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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Beautyberry Berries In Color

    One of the precursors to fall is the beautyberry. Much like the forsythias harken the arrival of spring the beautyberries are always reliably beautiful beginning this time of year. The blooms of summer gradually have transformed from small white blossoms into clusters of tiny purple gems.  Our beautyberry is now in its third year in the ground and has reached…

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    Nashville Lawn and Garden Show 2017

    It’s the week of the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show 2017 (Plant a Forest:  Gardening for the Future)! As a harbinger of spring the Nashville Lawn and Garden show happens every year at the Nashville Fairgrounds. It starts this Thursday (March 2nd) and continues through Sunday (March 5th). At the show you can expect to find live gardens, free lectures,…

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    The Birdbath Garden in February – What a Mess!

    Its that time of year, just before blossoms begin to bloom when the garden looks it’s worst. Mulch hasn’t been spread – or at least not enough, old dead growth from perennials hasn’t been cleared away, and in general things look like a mess. But that’s OK! You have to start somewhere right? Every garden has it’s low point and…

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    GROW Project: Hangin’ in There

    I’d like to say some great things right now about my nasturtiums. I’d like to tell you that they are taking off and look fantastic but about the best I can do is say that we’re hanging in there. It’s just been too darn hot to get anything to grow happily from seed. June was excruciatingly hot, well over 10…

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    Ah Sunflower

    Ah Sunflower, weary of time,Who countest the steps of the sun;Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the traveler’s journey is done;Where the youth pined away with desire, And the pale virgin shrouded in snow,Arise from their graves, and aspire Where my Sunflower wishes to go!by William BlakeThis post is was inspired by the wonderful poems and quotations provided daily…

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    Reusing Materials for a Cold Frame

    Over the weekend I spent about 30 minutes piecing together a cold frame to do some hardwood cuttings.  The process for building a cold frame is very similar to building a raised bed.  I used some old pressure treated lumber that used to belong to a deck, an old storm door without the glass, and a couple 4″x4″ scrap pieces…

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    plan for sunlight in the garden

    Plan for Sunlight in the Garden

    When creating any kind of garden plan one of the most important considerations is the amount of light the garden receives. Vegetable gardens and ornamental gardens are both affected significantly by the amount of light in the garden. Light changes two major aspects to your garden design: first the amount of light in the garden changes the plant selections and…

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    Autumn Scenes from Cheekwood Botanical Gardens

    Yesterday I traveled up to the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens to listen to Tina from In the Garden. She was doing a talk on Winter Gardening and all that it entails so we thought it would be a great opportunity for us to visit with her and check out the gardens while we were there. We also visited with Gail from…

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    Sending Out an S.O.S.

    “Sending out an S.O.S., a chipmunk in a bottle” Although not quite the words of Sting and The Police the alteration was definitely appropriate today. I was walking through the garage after having planted three small boxwoods and I heard a strange scratching sound. My first thought was that a lizard had gotten stuck in the window. Then I began…

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    Arbor Day Tree Update No. 1 or Do Deer use Pruners?

    I have to ask do deer use pruners? I was walking in my yard transplanting a willow and went over to one of the free maples I planted.And to what did my wondering eyes appear?A slice off the tip of my maple by a deer!Perfectly sheered as if the deer carried a set of bypass pruners in its pockets! I…

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    What were they thinking?

    I had to drive our cat Amber to the vet today to get some tests done on her. She has kidney renal failure and we have to periodically see how her blood is. She’s been doing really good but has lost her appetite recently. While I was up in town I thought I’d drive around a few minutes to see…

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    Another Raised Bed, This Time on a Slope!

    Today I spent some time outdoors getting a raised bed put together for our back slope. It gives the slope a somewhat terraced visual effect but the wooden bed isn’t needed to hold the slope in place. It’s done fine on its own for several years! Here’s the view from one side with the garden shed to the left. The…

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    Aphids on Tulip

    5 Methods to Control Aphids

    Every year I notice these little green insects, aphids.  Well, sometimes they aren’t green, I’ve seen them in orange and yellow and they come in red, brown, and black too.  Whatever fashion sense these insects display one thing is for sure: you don’t really want aphids on your plants!  Aphids are a soft-bodied insect that love to suck on the…

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    Double Dew Daisies – Photo Post

    Two Shasta daisy flowers covered in the morning dew. Early this morning (not too early maybe after 7 AM but much earlier than we’ve been getting up due to the new baby!) I went out with the camera to see what pictures I could find. Back by the greenhouse garden shed where my Russian sage, rudbeckia, and Shasta daisy combination…

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    The Rock Looks Like A…

    Quite a few people chimed in to offer their opinion as to what our naturally formed rock sculpture looks like. There were a range of responses from prehistoric and mythic reptiles to fuzzy and furry creatures of the woodlands and prairies. What I learned is that identifying what a rock resembles is a lot like naming the clouds, every one…

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    How to Keep Plants from Falling Open in the Center

    Sometimes plants just want to fall open in the center. There’s an easy fix for this but it requires some spring stem tip pruning! Check out the video below for this very simple garden tip! How to Keep Plants from Falling Open in the Center

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    Tonight Is The Night I Nearly Blew Up the Mower

    I could have named this post several different things like: How to Destroy Your Mower in 5 Minutes, or Roasting Marshmallows Over an Open Mower, or even How To Turn Your Lawn Mower into a Bomb in Three Easy Steps. Fortunately each of those creative titles are inaccurate. The first title is wrong since I think my mower is still…

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    Christmas Gift Ideas for Gardeners 2017

    The holiday season is in full swing and the good news is that gardeners are very easy to shop for! Whether your gardener likes gardening with vegetables, herbs, or ornamental plants there is something for everyone. Today here are some Christmas gift ideas for gardeners to help you find just the right thing! (Disclaimer: The links in this post are…

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings