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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Husker’s Red Penstemon in the Garden
One of the neatest perennials in our garden is ‘Husker’s Red’ penstemon (Penstemon digitalis). ‘Husker’s Red’ has reddish foliage that adds color to the garden during the growing season but it also blooms prolifically for several weeks in the spring. Ours are just now starting to fade so I thought I would take a picture to share with you. The…
Tomato Seed Starting in Plastic Cups Update
Last week I wrote about my seed starting “mini-greenhouses” made from clear plastic cups so I thought I would share how my tomato seeds are doing so far. To sum things up I am very pleased with the results as I have very strong and healthy growing tomato seeds are in the mini-greenhouse cups. Some of my tomato seedlings are already…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: The Steps of the Plan!
Once all your prep work has been thoroughly completed gather up all your lists and get ready to design the plan for your edible landscape. When making an edible landscape plan it is important to keep all of your end goals in mind along with the time it will take to reach those goals. Purple Podded Pole Beans Time as…
Layering Rosemary
One of the easiest ways to make a new plant is layering. Layering is where you allow the plant to create new roots on a branch while still connected to the mother plant. The advantage to layering is the connection to the mother plant. It continues to feed the offshoot branch allowing it to form the new roots to sustain…
Winter’s Light: Shadow Play
The Gardening Gone Wild photo contest for February is all about Winter Light. The picture below is my entry which I took from our upstairs window out across the yard. I’m calling it Shadow Play, you can probably figure out why! The shadows of the ice covered trees are dancing across the backyard and the children’s playset creating an unusual…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2008
The fifteenth of every month is Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day hosted and originated by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Please take a look at the plants blooming in our garden then go see what’s blooming in other gardens across the world!The trees and shrubs:Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)Propagating crape myrtlesButterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii)The Perennials:Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)More on Russian sage.Propagating Russian…
How to Plant Potatoes in Raised Beds
Healthy potato plants About a month before the last frost date is the best planting time for potatoes in my zone 7b garden. That starts the planting season for potatoes here in Tennessee in Mid March. If you need a better guide than that think of St. Patrick’s Day and plan around it within a few days. Potatoes are not…
Putting Things Off
We’ve all done it before, put something off to do later. We justify it as we don’t have time or come up with other reasons that may cover our laziness. Sometimes it’s not laziness but life that interrupts things we want to get done. Really who could blame someone for not doing a gardening task in the middle of the…
The First Daffodil of 2013
Every year I show off the first daffodil to bloom in my garden. This year, I have to say, my first daffodil is less than impressive. The cold and wet weather has put a damper on the beauty of this little yellow flower. So far it’s the only one in bloom that I have seen but I haven’t fully explored…
Echinacea in the Garden – Why You Should Plant Coneflowers!
For this post I really don’t need any words, the pictures will explain why you should plant echinacea (coneflowers) in your landscape. But since this is a blog I have to tell you why I like echinacea in the garden and where I’ve planted it! Echincea is one of the easiest plants I’ve found to grow. Once it’s established there…
What Evergreen Am I?
A little more guessing fun on this first day of winter! Do you know this evergreen tree with the black berries? I’ll give you a hint – I’ve written about it before! No links – that would be too easy! No rhymes either – that would be too cheesy! Oops… Yesterday’s post “What Seeds are We?” were the seeds of the…
Fall Color Project: A Walk Through the Park
For today’s Fall Color Posts we have three garden bloggers who all decided to take their photography skills on a walk through the park. Of course since the bloggers live it different states it was not the same park but one thing was the same, awesome photography and great fall color! Oh wait…that was two things… oh well, just go…
Caryopteris for September Blues (Fall Flowers)
Do you want an easy to grow shrub that has very few pest problems, isn’t munched on by deer or rabbits, and looks great at the end of summer? No it’s not impossible, think caryopteris! Caryopteris (Caryopteris x clandonensis also called blue mist shrub, bluebeard, or blue mist spirea) is deer and rabbit resistant if not proof, blooms in the…
The Greenhouse: What To Do Next?
The Greenhouse: What To Do Next? (from The Home Garden ~ In The Greenhouse) It’s been several days since I’ve been able to accomplish anything on the greenhouse. I’m hoping that Monday will be the day to get things done as it’s predicted to be 60 degrees with only a 20% chance of rain. Usually the 20% chance of rain…
Nashville Lawn & Garden Show Wine Festival – Press Release
You know that spring is almost here when the garden shows begin! What better way would there be to build up some excitement for spring gardening than to stop by your local garden show? Our local Nashville Lawn and Garden Show is always a fun event! Check out the press release below for more information on the lawn and garden…
Volunteer Tulip Poplar Saplings
An interesting problem has arisen lately. You see, over the last few months little saplings of our Tennessee state tree the tulip poplar have popped up all over the place. It must have been a great year for tulip poplars last season because I’ve found over 7 saplings that seem to be doing great all over the yard. They all…
Guide to Planting and Growing Marigolds
Marigolds are beautiful annual flowers that are great to plant in the garden for a number of reasons. They attract pollinators and beneficial insects while at the same time providing benefits for companion planting. Marigolds are extremely easy to grow and you can save the seed from them each year to start again year after year. Here’s more about growing…
A Crop of Fall Potatoes
This afternoon I went outdoors in the beautiful 60 degree weather and harvested our potato crop. Truth be told its a rather small harvest of potatoes but considering that I didn’t intentionally plant them I am quite pleased! When you leave behind a few potatoes from the spring/early summer harvest they grow into a nice fall crop. Growing potatoes is…