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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Morning Walk Around the Yard
Periodically I like to walk around the yard to see what there is to see. I was out around 7:30 this morning and took these pictures of the yard. The plants are really showing their eagerness for the spring season.I don’t think many people consider maple trees for their flowers but maybe we should all take a closer look. The…
Fall Color Project 2012 News
I mention yesterday that I would share a couple more things with you about the Fall Color Project 2012 so today here are they are! The first news to share today is that there is a prize available for the participants. All you have to do to win the prize is to join in the Fall Color Project between now…
Video Update: Bradford Pear Tree Broken
Video UPDATE: Bradford Pear Tree As I expected we now have a second Bradford Pear Tree boken. In fact it’s a rather dangerous situation due to heavy branch still attached to the tree. I’ve been working to get this tree cut down since this happened but take a look at why you shouldn’t plant one of these problem trees. In…
I Have Two Huge…
Hollyhocks! These plants are simply enormous. I haven’t measured them but a rough estimate of six and a half feet sounds very realistic. Unfortunately they are in a really bad location – flanking our front walkway. I should have transplanted them last year to another location more suitable but either didn’t think of it or was too lazy. Although the…
Rooting ‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia
‘Powis Castle’ artemisia has quickly become my favorite plant of the year. A little pot I purchased this spring has quickly grown into this lush silver foliaged beauty in the picture below. I really didn’t expect this much this soon otherwise my ‘Mystic Spires’ salvia would have been planted further away but in a way it looks kind of neat…
Worst Weed Wednesday or Who Has the Worst Weeds?
Welcome to Worst Weed Wednesday! Today is the day that you can rant all you want about weeds, how much you despise them, how you would like to eradicate them (and do), and what kinds of things you say to them (please keep it PG or PG13!). I’ll update this post as more folks rant on the worst weeds in…
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
One of the reasons I enjoy gardening so much is the ability to experience nature. Today I was treated to a butterfly I’ve never noticed before. What caught my attention was the blue coloration on its wings but otherwise it looked very similar to a tiger swallowtail. It also had red markings on the underside of the wings and on…
Putting Up Greenhouse Wall Posts
Yesterday I promised you pictures of the greenhouse project so today here are a few. It doesn’t look like much here in the beginning but the work we did today was very important. Today my father and I put in the posts. Posts set in concrete was the best option for the shed-greenhouse idea that I wanted. Originally when I…
Get in the Zone
When I’m planning my yard I like to think in what I call Zones. Each zone in itself is a mini-garden. Sometimes the zones have their own micro-climate due to wind exposure, sun exposure, and other environmental conditions like moisture and hardscaping. Over the next couple weeks I’m going to talk about the zones I have planned for my yard….
Timing Is The Root of a Good Garden
January 2015 is almost here and with it will come time to plan out your 2015 garden. We all know that for a plant to grow well it needs a strong root system. The same can be said for the garden as a whole. A garden’s roots are stronger with a good plan and the root of a good garden…
Thinking About The Future Vegetable Garden
Recently I went over to our property and filmed a short video showing where our vegetable garden could eventually be. It’s fun to imagine the good that the future holds but at the same time it’s frustrating that we aren’t already digging in that dirt! I have all kinds of ideas in mind for the gardens. Edible vegetable areas, fruit…
A Winter Tapestry of Light
The cold weather combined with morning clouds and the light of a new dawning day create a genuine tapestry of light. Six minutes later (after scraping the ice off my wife’s car) the sky changed palettes to include more gold. Mother Nature’s paintings are ever changing which is probably why we appreciate them.
Triscuits and Gardening
Maybe you’ve heard of this already or maybe you’ve seen it in the stores yourself but Triscuit is promoting the “home farming” movement. It’s an interesting idea that backyard gardeners have been doing for many many years. Simply put home farming is growing your own food in the home garden. While gardening may be an all inclusive term to describe…
4 More Beautiful Plants I Want in Every Garden
On Monday I posted about 5 Plants I Want in Every Garden. In case you missed it the post was about plants that should I ever move I will plant again in the new garden. As several of the commenters pointed out it’s hard to just pick five. With that in mind I’ll add four more to my list. Neither this…
Two Garden Show Finds
Spring is in full swing and we all know that gardener’s everywhere are flocking to garden shows across the United States. This weekend is the Bloom ‘N’ Garden Expo in Williamson County presented by the Williamson County Master Gardeners. It’s hard for plant nuts to restrain themselves at these festivals and like everyone else I always bring home something –…
How to Propagate Stevia from Cuttings
There are some plants that are tricky to propagate but stevia isn’t one of them! In fact stevia is very easy to root from cuttings. Read on to learn more about propagating stevia from cuttings! Why Would You Want to Propagate Steve from Cuttings? Stevia rebaudiana is an herb often used as a substitute sweetener for sugar. It isn’t reliably…
A Beautiful Weekend!
The weather this weekend was perfect. You can’t say that much here in July but it was just plain perfect. I hope you got to enjoy it as much as I did! I hope you enjoy a looking at a few pictures from the weekend! Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ and Zinnias Moonflower vine climbing the front porch.’Silver Mound’ Artemisia
The Greenhouse Project: Inspiration
Very little progress has been made on my greenhouse shed project yet. The persistent rain combined with a much needed family vacation postponed construction, excavation and pretty much everything except for planning. But the planning is probably the most important part in any big project. This is easily the biggest project I’ve attempted so far and I’m making sure to spend…