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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
6 Common Weeds and Their Uses in the Garden!
It is inevitable. You will find a weed somewhere in your lawn or in your garden. As things begin to grow this spring you’ll notice weeds coming up where you don’t want them. In fact that is the general definition of a weedy plant – a plant that grows where you don’t want it! Any plant can become weedy but some have…
If I Could Only Control the Weather…
I made big plans for this weekend. Plans that, at least in my mind, were very attainable. Unfortunately the weather did not concur. When I made my chore list for the weekend the weather forecast said Saturday and Sunday would be in the 70’s and sunny. We had a such a great weather day on Saturday that makes saying it…
Growing Mustard in the Home Vegetable Garden
I’m a huge fan of mustard. There are few snacks I enjoy more than pretzels dipped in a delicious honey mustard. I love it on sandwiches and as an ingredient in all sorts of things from chicken dishes to potato salad. Mustard is simply awesome. That’s my opinion anyway. It’s also extremely easy to grow mustard in the garden. How…
A Rant on Content Theft
OK folks, I’m more than a little irritated at the moment. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that’s the case then several someones have really enjoyed what they have read here on The Home Garden. It’s not the idea of someone using my content to promote gardening, to teach someone something, or to display a…
How to Make Simple Plant Labels from Sticks
Recently while upsizing my tomato seedlings into larger pots I needed some plant labels. Normally I will use the cut up slats of mini-blinds. I have a few sets I’ve collected over the years just for this purpose but I actually didn’t have them here at our current house. They were back over at the old house waiting to be…
A Trip Through the Sideyard Garden
One of the lesser shown areas of my yard this year has been the sideyard and corner shade garden. In the past I’ve featured it quite a bit but to be honest I’ve been disappointed with it this year. After I removed a cedar tree in the spring the morning sun began to cook the hostas in the garden. They…
Making Free Plants for the Garden from Cuttings
Free Plants! The best possible price you can find right? Last week I was struck by a post at everyone’s favorite garden ranting website. The post discussed the “lies” of gardening and one of those supposed lies was that you don’t have to spend money to get plants. The author implied that to get good plants you have to spend…
Walking on a Saturday Morning to See the Sunset (Echinacea and Maple)
This Saturday Morning I walked around the yard doing some little garden chores. I stopped by a mum and clipped it back (and took the cuttings inside for propagating). I watered a few things around the gardens, mostly cuttings that have been potted up. I limbed up our ‘Sunset’ maple (Acer rubrum) to prevent some lower branches from getting too…
Nature’s Carpet
Moss: Nature’s Carpet Edit: Here’s just a short note to mention that I finally managed a little more work on the greenhouse! If you go to the post you’ll see the beginning of a green roof overhang for the front door.
Heuchera (Coral Bells)
Heuchera, also called Coral Bells, are by far one of my favorite plants for shade gardens. Not only are they beautiful plants but in my garden (where deer and rabbits roam) have been very pest free. They don’t require much water to maintain once they are established and will pretty much take care of themselves. The only real maintenance that…
July Showers Bring…July Flowers!
For today’s issue of Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day I can actually share with you some very nice flowers all thanks to the recent rains. The extra water perked up enough of the garden for it to be almost perfectly presentable just in time for the 15th of July. I hope you enjoy them as much as this happily buzzing bee…
John and Bob’s Organic Soil Amendments
Late this winter (or early this spring) I was contacted to try out some of John and Bob’s Organic Soil Amendments. They have a variety of different formulations that contain humus, beneficial minerals, and microbes that help the soil do what it does best – feed the plants! They sent me several things to test and I fully intended to…
If I had a Million Dollars…
“If I had a million dollars…”This is the main chorus line in a very humorous song by the Bare Naked Ladies but doesn’t everyone think this every now and then?So with a gardening slant…If I had a million dollars I’d build a modest house of four bedrooms and put it on as much acreage as I could afford and still…
Pennsylvania Color, Canadian Colour, and Westonbirt (Fall Color Project 2010)
Fall color is on its way! Or colour as the case may be! Those Canadians have to do things different don’t they? 😉 However you spell it the fall foliage is well on its way to peaking. Here in Tennessee I would estimate that peak color is about a week or so away but we don’t have to wait to…
Bargain Blueberries
‘Bluecrop’ Blueberry Bush As I indicated in my last post about the two camellias in one pot I’m always looking for ways to garden cheap. Imagine my excitement when I stumbled across some ‘Bluecrop’ blueberries that are normally over $20 marked down to $5 each! Of course I snatched two up (I might have gotten more had they had a…
Another Episode of Dealing with Deer
For while I thought the deer were gone. Then this spring we saw the telltale signs of the whitetail deer. The hoof prints, the nibbles and the um…other signs. Then came the sightings. A single doe came strolling through the backyard taking nibbles of various plants. Fortunately most of the plants in our garden are deer resistant so the deer…
Thrifty Gardening Tips: A Two Season Trick
Here is Part 8 of The Home Garden’s Weekly series about how to garden on a budget.I call it the Two Season Trick but there really isn’t much of a trick to it. Just plan in fall for spring and plan in spring for fall! Or as a general rule plan ahead at least two seasons. The budgetary savings here…
The First Tomatoes
I’ll admit the title is a bit misleading. You would think that the first tomatoes I would be talking about would be the first ripe tomatoes, I’m sorry to say that it isn’t so! I would love to be able to tell you about how wonderfully tasty those ripe red Roma tomatoes are, how full and rich flavored the Brandywines…