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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
6 Common Weeds and Their Uses in the Garden!
It is inevitable. You will find a weed somewhere in your lawn or in your garden. As things begin to grow this spring you’ll notice weeds coming up where you don’t want them. In fact that is the general definition of a weedy plant – a plant that grows where you don’t want it! Any plant can become weedy but some have…
Extending The Stone Garden Path
Can you believe I reached the end of my stone? I emptied the truck the day I brought the stones home but only yesterday did I finished my stone projects. Please keep in mind that finished is a relative word since many of my projects are ongoing. You might remember a little while back I added a few stones to…
A Day in the Garden with My Daughter
The other day while my youngest daughter was taking her morning nap my other daughter and I went out to play in the garden. It was a nice August day, very atypical as it was comfortably in the 80’s. Our first stop was down to her garden. It was full of the zinnias and sunflowers that we planted several weeks…
Colors of Springs Past 2003
In 2003 we didn’t have a house or a garden that we owned but we treated the Great Smoky Mountains as our garden. We traveled frequently to the park and took pictures of anything that caught our interest. As part of the Garden Bloggers’ Design Workshop: Color in the Garden at Gardening Gone Wild I thought I’d contribute some photos…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: Japanese Maples, Unbeatable
Over at Ledge and Gardens in Rhode Island Layanee has put together a post about my favorite trees, maples! Layanee’s maples are mostly Japanese maples and their color is nothing short of awesome. From orange to red to gold-green these maples don’t disappoint for fall color. Included in her post are the Acer palmatum varieties ‘Omurayama’ and ‘Osakasuki’, as well…
Fun With Plant Propagation in August!
As always plant propagation is a major event around my garden. Ever since I started playing with rooting plant material several years ago (with the dappled willows) I haven’t been able to help myself. Even when I’m not able to propagate new plants I still like to add to the number of plants in the garden by propagating more of…
Signs of Fall
You can feel fall in the air here in Tennessee. It’s in the wind and the air. The temperatures are cooler, the nights are coming sooner, and the shadows are longer. Fall is here. The days still are warm, in the 80’s, but the nights are getting cold. My early mornings are not necessarily spent in the garden, anytime during…
A Beautiful August Weekend!
What a beautiful fall preview weekend we were granted this weekend! This fall has been very unusual with moderate to cool temperatures here in Tennessee. I hope you we’re able to enjoy the weekend outdoors, I know I did! Here’s a couple pictures I took of the nice weather. The wild goldenrod on our slope will soon be blooming which…
My Bird Bath Garden on June 1st
As I promised in my post yesterday (Birdbath Garden Layout), here is what our birdbath garden looks like right now. I’m pleased with the effect even though there are some small planting gaps in the garden. It needs a border but I haven’t decided what kind yet. For now it’s just a trench border. I might go with a stone…
Adventures on a Warm Winter Day!
On Monday Tennessee had near record temperatures in the upper 60’s.On Tuesday it got warmer.According to the local television broadcast Nashville hit 71 degrees Fahrenheit which ties a record set in the 1800’s. The warmth has left us now but we took advantage of it while it was here! Here’s what we did:Monday Morning:I ran around the yard chasing my…
Look at This Strange Cocoon!
Large cocoon on ninebark For several months I’ve been watching this strange cocoon attached to my ninebark. I was curious what might come from it, and a little apprehensive too, then yesterday I found a second one on a viburnum. What if it was something that would chow down on my garden? What if it was some dangerous? What if…
How to Plant Bareroot Grape Vines
Grape vines area great edible plant to add to the garden. Grape vines can be used in many ways and have the attributes of an ornamental plant with high value as an edible plant. As an edible plant grapes can be used to make wine, juice, and their leaves are edible making them an interesting choice for wrapping food inside…
Float Testing Acorns for Viability
The majestic oak is one of Tennessee’s most beautiful native trees. It’s also an extremely useful tree for our local wildlife as it can host over 200 species of insects and animals. You can see why you would want to cultivate more oak trees! Recently I gathered some acorns from a nearby tree on our property. The oak tree is…
A Gardener’s Garage Remodel
This month’s Creative Ideas Project with Lowe’s and Growing The Home Garden is all about organization! By using a $100 gift card donated by Lowe’s I’ve redone a part of my garage to make it more useful for our whole family – not just the gardener! I think the main problem people have with organization is that they don’t have…
New Leaves and Catkins on ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ Dappled Willow
The greening of the willows! It’s just more evidence that we’ve left winter behind and are heading full speed into spring. The leaves on the ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ dappled willows are emerging. And so are the catkins! The catkins are the reproductive mechanism of many plants like willows and birches. Willows are dioecious and have separate male and female plants. If…
Propagating Schip Laurels
Schip laurels (pronounced Skip) are a very easy evergreen that you can propagate at home. I mentioned propagating cherry laurels a couple years ago but since it’s a good time of the year to take cuttings I thought I would revisit it. It will take a couple years before a cutting turns into a plant large enough for a foundation…
How I’ll Use My Greenhouse
I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to use my greenhouse lately. There’s just enough complete on the greenhouse construction to tantalize my imagination and since people use greenhouse in so many ways that the options are virtually limitless.I don’t grow orchids or many tropical plants which means the greenhouse won’t be used for them. It’s not ready to use…
The First Step to Recovery…
The first step to recovery is recognizing that you have a problem. We sure do, its our drainage! We sit below the road in our cul-de-sac and while drainage is generally good for our house, our driveway pools water near the garage. It’s mostly just an annoyance. When its rained heavily you have to step through a mud puddle to…