out the…
Dad’s Trees in Fall
I mentioned in my last post I would show you the trees that dad planted. There are quite a few and in this post I really can’t show you all of them but maybe you can see just how much dad loved his trees. This crape myrtle is really a beautiful fall color tree. Most people usually consider crape myrtles…
Irises in the Garden (Part 1)
Our first group of irises has just started to bloom. The iris blooms are coming much later than last year due to the cold temperatures that have pushed everything back about nearly a month. There are a just a couple types of iris here in my garden including the tall bearded irises, the Dutch irises, and some Siberian irises like…
Pineapple Sage – Still Not Blooming!
This spring I bought this pineapple sage at a garden show fully expecting it to thrive and burst into colorful red blooms. Well I can say one thing, it is thriving! For some reason the blooms are just now beginning to form despite it growing to a size of about three and a half feet round. It has nearly overtaken…
Chrysanthemums and Asters, Staples of the Fall Garden
There are very few gardens in Middle Tennessee that go without Chrysanthemums (Mums for short) or Asters for fall colors. With such a variety of colors there is one that can fit in nearly any garden. Both asters and chrysanthemums belong to the same family, Asteraceae, along with many other popular plants. In our garden we a have a few…
Vegetable Garden Progress: Melons, Potatoes, and Tomatoes
My lately planted vegetable garden is doing its best to get back on track! It’s been a busy spring time and everything got delayed until the official “whenever I could manage a few minutes” time. But one of the great things about gardening in Tennessee is the long growing season. Even if you don’t get the vegetable garden planted within…
The Week in Review from the Garden (May 24, 2020)
My thoughts on gardening in 2020 2020 has been a crazy year so far hasn’t it? On the positive side it has introduced a host of new gardeners to the fun of home gardening. People these days are looking for ways to spend their time at home and maybe participate in a healthy activity that can offset some expenses with…
This Week’s Things To Do in the Garden
This week is guaranteed to be a busy one in my garden. The massive quantity of rain that we’ve had lately has sprung forth a corresponding amount of weeds to pull. The good thing is that the weed pulling should go fairly easily in the moist ground. Next Saturday I’ll be hosting our garden club meeting to talk about building…
A Frosty December Morning
Over the last couple weeks the weather has been much warmer than it should be, but now we’re getting back to a much more normal December weather pattern. There was even the mention of snow in the forecast for next week. We’ll see. I won’t count my chickens but a little snow would make a nice scenery change! For now…
Selecting Seeds (Seed Sowing 101 Part1)
Pepper Seeds The other day someone asked me for some general seed sowing and I realized that I had not yet gone through the whole process from start to finish. I have some scattered information (pun intended ;)) about seeds and seed starting throughout the blog but a complete guide was lacking, until now! Beginning with this post I’ll go…
5 Steps to Planning a Raised Bed Garden
I’ve written several times before about raised beds. I’m a fan, a huge fan of raised beds. With a raised bed you can control the soil, control the moisture, and garden virtually anywhere. It makes sense that raised beds are a great option for every homeowner (here’s why: 8 Benefits to Gardening in Raised Beds). The question though that new…
Designing the Winter Garden: What would you do?
OK, here’s your chance! Your weekend assignment is to come up with a garden/landscape plan that would fit a roughly 6′ by 10′ area that incorporates as many elements of the winter garden as you wish. There are no rules or guidelines to follow, just do something that you think will look great and show it off! Do your best…
2013 Nashville Lawn and Garden Show
The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show is coming up very soon! Here are some of the details. Nashville Lawn & Garden Show February 28 – March 3, 2013 Tennessee State Fairgrounds Come enjoy Jardins du Soleil – “Gardens of the Sun” The 24th annual show will feature internationally-inspired garden designs! Amazing live gardens Thousands of spring flowers & plants Free lectures…
5 Methods to Propagate Plants!
Here’s a topic I’m a huge fan of: PLANT PROPAGATION! I’ve talked about it repeatedly and those of you who have followed Growing The Home Garden over the years have seen some of my plant propagation experiments. I thought for today’s Friday Five post I would highlight the various common forms of plant propagation. I highly encourage those of you…
Best Materials for Raised Beds in Your Garden
I’m a huge fan of vegetable gardening – or any gardening for that matter – in raised beds. There are many reasons raised beds are great for gardens like being able to garden nearly anywhere (even on rocky ground), controlling the soil, or planting more plants in a smaller space but what actually makes a good raised bed? The best…
Back in the Saddle Again (The First Spring Mowing)
I knew that inevitably the day would come. The day when I would climb back in the saddle and coast across our sea of green. I was looking forward to it. I was prepared, my steed was ready, and the weather was grand. Even though the sea of grass was unexpectedly choppy and the trip was rough our goal was…
The Essentials of Garden Blogging: Cameras and Pictures
Very early in their blogging experience Garden bloggers find that the digital camera is their best friend. When I started blogging back in October of last year I discovered that illustrating my posts was essential to having a successful blog. People thrive on pictures. I’ve noticed that when a post has pictures more people are likely to read through the…