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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Have Heucheras?
If you like Heucheras or Coral Bells as much as I do then take a look at this video from Fine Gardening Magazine. In it Alan Armitage talks about the heucheras in the trial gardens at the University of Georgia. Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’ and Heuchera ‘Rave On’ stand out as two perennials I will have to add to my garden…
I Was Leaving Today
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I just couldn’t take it anymore. It was just too much. The pressure of leaving has been building since the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project and each day it built a little more, another layer added to the top. I took all I could before…
Setting Inlaid Stepping Stones
Recently I was given some natural stone to add to my landscape by a local gardener. Some of the stone was large and flat while other stones were rough edged and angular. Today I’ll show you how I used the large flat stones in three areas of my yard. First I’ll tell you how I set the stones. I didn’t…
Growing for a Farmers Market Part 2
When growing products for a farmers market you have to keep your eye on what sells. In my last post I mentioned a few of the products that sell well at our local farmers market. Today here are a few more good selling products that you may want to consider selling at your local farmers market! Baked Goods Baked goods…
Pennsylvania Fall Color from Nancy Ondra
I’m always excited to see Nancy Ondra’s garden through her blog Hayefield and now the fall color in her Pennsylvania Garden is ready for our annual tour! Nan has been participating in the Fall Color Project for several years now and we’ve all been able to enjoy the fantastic varieties of plants, shrubs, and trees she has in her garden….
Coral Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Coral Red honeysuckle or Lonicera sempervirens is the honeysuckle you want – I mean really want- not the other kind. You probably have honeysuckle somewhere near you right now. It’s white, smells pretty good, and it may even be right behind you as you read this, don’t look! Lonicera japonica knows you are there, it’s waiting to spread and take…
Vegetable Garden Progress: Melons, Potatoes, and Tomatoes
My lately planted vegetable garden is doing its best to get back on track! It’s been a busy spring time and everything got delayed until the official “whenever I could manage a few minutes” time. But one of the great things about gardening in Tennessee is the long growing season. Even if you don’t get the vegetable garden planted within…
How to Kill Weeds Naturally – 5 Natural Weed Killing Tips
Weeds are one of the most troubling elements of gardening that gardeners face. A gardener’s definition of a a weed is simply a plant you don’t want in a place you don’t want it! Which means that even desirable plants can become a weed pest in the wrong place. Gardener’s want simple and easy ways to remove weeds from the…
A Monarch Butterfly Visit
Yesterday we had the good fortune to witness a Monarch butterfly stopping by our ‘Clara Curtis’ mum for a fill-up. Monarchs are on their way south now to find their winter homes and have to stop for nourishment along the way. We usually see them a couple times a year passing through looking for places to lay their eggs or…
Irises in the Garden (Part 1)
Our first group of irises has just started to bloom. The iris blooms are coming much later than last year due to the cold temperatures that have pushed everything back about nearly a month. There are a just a couple types of iris here in my garden including the tall bearded irises, the Dutch irises, and some Siberian irises like…
Incorporating Herbs in the Garden Part 2
Part 2 of incorporating herbs in the gardens is all about oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme. These four go well together so why not post about them together? Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Oregano is such a great herb for the garden. It’s attractive, grows like crazy, smells great, tastes great, and is a general purpose repellant for insects! Could you really…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: Your Edible Growing System
An important thing to consider on your way to developing an edible landscape is how you want to grow your plants. What growing system do you want to use? As part of your plan you will need to figure out how you want to structure your garden and the growing system you choose can provide that structure. There are several…
Muck Boots can be Great Gifts for Gardeners!
A few months ago I was sent some Muck Boots from the Muck Boot company to try out. Disclaimer: They sent me the boots for free but everything I say in this post is my own opinion. Also I’ve used affiliate links in this post to Tractor Supply if you would like to find a pair of Muck Boots for…
The Dirt on Seed Starting Soil! (Seed Sowing 101 Part 2)
OK so you’ve gotten your big seed order in the mail, now what? What do you use to actually start the seeds in? What kind of pots? What kind of soil? After deciding what seeds to order you need to know what medium to plant your future garden in. There are a lot of variables out there to choose from,…
Shirley it’s Time for Tulips!
Shirley Tulips in Bloom And here’s where you can find Shirley! The Front Sidewalk Garden. This is the third year the tulips have come back in this garden. I’ve heard people complain about tulips not returning but these have been very faithful. The front sidewalk garden is located on the north side of our house and receives little sunlight during…
Blooming Daylilies
Daylilies are one of those plants every garden should have. Unfortunately I’ve been lax in adding daylilies to the garden over the years. I’m not sure why really. It might be the fact that daylilies in the garden centers aren’t all that thrilling and that is where I do most of my shopping. I’ve perused catalogs for various online nurseries…
That Really Is Lettuce Among Those Weeds!
Yep, the title says it all. I really have lettuce growing among the weeds in one of my garden beds. I planted it in the fall and despite a few nights of subzero temperatures and several cumulative inches of snow over the course of winter it’s still there! The lettuce is small, barely even 3 inches wide but it’s there!…
Propagating Phlox
In the spring time one ground cover really stands out due to its prolific flowering. Creeping phlox or Phlox subulata really punches out the color for a couple weeks in spring then fades into a nice lush and green carpet of foliage. You can use it on slopes, around mailboxes or as a low growing front border plant. It has…