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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Coreopsis ‘Limerock Dream’
I think you will see why I bought Coreopsis ‘Limerock Dream’. I have a fondness for perennial coreopsis since they are so easy to grow here in Tennessee. The colors on this variety drew my eyes instantly. It’s not plain yellow like my ‘Moonbeam’ Coreopsis or ‘Jethro Tull’. The yellow colors seem to begin in the center of the flower…
Cabinets for the Garden Shed
Please ignore the mess of bricks and leftover lumber lying on the floor at the bottom of this picture. Instead focus on the cabinets! Family friends were cleaning out their basement and passed on quite a few pieces of lumber and odds and ends they thought could be reused. The cabinets came along for the ride too. With a little…
20 Butterfly Bushes
This week I went to my mom’s house to do a little digging. Back in the late spring we noticed small butterfly bush seedlings beginning to sprout in the pathway’s of her vegetable garden. As they grew large enough to transplant the weather became hot and transplanting wasn’t a great idea. Then my father passed away and just about everything…
A Weekend’s Work (Logs and Their Lives)
This past weekend I mentioned that we were working on cutting down some dead trees. The trees came down without a hitch and then the real work began. We chipped and cut our way through the limbs and logs. After a quick count of the rings on one of the trees we discovered that it was around 50 years old….
From The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show: Pictures of an Exhibition
This Thursday through Sunday is the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show put on by the Horticultural Society of Tennessee. It’s a combination of show gardens, displays, and all kinds of garden goodies. The display gardens were impressive, filled with water features, flowering plants, and fire features! All the elements were at play in each of the designs. Natural looking water…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: Elements of a Sustainable Plan
In my last post I told you how to begin planning for an edible landscape and how to determine what to grow. Today let’s examine what elements you need to incorporate into the plan. With an edible landscape we need to focus on one thing: sustainability. Sustainability is a word used a lot these days and for our gardening goals…
Planting Seeds in My Raised Bed Circle
Last year I put together the circular raised bed in my vegetable garden. It’s in the center of the garden layout which is in the parterre style garden layout I planned last year. Of course my plans are changing a little this year too. It never fails, the only thing I don’t change in my garden is the fact that…
Garden Blogger Seed Swap 2009
To kick this Garden Blogger Seed Swap off I’ll share with you what I have to offer! Anyone is invited to join in even if you don’t have a blog. Just post what you would like to trade for and what you have to offer in the comments or drop me an email! I will update this post to reflect…
Nasturtiums and an Arbor
OK I’ll have to admit it the arbor part of this post is an attempt to offset some of the misery that my nasturtiums are suffering. The heat of this summer has been way too intense for any of my nasturtium plantings to thrive so I guess I should just be happy that they continue to survive. Before I show…
Planting A Tulip Garden in Spring
Springtime is full of all kinds of color. New foliage comes out, flowers bloom, and all kinds of fresh growth begins. One of the classic plants many people think of for spring is the tulip. Tulips are usually best planted in the fall about 6 inches deep in the garden, but sometimes we forget to plant tulips in the fall…
A Tennessee Snowy Owl Story
After my post yesterday about the Snowy Owl Visit to Spring Hill, TN, Pete sent me a few of his pictures of the owl. He was able to get much closer to the bird than I could and his pictures are fantastic! He prefaced the pictures with a story that I’ll share with you in this post. I am a…
Propagation Continues – Even in Winter!
On Monday while all three of my children were napping at the same time (that is a major feat!) I spent some time preparing some cuttings. Until Monday I really haven’t had many opportunities to get outside and garden. The weather has been too cold and with my youngest, who doesn’t seem to like taking naps during the day, I…
Great Home Gardens: An Italian Garden
A few weeks ago an email came in my box asking me a question about propagating irises. I answered the question then received a picture of the questioning gardener’s garden. To say that I was impressed would be an understatement. Climbing roses mixed with many varieties of perennials create a living painting in Ennio’s backyard. And did I mention that…
Soggy, Wet Days are Good for Something!
The days have once again become cold and wet. The beautiful spring like days we had in early March have been replaced (temporarily) with winter like cold and drizzle – ugh. It’s definitely disappointing for the gardener but spring is right around the corner. I can’t wait to see the sun but the wet and soggy days are ideal for…
Starting Seeds for Basil and Pepper in Peat Pellets
It’s time for another seed starting update for our basil and peppers in peat pellets. I plant basil and peppers every year for our vegetable garden. I find that basil is indispensable as a seasoning and for making pesto. Basil also has a some companion planting benefits when planted alongside the vegetables in the garden (particularly the tomatoes!) Peppers are…
The Return of the Flaming Mower
It’s been a long time. Last year, or last mowing season, I had the misfortune of blowing up my mower. Well I nearly blew up my mower. It was close, very close. While mowing one fine spring day last May the blades ran over a nylon cord and got caught. I did what any responsible power tool user does in…
How to Build an Arbor (Part 1)
Recently I was invited to the 48-Hour Challenge with Better Homes & Gardens. For my project I chose to build an arbor! I’ve highlighted a few aspects of it over the last several weeks but I haven’t put down a play by play of our challenge. Hopefully you can follow along and if you want to tackle this project you’ll…
Starting a Nursery Business: Consider The Workload
One of the many things to consider when starting your own nursery business is the workload. You probably really enjoy gardening (or else you wouldn’t even consider a nursery business!) but do you realize how much work goes into producing a plant for sale? We aren’t just talking about one plant either. We’re talking about lots of plants to make…