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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Squash : Pick Early Pick Often
In a couple days I hope to be picking some of our first squash from the garden. Squash is one of those prolific plants that will produce for long periods of time as long as you do the right thing to it help it along. It likes to be picked on repeatedly. In fact squash peters out when the fruits…
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’d like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! And please, for the sake of this fellow and his friends here, take it easy on the turkey! I usually fill up on the sides anyway!
Bargain Blueberries
‘Bluecrop’ Blueberry Bush As I indicated in my last post about the two camellias in one pot I’m always looking for ways to garden cheap. Imagine my excitement when I stumbled across some ‘Bluecrop’ blueberries that are normally over $20 marked down to $5 each! Of course I snatched two up (I might have gotten more had they had a…
A Day is Not Complete…
It seems to me, and maybe you feel the same, that a day is not complete without some time spent outdoors. Even if all you do is walk around and look at the garden or take a walk down the street that time is invaluable. Today I went around the yard looking at the garden, the greenhouse project, the deck,…
Parenting, Gardening, and Time…
I’m finding that this year has by far been the most challenging year for the garden. At least so far. It’s not just because of the sweltering heat that is sitting on us like some big ole bear on a circus ball. And it’s not just the complete lack of rain over the last couple week (wait I did feel…
Fall Weekend Chores and Projects
I’ve been lax on the lists lately. There are always things that need done and projects that need tackled and this weekend is no exception. Here’s a quick list of the fall chores and projects that I hope to start and maybe even complete this weekend! Attend the Spring Hill Country Ham Festival – This festival benefits the Tennessee Children’s…
The Greenhouse Project: Putting Up Posts
Yesterday I promised you pictures of the greenhouse project so today here are a few. It doesn’t look like much here in the beginning but the work we did today was very important. Today my father and I put in the posts. Posts set in concrete was the best option for the shed-greenhouse idea that I wanted. Originally when I…
Wrong Plant Wrong Place
When we first moved into our house back in 2007 and were discovering what our garden had in it we found very little. A nandina, a couple cedars, some reblooming daylilies, and a teeny tiny spirea were all the plants that were there. Not much to start a garden with but I was excited about the challenge. The spirea had…
Tough Plants – Salvia nemorosa
While the winter is still in gear I thought it might be helpful to begin reviewing some of the toughest plants I have grown over the years. I’ve grown a lot of them (and killed a few of them along the way). In my garden it has to be a tough plant to survive over the years. Today I’m going…
Spring Is Here!
Yesterday brought in that first official day of spring but it sure seems that spring beat the calendar to the punch. The warm weather has brought many of our plants and trees much further along at this time of year than they should be. It has me concerned. I love the warm weather and the sights of blooming flowers but…
Every garden has transitions. From the house to the garden, from one garden area to another, even within an established area a garden be transitioning from the sun to the shade, from one color to another or from one type of planting to another. Then there are seasonal transitions. Spring takes over from winter, summer from spring, autumn from summer,…
How to Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings
A few years ago I wrote post about propagating rosemary from cuttings placed in water. That method for propagating rosemary is a viable method for sure but you probably will have more success if you take your rosemary cuttings and stick them in soil instead. Recently I posted a video on the YouTube channel that explains both propagation methods for…
A Few Nifty June Flower Photos
The month of June brings many new blooms to the garden. Summer blooming perennials are filling the garden with color. Everywhere you look plants are flowering. Here are a few perennial photos of what is blooming in the garden right now! Beautyberry BushThe beautyberry bush is well known for it’s berries but those berries have to start somewhere. This beautyberry…
The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show: Wine and Roses (2014)
This week is the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show! For those of us here in TN this is a great opportunity to go out and take care of that gardening fix after a long cold winter. There are always some interesting ideas to be found in the displays so make sure you bring a camera! Here are some photos from…
Randomness from Wednesday
Wednesday was full of randomness, although it wasn’t all gardening. A little bird watching, a little gardening, and a little bit of house stuff all rolled together to make a Wednesday. The day started with a trip to the home improvement store. Not for gardening stuff this time but for painting materials. A bathroom in our house needs redone so…
Potting Up
I was able to get outside this afternoon and do a little potting with some cuttings that had rooted. It’s a constant process right now since as soon as one batch gets rooted I start some more. You never know if you will have enough! Sometimes you give away the plants to friends and family, other times the little plants…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: Looking at Tennessee from Florida
Did you ever realize that you could go to Florida and see Tennessee fall colors? Well you can today, since Meems brought fall colors from Tennessee to her blog Hoe and Shovel! She recently came here to TN to visit her sister and went to visit the beautiful gardens of Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. She put the pictures together in a…
Morning Glories
Could there be anything so easy to grow as a Morning Glory (Ipomoea)? Once a seed sprouts the vine will happily climb whatever structure it lies adjacent to whether it be a tree, shrub, trellis or post. It’s not picky!Of course there is the issue of Ipomoea invasiveness. Morning Glories are rapid growers and self seeding phenoms. They can quickly…