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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Oh Deer!
I thought the deer were gone but I was wrong. After a house was built behind the woods that skirts the edge of our property I thought the deer had left but when I returned home last weekend from my trip I discovered that the deer made a return.While they could easily make it into my vegetable garden they haven’t…
Redbud Trees (Cercis canadensis)
The redbuds are in bloom! Cercis canadensis is a beautiful native plant here in Tennessee and in other areas of the country. Redbuds are an understory tree that do best on the outskirts of forest areas or with partial shade locations. They don’t grow very tall, somewhere around 20-30 feet or so. Redbud flowers are very interesting because they appear…
Making the Worm Bin Part 1
Part of my worm bin composter is finished. This really is a very simple project that anyone can do at home. To complete this part of the composter it only took about 30 minutes which also included the time to gather the materials and to put them away. Since the weather outside this week is terribly cold this makes a…
How to Plant A Tree
After you’ve run out and gotten your tree you have to plant it. Let’s assume you’ve selected the right location for the tree. Large trees should not be located too close to structures or underneath power lines. Always remember that the roots of the tree often extend past the drip line of the tree. (The drip line is the edge…
Where to Plant Your Seedlings (Seed Sowing 101)
Once you have your seedlings growing strong and you’ve properly hardened them off (more on that next week) it is time to plant your seedlings in the garden. But where should you plant them? It may seem like a given that you’ll just go out and stick them in a hole and watch them grow, but it’s not always that…
Rededicating the Bird Bath Garden
Our bird bath garden will always be in my mind the bird bath garden, but it has also become something of a memorial garden to our recently deceased feline friend, Amber. I won’t go into detail about Amber in this post as I did that back in December but she was a good friend who we were lucky to have…
Designing the Winter Garden: All Planted…for now!
I managed to plant all the plants for my new winter garden on what was a warm December day. With temperatures in the 50’s it was somewhat pleasant, which is about the best you can expected from December in Tennessee. You’re probably wondering which plan I decided to go with, the Symmetrical Plan or the Asymmetrical Plan. The answer was…
Holly Species that are Native to North America
When researching plants for our new house holly trees kept coming up as ideas for foundation plantings. I want to focus more on native plants, not exclusively, but with a conscience effort to lean toward native species. So I started looking to native holly trees. Native trees offer more support for local wildlife and are generally better adapted to our…
A Few Flower Photos
The signs of spring are showing themselves all over the garden. It’s not just in the flowers the bees and bugs are all coming out of their winter nesting places to sip on nectar and gain strength for another growing season. Here are a few pictures of the flowers I’ve seen over the week. The daffodils are coming up everywhere….
Vegetable Garden Update Part 1
Friday afternoon and evening I was in the yard and garden vigorously hauling compost from truck to the raised beds. Fortunately one yard of compost was all that was necessary to complete the filling of the beds. Saturday’s task will be mulch: mulch for the garden paths and for various other locations around the yard. I can’t wait to…
How to Propagate Cryptomeria (‘Black Dragon’)
‘Black Dragon’ cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica, USDA zones 6-9) is a beautiful evergreen tree for the garden. The foliage is a dark green with some twisting shapes that create an unusually contorted figure. It’s an amazing evergreen specimen for Japanese gardens or as focal points. This past spring I took some cuttings of our cryptomeria and this winter I found that…
Bee Photography
Here are a few pictures of the bees in my garden. I hope you enjoy the beeutiful photos! Bee on a coneflower Purple Coneflower Bee on a sunflower Sunflower Bee on a cosmos flower Cosmos Bee on verbena Verbena bonariensis Bee on ‘Oranges and Lemons’ Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’ Gaillardia Two Bees on coneflower ‘Sunset’ Coneflower My garden “bee” friendly,…
5 Ways to Control Garden Pests (The Friday Fives)
As gardeners we deal with all kinds of issue that can make gardening frustrating and difficult. One of those issues is pests. Pests come in many forms from thousands of kinds of insects to birds and animals. No method of pest control is 100% effective all the time so gardeners need be creative problem solvers in the garden. The best…
Plant Haul at the Bloom’N Garden Expo in Franklin Tennessee
Yesterday we attended the Bloom’N Garden Expo at the Williamson County Agricultural Exposition. Center. It was fun to go to an event with so many garden related vendors. I spoke to the people at our local garden club, we visited a booth that was sponsored by a wildlife rescue group, and saw many many plants and other displays at the…
A Few Morning Sights in the Garden
With a slight fog in the air the sun’s rays illuminated those morning mists.The dew glistened on the Silver mound artemisia in the front sidewalk garden.A purple Mother’s Day rose with its leaves frosted by the morning dew.If you look close enough you can see the spider web waving in the air.Morning is a great time to be in the…
The Border Garden – with a Border!
This summer heat, humidity, and assorted family issues have kept me behind in most of my goals. One of which was expanding the side border garden so that the caryopteris wasn’t completely absorbing the whole area. I tend to take a more conservative approach to pruning my caryopteris and consequently I didn’t prune them back enough this spring. They responded…
GB Fall Color Project from Pennsylvania and New York
Here are two more updates for the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project! I want to take a second to thank everyone who has submitted a post so far. I’ve seen so many interesting places with fantastic colors and scenery that I never would have been able to see in one season! If you haven’t submitted anything yet don’t worry about…
A Rain Garden Update
A while back (a real long while) I setup a rain garden to take care of a drainage issue on one part of our driveway. Rainwater was pooling in one area of our driveway because it had no where else to go. The grass and soil was higher than the driveway on the side the water should have been draining….