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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
How to Treat and Prevent Early Blight on Tomatoes
Brown or gray spots on your tomato plants? It could be early blight. Here is what causes it, how to prevent it, and what to do once you have blight on your tomato plants.How to Propagate Montauk Daisy
Montauk Daisy is a beautiful perennial for your garden. Here’s a little information on how to propagate Montauk Daisy.A Last Minute Stocking Stuffer Idea
For a quick, easy, and cheap stocking stuffer gift idea try a homemade seed packet! I learned how to put together these seed packets that use a technique of paper folding from Nancy Ondra’s blog Hayefield House. Go take a look at her post titled Origami for Seed Savers to learn how. The only thing that you need to do…
How to Grow Oak Leaf Hydrangeas From Seed
I did a video a while back on Youtube about collecting oak leaf hydrangeas from seed. I thought since now is the ideal time to start collecting those seeds again I would go ahead and direct sow some oak leaf hydrangeas from seed. Below you can watch a short video of the flat I put together but it is a…
Drought Tolerant Plants and Photos Around the Gardens
I hope when you read this post that the rains are coming down in a delightful shower to water your garden, because they certainly aren’t here! It’s dry, extremely dry. Working in the ground is like cutting through a brick. Fortunately we’ve planted plants over the years that can tolerate these dry drought conditions. Autumn sage is one of those…
Making Free Plants for the Garden from Cuttings
Free Plants! The best possible price you can find right? Last week I was struck by a post at everyone’s favorite garden ranting website. The post discussed the “lies” of gardening and one of those supposed lies was that you don’t have to spend money to get plants. The author implied that to get good plants you have to spend…
How to Propagate Basil
Rooted Basil It’s no secret that I love to propagate plants. I especially love to propagate the easy plants. The ones where success is almost 100% assured! Believe it or not there are a few of those. Basil is one that I almost always can get to root, and it’s SOOO simple! Just by using a jar of water. In…
My Vegetable Garden Layout (Raised Beds)
Here is a small diagram of my intended raised bed vegetable garden layout. It will have 4 larger beds. Two of them will be 6 feet long and the other two will be 8 feet long. Each of these will connect to each other through the middle bed that is 4′ x 4′ square. Having several beds should allow me…
Would You Like to Win an Organic Weed Killer?
The people at EcoSMART have offered to give away a bundle package containing an eco friendly pesticide and several other of their environmentally friendly products. Included in the bundle is an organic weed killer, a fungicide, garden insect killer and an insect repellent. All you need to do to enter the drawing for the is to post in the comments…
Aphid Alert
While aphids are easy to deal with they are definitely a nuisance! I discovered these on our hostas the other day feasting on the flower stalks. Aphids are easy to find, just look for the ants. Ants are opportunistic little insects that love a sweet and easy meal that the aphids provide. When the aphids begin to feed on the…
A Garden Update: The Tomatoes
We have tomato weather but no tomatoes! That’s not surprising for June here in TN as most tomatoes don’t produce ripe fruit until July. Knowing that fact though doesn’t diminish the desire for that first fresh from the garden homegrown tomato! Our plants are doing very well so far, healthy and strong with stout stems and trunks. At this point…
A Challenge for Any Glove Manufacturer
Today I’m issuing a challenge to any glove maker, manufacturer, or garden handware retailer: Make me a glove that lasts longer than 5 months! I’m throwing down the gauntlet, or the garden gloves as the case may be. So far I have not met a pair of gloves that lasts more than a few months. This pair of gloves was…
Don’t Forget!
Don’t forget that today is the last day to tell your bug tale to win an EcoSmart product! Read here to find the details for the giveaway!
Planting a Tomato Garden
For my farmer’s market business I grew a lot of tomato plants. In fact I grew more than I think I can sell over the next couple weeks and after that no one will be looking for plants. Gardeners will be wanting to harvest their tomatoes instead of planting more. I planned a few weeks ago that I would take…
Planting ‘Savannah Sunset’ Azaleas from Monrovia
Today was a fantastic day to be outdoors, and of course for most of the time being outdoors means I’m planting something! Today I planted three azaleas into one of my gardens courtesy of Monrovia. Monrovia gave me an opportunity to try out these ‘Savannah Sunset’ azaleas in my garden. ‘Savannah Sunset’ is a part of Monrovia’s Bloom N’ Again…
‘Primal Scream’ Daylily AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
The other day I mentioned I had another daylily that was about to bloom called ‘Primal Scream’, well that daylily is screaming now! ‘Primal Scream’ has large orange blooms that have faint hints of reddish coloring in the outer edges of the petals and a more true orange color the further toward the center. I planted my ‘Primal Scream’ daylily…
The Ugliest Tomato I Ever Grew
I’ve been looking back at my photo albums lately. Looking back at old photos helps to get a perspective of where the garden is going by remembering where it’s been. I can see how effective my efforts are at developing a garden, how much things have grown, and remember old plants I might not have anymore. While perusing the photos…
A Look Around the May Garden
May is always a great time for the garden. Plants and flowers generally look great this time of year. The weather is beginning to warm but the oncoming heat of summer hasn’t bleached out the beauty of the flowers and foliage. Many things are happening around the garden and here’s a few images from my Tennessee garden at the end…