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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Greenhouse Roof Finally Enclosed
Finally the major air gap that lurked just beneath the roof line has been enclosed and trimmed up. It’s not air tight yet and needs sealing but the major 3.5 inch x 16 foot gaps are no longer open on the sides of the greenhouse. I’m not ready to open the champagne yet but I feel like a major weight…
More on GM Seeds
Last week the idea of genetically modified seeds popped up due to a seed giveaway I was hosting. I mentioned that it would be a good topic for further discussion and recently Susy at Chiot’s Run put together a great post explaining everything that you need to know about GM seeds. It’s frustrating to realize that a large seed conglomerate…
The First Bloom of February
I found it. I finally found it. The First Outdoor Bloom of 2010 Today while working outside for the first time in weeks I saw a little yellow bloom peeking out from the edge of a raised bed in the vegetable garden. It’s not much but it’s a flower nonetheless. And it may not even be a plant you like…
Mid-June Garden To Do List
Here is a quick list of things that need done in our June garden. Keep in mind that we’re located in Spring Hill, TN in a zone 6b-7 area and these chores may not correspond with the growing season in your area. You’ll need to do many of these tasks too but at different times. Sucker those tomatoes! Removing the…
Ginko Biloba, Not in My Garden but Should Be
The Ginkgo tree is one plant I don’t have in my garden but have wanted for a long time. The reason is simple, it has great fall color. When I was in college there were two amazing ginkgo trees on the campus. Each fall (I won’t tell you how many falls I spent there!) it would brighten into a beautiful…
Wind chimes for Whimsy
There are very few gardens I know of that don’t have some sort of wind chime. Wind chimes add an extra audio element to the garden as well as a touch of whimsy. There is quite a variety of wind chimes to choose from out there and it all depends on what you like. Recently Windchimesonline.net sent me three bamboo…
20 Butterfly Bushes
This week I went to my mom’s house to do a little digging. Back in the late spring we noticed small butterfly bush seedlings beginning to sprout in the pathway’s of her vegetable garden. As they grew large enough to transplant the weather became hot and transplanting wasn’t a great idea. Then my father passed away and just about everything…
A Paving Stone Pathway with Dwarf Liriope
The past weekend I set out to complete small project with a little help from my gardening assistant. The goal was to put together a small pathway made from cheap concrete stepping stones that would lead up to the front porch area of my garden shed. Prior to this the area was weedy. So weedy that regular mowings were necessary…
Blooms, Buds, Branches, and Bark
What do winter blooms, buds, bark and branches all have in common? You will have to look at the end of this post to find out. See if you can guess!The Winter BloomsThe henbit in our area is beginning to show signs of blooming. Masses of little tiny flowers will over take yards creating a purple carpet for spring.The lone…
Greenhouse Update: The Front Door
I posted a new update about the front doors to my greenhouse shed. The work was done back before Christmas. Take a look at the Greenhouse Front Door work if you’re curious!
Over the Weekend
Mowed the lawn – check. Weeded the shed gardens – check. Weeded the sitting wall garden – check. Weeded and mulched the mailbox garden – check. Weeded the corner shade garden – check – kind of. Weeded the birdbath garden without a birdbath – check – kind of. Cut back a ‘Powis Castle’ artemisia that was long and leggy –…
Beginning the Garden Fence (Friday Free For All)
I’ve been busy this week. I say that as if it’s something new but it seems like life is just a matter of varying degrees of busy. Sometimes you’re really busy and other times less so but always busy! This week I dove headlong into my latest project. I’ve been talking about this one for years and I’m just now…
Rosemary as an Evergreen Landscape Planting
You probably know rosemary as a fantastic herb for your garden. It’s great for seasoning chicken, fish, and (my personal favorite) used in an olive oil dip for bread; but what about in the garden as a landscape planting? I have two rosemary plants framing the front steps to our house. They help to define the entrance into the yard…
Don’t Give Up on Those Winter Damage Plants Yet!
The recent blast of cold that barreled through our country last week caused lots of plant damage. It was unavoidable. The temperature dropped from the 50’s to -3° F in a matter of a few hours. That is a very significant temperature drop that wreaked havoc on our gardens. But don’t look at your brown and black leaf damage and…
A Thank You!
I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Gloria Ballard, the garden columnist at The Tennessean newspaper for including me in her latest article! It has some great information on Fall Planting of Vegetable Crops. Please stop over and read her article online at The Tennessean: Second Season Springs to Life in the Garden or visit Gloria’s personal…
Things I did on Wednesday (Cuttings and stuff)
The cutting bug is back, being spring and all. Everywhere I look I see another propagation project awaiting me. Some projects I’ve done before like the chrysanthemums and others are new experiments like the crape myrtles. Here’s what I did this Wednesday!Cut the grass! OK you may not have expected that one, but technically it IS a cutting.Butterfly Bush cuttings….
The Buzz on Sunflowers
Garden Club Meeting and Nancy’s Garden
As I mentioned yesterday I was asked to do a presentation at our local garden club. I’d like to thank all those who attended the meeting and gave me such a warm reception. I plan on going back soon! The presentation was on propagating plants from cuttings, something of which I have a lot of interest and something that I…