It may not seem to be the right time to be thinking about fall but it is! Temperatures are still in the 90’s here in Middle Tennessee but we have to get those fall seeds started and now is the time. Growing plants from seeds requires enough time to maturity to make sure you can have an abundant crop. Below are 15 plants that you can grow from seed now for fall!
15 Plants To Start in August for Fall in Tennessee
This list is not all inclusive and includes vegetables and herbs. Remember that once frosts begin happening on a regular basis the growth of all of these plants will slow through the winter. You can extend that timeframe some with row covers or high tunnels.
Beets can be planted every few weeks through the fall. The will need to be planted 4-6 weeks before the first frost.
Keep broccoli under a row cover to prevent pests like cabbage loopers that can be very damaging to the leaves. Broccoli can grow a second head after harvesting the first one.
Brussels Sprouts
Treat Brussels sprouts very much like Broccoli. Brussels sprouts grow sweeter in the fall as the cool temperatures come along.
Bush Beans
Bush beans are not a cool season crop but August is the last chance to put in a crop before fall cold arrives. Bush beans produce all at one time and can be harvested in October before the first frost arrives.
Planting cabbage in early August will result in a crop in 60-70 days.
Chard can be ornamental as well as an edible. Mix it into some of your flower beds or landscaping and it can do double duty!
Chives are delicious in many winter soups. They thrive in the fall and winter garden. Plant as much as you will enjoy then cut and come again as needed.
Cilantro is a cool weather crop and will thrive in the fall. It tolerates our winters but doesn’t grow much until spring so it is best to have a large crop of it ready for fall. Cilantro bolts in the heat very quickly so sow a new set of seeds every couple weeks until the temperatures get cool.
Our favorite type of kale is Dinosaur Kale or Lacinato Kale. The leaves are flat and I’ve found harbor fewer pests, or at least they are easier to see!
Lettuce can be grown in succession crops to keep a crop around more consistently. Plant a new row or two every two weeks. It is moderately cold hardy and will tolerate a few frosts just fine. Add a row cover make them last longer into the cold season.
Mustard Greens
Mustard greens are a colorful and tasty green. They are cold tolerant and will tolerate the heat as well but will bolt (flower) quickly. Underplant under
Planting parsley in the fall allows for a greater harvest than other times of the year. Parsley is often the food source of choice for swallowtail butterflies. If you see caterpillars enjoying your parsley before you do never fear, you are helping pollinators! Parsley is cold tolerant and while it may not grow much after the freeze it will begin growth again in the spring. Biennial.
Parsley Makes a Good Companion Planting Plant
Radish is a fast grower and can be repeat sown for multiple crops.
Snap Peas
Delicious snap peas love the cool weather. We love eating them fresh from the garden! If you had a cucumber or melon trellis plant your snap peas under them and have the plants grow along with the last of your summer crops.
Summer Squash – Summer squash is a warm season vegetable but if you can get it planted in early August you should end up with a couple weeks of time to harvest some squash. In the meantime use the large foliage of the squash to underplant with cool season plants. The squash will give the seeds some shade and make it easier for the cool season plants to germinate.
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