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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
An Alien World of Moss and Fungus
Sometimes when you look really close at things they appear much different than you expect. Sometimes closeup pictures appear almost…alien. Like a strange land that contains unique flora of its own. What do you think? Can you imagine the foreign fluffy ferns and gigantic puffy cup-shaped mushroom fungi? Can you disappear for a moment into the picture and immerse yourself…
Growing Achillea millifolium (Yarrow) in the Home Garden
Achillea millifolium is one of the easiest perennials to grow. Almost no care, very little maintenance, and bright punches of color make it a very good plant for low-maintenance gardens. In our garden we have 4-5 varieties which unfortunately are mostly unnamed but their colors include red, yellow, white, and pink. The only thing I do to maintain achillea is…
A Few Nifty June Flower Photos
The month of June brings many new blooms to the garden. Summer blooming perennials are filling the garden with color. Everywhere you look plants are flowering. Here are a few perennial photos of what is blooming in the garden right now! Beautyberry BushThe beautyberry bush is well known for it’s berries but those berries have to start somewhere. This beautyberry…
Past Peak But Peeking Back at Fall Color
It’s been rather hectic over the last couple weeks around here and I’m just now getting to my own Fall Color Project post! I figured a retrospective look back at the last few weeks would find the peak of the fall color season in my area. Way back on October 12, 2010 we had the first of the trees beginning…
Snow Day Dawning
It was a moment of pure beauty early this morning. We awoke to find the landscape covered in snow and with a winter wonderland waiting before us. I was out just before dawn to catch the sunrise and take some pictures in a setting that I very rarely get to photograph. I’m especially pleased with the first picture. It’s a…
Drive-By Shootings – With Ice
The other day when I went to pick up my bricks for the greenhouse flooring the temperatures were still at or around freezing. I had my camera along for the ride and took a couple shots of the ice structures that were along Highway 840 here in Middle TN. I’ve always found the ice sculptures that appear alongside the cliff…
Happy Halloween!
A Little Birdwatching
With many gardening activities slowing down and the temperatures dropping (although yesterday the temperature was actually near 70 degrees!) I spend much more time indoors. Fortunately I can still enjoy the great outdoors by watching the birds stop by to visit the bird feeders. Here are a few of the visitors who stopped by for breakfast yesterday and the day…
Daylilies in Bloom: Daylily Hybridizing and Dividing
It’s that time of year where the daylilies are becoming the showoffs of the garden. Daylilies (Hemerocallis) area very common collectable perennial here in the south. They propagate very easily through division and are a prime starter plant for people interested in learning how to hybridize plants. Here’s a look at a little of what is blooming in our garden…
Easy to grow, Low Maintenance Plants for the Garden
Over Christmas we traveled a little. Not much, we never go very far. We just visited with family. One evening a family member asked me if I knew of some attractive, easy to grow, low maintenance plants she could put in the front of her house. She wanted something she could plant that wouldn’t require a whole lot of time…
A Fortune Cookie Once Said…
Several years ago I had a fortune cookie at a Chinese restaurant that was the only good fortune I have ever seen. I’m not saying that any of the fortunes were bad, but some made little to no sense, and the others were just generic sayings. The one fortune that I thought had value said this:”A wise man learns more…
Impulse Buy Time
Last week I was in one of the home improvement stores and started wandering the gardening shelves…always a dangerous thing! I looked around at all the packaged plants which in most cases are way too early to plant out and got sucked in by the displays. I ended up coming home with one Arapaha thornless blackberry plant. I love blackberry…
Russian Ghost of Summer’s Past
I was outside on Tuesday afternoon walking around the yard while a thirty minute window in the clouds opened to allow the sun to shine down. It was a short respite from the rainy weather but this time of year any respite is a good respite. While walking about I was struck by how white the stalks of the Russian…
Time to Blitz the Bermuda!
Every gardener has an enemy, a nemesis, an evil villain that lurks in the garden that the garden would love to eradicate. I’ve had an invader this year that has been more aggressive than ever before – Bermuda grass. Once it gets a foothold in the garden it is extremely hard to hold back, let alone eliminate. Recently I attempted…
Building a Fall Garden Bed From Stone Retaining Wall Blocks
Fall is fast approaching. No matter how much we may wish to pause time and reap our summer garden harvest we have to start thinking about the fall garden. This weekend I redid and rebuilt one of my garden beds to update it for fall crops. If you’ve followed me for a while you may remember the raised circular garden…
Time to Mow? (Lawnmower Preparation Time !)
As old man winter starts to blow what will hopefully be his last breath this weekend I can look out my window at my yard and see the first mowing coming soon. Perhaps I should have already done the first mowing. Our unkempt clumps of grass are reminders of the upcoming work to be done in the season ahead. From…
How to Grow Southern Magnolias from Seed
The other day while on a shopping trip I sat in the car with my daughters while my wife ran into the store for a few things. In front of our parking space was a magnolia. I doubt it was the full sized magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), as the placement of such a large tree in a limited growth area like…
Worst Weed Wednesday or Who Has the Worst Weeds?
Welcome to Worst Weed Wednesday! Today is the day that you can rant all you want about weeds, how much you despise them, how you would like to eradicate them (and do), and what kinds of things you say to them (please keep it PG or PG13!). I’ll update this post as more folks rant on the worst weeds in…