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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Winter Sowing, Shallot Seedlings, and Seed Sowing Saturday!

    Last week was the first Seed Sowing Saturday on The Home Garden! Starting Seed Sowing Saturday has  definitely motivated my planning, thinking, and preparations for the seed starting this year. I failed this week in one element of my seed plans – the planning! I had intended to put together a list of the seeds I was going to purchase…

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    Fall Color Project: More Autumn Art

    Up in Michigan Joey has posted some really cool collages for the Fall Color Project. The colors from the maples and other trees around her town couldn’t have been painted more vividly with any paintbrush. It’s a palette of autumn color that awaits you at The Village Voice! The colors have officially reached their peak here in Tennessee. Over at…

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    Illinois Fall Color From Prairie Rose’s Garden

    It’s time for more fall color, this time from Illinois!  Rose who writes the blog Prairie Rose’s Garden just posted her pictures of fall.  Colors in her area come from a range of plants including maples, locust trees, burning bushes, and several other colorful plants from her garden.  But of all her colorful plants you have to see her maple…

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    Rooting Japanese Dappled Willow Cuttings (Salix integra) In Water

    In the world of plants there are few that are easier to root than a willow. Whether you have a weeping willow, contorted willow, or dappled willow they all root very easily. Rooting a dappled willow is extremely simple and can be done in a glass or vase of water. Rooting a Willow Tree To root a willow in most…

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    Trillium in a Cedar Glade

    Over the weekend we visited my in-laws for Easter. While there I always explore the edges of the woods and sometimes deeper but I really didn’t have to journey far to find this trillium. It was among a grouping of several other trilliums on the edge of a cedar glade woods in their backyard. All the trilliums were the sessile…

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    How to Make a Simple DIY Home Plant Propagation System

    Making your own plant propagation chamber is not a difficult task at all. For the home gardener who is only doing a few cuttings at a time propagate plants for friends and family a plant propagation chamber can be a VERY simple project. In fact you can put together a simple home plant propagation chamber can be made with one…

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    Splurge On Spring With Monrovia Plants: Heuchera and Heucherella

    Spring time is such an exciting time for gardeners. The weather is better, the garden is growing again, and it’s time to add more plants to the garden! Thanks to Monrovia plants I splurged on plants for my garden the other day! Which one’s did I add? Heucheras and heucherellas! Before I tell you more you might be wondering, what…

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    Garden Photo Updates from the Weekend

    Here’s a quick look at my garden from the weekend! The ‘Diablo’ ninebark is in bloom.  It has beautiful purple-copper hued leaves and flowers with these clusters of white flowers each spring. In the vegetable garden the lettuce is coming along – finally.  It’s taken a while this year to get some good germination.  I think the weather fluctuations have…

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    Two Signs of Spring

    Are you looking for something, anything to keep you going until spring time?  Are you frantically searching the garden for signs of life?  Here are two early signs to look for that will tell you spring is just around the corner! The daffodils are rising!  The foliage of daffodils always comes up early but these are especially early.  This photo…

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    When to Prune Hydrangeas

    One of the more confusing aspects of gardening is when to prune hydrangeas. The confusion is because the best time of year to prune hydrangeas differs depending on the type of hydrangea you have. Some hydrangeas bloom on the old wood from the previous season while others will bloom on new wood. Determining which hydrangea is which will help make…

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    A Sidewalk Garden Layout

    Over the weekend I put together a garden for the opposite side of my sidewalk. Here’s the layout of the garden. I did this layout after I planted the garden and it isn’t to scale. It is roughly 18-20 inches wide and probably 25 feet long. I only used plants that I could transplant from other locations in my yard…

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    Sunny Flowers from Sunny Summer Days

    The rainy weather and “normal” temperatures seem to be headed back our way, so why not take a look back at some sunny blooms from summer’s past? These flowers all came from the July of 2009 version of my garden, some are annuals and others are perennials and some are somewhere in between!  The in between flowers are generally perennials…

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    The White Pathway

    In our yard exist many corners that have not yet been cultivated. Most of these spots may never receive more than a cursory attempt at management. While I was mowing today I drove through one such area that completely caught me off guard. Along our back property line is an old fence that I’m sure was there before our subdivision…

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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I’d like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! And please, for the sake of this fellow and his friends here, take it easy on the turkey! I usually fill up on the sides anyway!

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    5 Things to do for the Mid March Garden

    The garden is gearing up for growth are you ready?  Have you prepared the garden and gotten everything set to grow?  I haven’t but the warm weather is going to be here this weekend and I’ll be making some headway into my garden’s preparation.  When to prepare the garden varies depending on where you live but several of these tasks…

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    Visiting The Home Land

    Highlights and video from a recent visit to our land. It’s like a nature preserve with butterflies, turkey, and signs of wildlife all over. I also checked the pawpaw trees for ripe fruit.
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    A Maple on Fire

    The red maple (Acer rubrum) is one of the most beautiful trees for fall color. It leaves shone out in the fall like a bonfire beckoning all to admire. The red maple is such a great tree in the landscape.  I tend to like trees that have at least three seasons of interest and maples fit the bill.  In the…

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    What’s Happening in the Vegetable Garden?

    It’s time for another look into the vegetable garden. To say that things are growing well is an understatement. The raised beds filled with mounds of organic material like grass clippings, newspaper, composted cow manure and good old compost are doing the trick. In many cases the plants are exceeding their boundaries and covering walkways. I need to confine those…

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings