These particular caterpillars were in my in-laws plum tree. A stick was all that was needed for their removal.
According to the University of Kentucky Entomology Department you can treat them with insecticides that contain Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki. You could also use insecticides with carbaryl, methoxychlor, and malathion.One method they recommend is to take a large stick poke the nest and twist. Most of the nest should pull apart and wind up on your stick like cotton candy! Other than that prevention is the best method. Take the eggs off the trees during the winter months or remove the nests as soon as you spot them.
After they have gorged themselves on your trees they will wander away to form cocoons and enter their next stage of existence. They won’t do any further damage to your trees at this point so if you see a wandering worm don’t worry, they are just going to become moths and hatch the next generation!
This Caterpillar Killer concentrate from Safer contains BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) which is an organic pesticide effective against Caterpillars.
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Sigh. We know tent caterpillars, all right. Unless they’re on our fruit trees, we generally hope the birds will deal with them. But it’s amazing how they’ll even set up shop in our black walnut trees! Grrrr.
We’ve had them in our Shagbark Hickory and Oak trees, also. Unfortunately they are so high in the air, I couldn’t possibly spray them. But, thankfully, there aren’t that many of them. Thanks for the information, though. Should they be in reach… watch out! 😉
I just hate these guys. I have a wild cherry tree that they like. It is a pain but too far up for me to reach. I just let it be. I wish there could be resistant trees to it as all those prunus species are so susceptible. Thanks for the info! Dish soap is good stuff.
They are unsightly. I had some in a walnut tree and before we could get them out some dropped by birds I guess into areas below causing more damage. Yuck. Thanks for the tips.
We have those ugly looking tents in some of our trees too!
Looking at those things gives me the shivers almost as bad as touching slugs! Luckily we don’t have too much of a problem with them here.
This is the UGH part of spring.
Haven’t noticed any around here yet. But I’m sure I will soon enough.
(Where might I find the “Garden Pictures Taken With…” widget? Thanks.)