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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Few Facts and Tips about Growing Basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is one of the easiest herbs to grow. Here are a few growing facts about basil in the garden! Corsican Basil Basil grows well from seed. You can sow it in the garden or start the seeds in pots. It transplants well. Keep basil seeds moist until germinated and established.Basil is a great companion plant to just about…
Stone Borders and a Sitting Wall
Sometimes you don’t really know where your garden is going to go. Impulse plants or bargain plants can shape the type plants you put in, the kind of plant can determine where it goes, or you may even move plants to place them in better locations, but this notion of outside forces shaping your garden doesn’t just pertain to plants. …
4 More Easy Plants to Propagate!
It’s almost always true that success in an endeavor brings excitement and enthusiasm for more and I’ve always found this true for plant propagation. If you’ve never tried propagating plants because you think it’s difficult or just too much work then think again! There are all sorts of plants out there that are very easy to propagate and barely require…
Merry Christmas!
Our family would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Designing the Winter Garden: A Symmetrical Plan
Now before you go looking at my hand drawn art please note that I do not claim to be an artist, just a gardener. The paint I am used to is usually accompanied by foliage, flowers, and fruit. The “artistic rendering” below is intended to illustrate the image inside my head for one of the two concepts for the winter…
Cutting Back Miscanthus in the Spring
Among many garden chores that come in spring perhaps the biggest is the trimming of the ornamental grasses. Trimming back perennials can be time consuming but the ornamental grasses can be a bear. It’s not the tiny little hair-like strands of the Nassella tenuissima (Ponytail grass), or the tall and narrow ‘Karl Foerster’ Feather Reed Grasses. The panicums aren’t a…
Bloom N’ Garden Expo 2011
Today was my day to visit the Bloom N’ Garden Expo in Williamson County, TN. It’s a garden show put together by the Williamson County Master Gardeners which features talented speakers and all kinds of vendors ranging from carnivorous plants and daylilies to soaps, jams, and grape juice. There’s all kinds of neat stuff to see like the display gardens….
Baptisia Australis Seed Sowing Update
Several weeks ago I planted Baptisia australis seeds. It’s also known as false indigo. It took some time but with bottom heat from my seedling heat mat and continued patience several of the seedlings have sprouted. It’s always exciting to see new plants come alive from seed. It took the Baptisia seeds about a month to germinate. Please note one…
Garden Tips for Before a Frost
As the first frost approaches, now is the time to take essential steps to protect your garden and set yourself up for success next spring. Below are a few simple garden tips that can help you save money and preserve your favorite plants while extending the beauty of your garden into the cooler months. Propagating Tender Perennial Plants Propagating perennials…
Starting Japanese Maple Seeds
While the weather outside resembles that of the arctic I spent a few minutes starting Japanese maple seeds. I had two varieties of tree that I saved seed from this fall, ‘Sango Kaku’ and ‘Bloodgood’ (Acer palmatum). Both types of Japanese maples are fairly common and can make good root stock for other, more unique Japanese maple varieties. One of…
Yesterday I Robbed LOWE’S
Yesterday I was shopping at our local Lowe’s home improvement store looking for weatherstripping for the garden shed. While there I casually sauntered over to the plant area (after picking up three rolls of foam insulation) to see what they had in stock. It’s rare that I go to a store that has plants and don’t take a look (unfortunately…
Reusing Materials for a Cold Frame
Over the weekend I spent about 30 minutes piecing together a cold frame to do some hardwood cuttings. The process for building a cold frame is very similar to building a raised bed. I used some old pressure treated lumber that used to belong to a deck, an old storm door without the glass, and a couple 4″x4″ scrap pieces…
Planting in Teak Wood Planters!
A while back Teak Closeouts sent me several samples to try out and see if I could use in the garden. They carry a really neat line of products that general come from overstock teak wood products and sell it at better prices. They also have other products made from teak root which can be very interesting when used for…
A Window Garden with Shelves
We’ve all been stuck indoors too long. It’s February and here in TN we should be getting 50 degree temperatures for highs but instead are stuck in the lower 30’s or below. In order to help alleviate the cabin fever and feed the gardening fix I put together a little project for one of our upstairs windows. I built a…
Greenhouse Security
Despite recent events at the White House the security of my greenhouse shed just won’t ever be as good as that of the Secret service. Since it is also a shed and will be housing my lawnmowers, weedeater, various garden tools, hoses, and all the plants I hope to propagate I need something to keep people out. Tools don’t walk…
Designing a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Layout: 11 Things to Think About
Raised beds are a great way to garden! Here are 11 raised bed garden tips to help you design a great vegetable garden layout.A Gardener’s Perspective
If you enjoy gardening and consider yourself a garden chances are you walk around with the same perspective that I have. Everywhere I go I find myself observing, mentally recording, and analyzing how plantings work in various gardens. It might the house down the street, a business, a park, or any other place with some semblance of a garden that…
A Weekend Working on the Vegetable Garden
What a weekend! You don’t get weather like we had very often. The thermometer hit the 70’s for the first time in a long while and we took advantage of it. We spent very little time indoors, how could we? After being cooped up in the house since fall any outside opportunity had to be taken. So what did we…