The First Bloom of February

I found it.

I finally found it.

The First Outdoor Bloom of 2010

Today while working outside for the first time in weeks I saw a little yellow bloom peeking out from the edge of a raised bed in the vegetable garden. It’s not much but it’s a flower nonetheless. And it may not even be a plant you like but it is a flower that grew on its own, outside through the cold and the snow to bring color where it could.

This single dandelion is a just a promise of more color to come.
All I can say is the sooner the better!

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11 thoughts on “The First Bloom of February”

  1. We always called it a weed but none the less the bloom is pretty. They do feed the pollinators till more food is available.
    I found my first open Azalea bloom today. There were other buds but this was an open flower. WOW.

  2. Dandelions get a bad rap, but they're great for the first bees that emerge from their winter sleep. They'll need those little yellow flowers. I had a few pop up last year, but none since November. I'm wondering if I can buy seeds…to spread over my front yard.

  3. Randy,

    We have crocuses planted but non showing yet. Daffodil tips but the dandelion is the first bloomer!


    They are one of those love/hate things! If I only knew how to brew dandelion wine…


    That made me laugh!

  4. Dear Dave … YOU made me have such a snort giggle this morning .. all of your excitement caught on with me and I had such a good laugh .. thank you !
    Joy ..
    PS .. really like the raisded bed construction .. you see lots of kits but it can be done on your own .. especially by you since you are so darn handy ! It will be a great bed to work with : )

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