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A Small Garden Shed Update
Here’s a just a short update with what’s going on with my garden shed.Bought three colors of paint (two gallons of the main paint and one each for trim and doors). I’ll let you know what the color scheme will be later but it will blend with our house. Bought glazing to fix and repair the old single pain windows.Cleaned…
5 Essential Garden Tools
For a look at what I think are 5 Essential Garden Tools go read my guest post on the Home Remodeling & Home Renovation (fixR) Blog!
Seeds for 2008 Part 1
I started the seed selection process the other day. I ordered seeds through the American Horticultural Society’s seed exchange. I wasn’t able to contribute seeds to the exchange this year but they do allow you donate $5 and pick ten different selections from this year’s list.Here is what I picked:Rudbeckia hirtaAgastache foeniculumAsclepia tuberosa (Butterfly weed)Dianthus deltoides ‘Arctic Fire’Echinacea purpereaEchinacea purperea…
Variegated Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) ‘Mariesii Variegata’
A couple years ago I propagated a variegated hydrangea from a beautiful hydrangea that was in my wife’s aunt’s garden. Hydrangeas are extremely easy to propagate and well worth the effort but unfortunately the spot I chose to plant it wasn’t good enough. I had assumed that the location had morning sun and afternoon shade (which it did) but there…
Parenting, Gardening, and Time…
I’m finding that this year has by far been the most challenging year for the garden. At least so far. It’s not just because of the sweltering heat that is sitting on us like some big ole bear on a circus ball. And it’s not just the complete lack of rain over the last couple week (wait I did feel…
Thistle (Weedy Wednesday!)
Every now and then I’ll be writing a post about the common weeds that we find in our yard and garden. I’ll save these posts for Wednesdays so we can have a bit of a creative alliterative effect by calling it “Weedy Wednesday”! I won’t be writing about weeds every Wednesday but I feel that it’s an important aspect of…
Salvia nemorosa, What a Sport!
It’s no secret I like salvia in the garden. It’s easy to grow and hardy here in Tennessee. Most importantly it never fails to produce great blooms. The foliage is nice but nothing spectacular, however today I saw something very interesting. It happens every now and then on various plants and is responsible for the creation of many variegated varieties,…
It’s Easy Being Green
At least for these plants! This time of year it’s simply amazing how lush and green all the plants are. Green happens to the be subject of the latest Gardening Gone Wild Photo Contest. This morning I went out and took a few pictures of the greenery around the garden that might be contest worthy. Here’s a look at a…
5 Favorite Trees That I Grow In My Garden (The Friday Fives)
What is a garden without the trees? Bare and boring! Without a good tree you lose the shade they provide, the elegant grace that trees offer as a focal point, the fruit the tree may bear, the benefit to the wildlife around us – I think you agree, you just have to have a tree! But what trees would you…
Fall to Winter Cuttings of Arborvitae for Propagation
Back in the fall I decided to take some arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) cuttings and test to see how well they would root over the winter. Propagating plants over the winter as hardwood cuttings has some big advantages so it was definitely worth trying. How I Took the Arborvitae Cuttings I used the same method for taking cuttings that I wrote…
Garden Blogger Seed Swap 2009
To kick this Garden Blogger Seed Swap off I’ll share with you what I have to offer! Anyone is invited to join in even if you don’t have a blog. Just post what you would like to trade for and what you have to offer in the comments or drop me an email! I will update this post to reflect…
Another Raised Bed, This Time on a Slope!
Today I spent some time outdoors getting a raised bed put together for our back slope. It gives the slope a somewhat terraced visual effect but the wooden bed isn’t needed to hold the slope in place. It’s done fine on its own for several years! Here’s the view from one side with the garden shed to the left. The…
30 Flowers for A Cut Flower Farm Business (in Tennessee)
A cut flower business sounds like a neat idea doesn’t it? It’s a lot of work but if you enjoy gardening with flowers it may be a great business for you. I’ve compiled a list of potential cut flowers that would make good options for a cut flower business. Check out the list below. This list of plants is certainly…
Garden Questions of the Month: October 2008
It’s time for October’s Garden Questions of the month! These are questions people have asked the search engines and found The Home Garden and hopefully they have also found the answers. Q. Can you prune silver mound in the fall? A. It’s better to wait until spring. The foliage that remains above the plant will help protect it over the…
Plant of the Week: Trillium grandiflorum
This plant of the week resembling a swooping bird is known as Trillium grandiflorum! Trillium is a member of a group of plants called the ephemerals. And no, it is not some sort of new rock band, but a group of flowers that appear in late winter and go through a two month cycle. They flower, seed, and die back…
Adding Evergreens to the Garden
Yesterday in the garden I finally got around to adding more evergreen plants. When the deciduous trees drop their leaves every fall the garden is left bare with very few spots of color. The blank slate of yard we inherited over four years ago has grown and matured every year but there has always been the notable lack of evergreen…
Winter Blooming Jasmine – In March!
They call it winter blooming jasmine, and last year it really was. I suppose that technically this year it still is but with spring fast approaching it’s almost too late to call it winter, almost. The first bloom happened several days ago but more and more blooms are rapidly opening. Its lateness in flowering is probably due to the extremely…
No Lexus for This Gardener
I’m sure you’ve seen the commercial. The one where a couple is in an elevator, then elevator music happens and they recognize it as the theme song to Lexus commercials. That’s when it dawns on the unsuspecting member of the couple that the other one is giving them a Lexus for Christmas. Those commercials are driving me nuts. I don’t…