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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Simple and Quick to Assemble Compost Bin
We all know about compost. It’s important, perhaps the most important thing we do as gardeners for our plants. Organic matter is critical for plants to get nutrients. It’s also extremely helpful as a waste disposal system. Rather than throw away your biodegradable wastes from the kitchen you can compost it and use it later for the garden. Composting makes…
How to Save Tomato Seeds from the Garden through Fermentation
Seed shortages on our minds saving seeds from your garden is more important than ever. So how do you save tomato seeds? There are a couple of methods that can be successful but one way you can do this is through fermentation of tomato seeds. This is not a hard process so don’t let it intimidate you! I’ve described the…
Setting Inlaid Stepping Stones
Recently I was given some natural stone to add to my landscape by a local gardener. Some of the stone was large and flat while other stones were rough edged and angular. Today I’ll show you how I used the large flat stones in three areas of my yard. First I’ll tell you how I set the stones. I didn’t…
Mulch Madness
You read it right! It’s not March Madness – or maybe it is – but it’s also MULCH MADNESS! This morning I picked up 20 bags of mulch and fit in my Honda CRV. That’s a yard and a half of mulch ready to go on the gardens. And at a $1.34 per bag it was quite a bargain!
Too Much Garden To Talk About
As a garden blogger sometimes life is frustrating. During the winter you reach for things to say, stuff to talk about and begin dragging back old pictures of the previous year just so that you can produce something for people to read. Then before you know it the growing season is in full swing and you’re practically left behind with…
Propagating Chamaecyparis!
I’m always excited to learn how to propagate something new. Recently I’ve managed to get a few cuttings of a dwarf chamaecyparis to successfully root. I started the cuttings back in the fall and kept them overwintered in the garden shed. I didn’t have any bottom heat even though I’m sure that would have sped the rooting process up significantly….
Tennessee Wildflowers Blooming: Sulphur Cinquefoil
Thank you for all those who took a stab at the latest Name that Plant. Several of you knew exactly what it was, sulphur cinquefoil or botanically known as Potentilla recta. This wildflower member of the Rosaceae family grows between 16 and 32 inches long with palmate leaves that have 5-7 leaflets on the lower parts of the plant and…
A New Camera is on Its Way!
Today I did something I’ve been thinking about for a while, I ordered a new camera! My old camera has been great, it’s an Olympus D-560, but I’ve been thinking that it was about time for an upgrade. I began taking quite a few garden pictures when I started up this blog back in October 2007 and would like to…
One Critical Thing to Do For Your Vegetable Garden This Summer!
The weather here in Tennessee is nothing if not unpredictable. Some will even say that the only thing predictable about the weather is that it is unpredictable! So gardeners are left trying to figure out how to best mitigate harsh conditions of any extreme. Two years ago we were facing floods that washed out gardens, homes, and upturned lives –…
Mulching a New Garden
This weekend’s weather was a sign that there really is a light at the end of this dark tunnel we call winter – and it’s not another trains headlight! Spring is coming and the warm weather that we’re having this week has me itching to get in the garden – which is exactly what I did over the weekend –…
5 Beginning Gardener Mistakes!
All of us experienced gardeners can tell you, you are going to make mistakes! It’s inevitable. No matter how much planning or forethought you put into your garden you WILL make a mistake! How’s that for thinking positively? You positively will make a mistake, and you know what? That’s OK! We’ve all done it – albeit some more than others…
A Late Weekend Gardening Update
I’m a little late in the weekend review post for this week. Mostly because of being so busy outdoors. Friday night was mowing night – I know most people make it into a movie night or something. Saturday morning was the Spring Hill Garden Club meeting and the rest of the day was spent doing non-gardening related but necessary errands….
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: New Autumn
This Garden Blogger fall Color Project Post is all about New Autumn, that is Autumn in New England and New York! If you travel to upstate New York to visit Kerri’s Garden at Colors of the Garden (a very appropriate name, don’t you think?) you will get a grand tour of the New York Countryside in October. Peak colors of…
Laying A Natural Stepping Stone Pathway
This spring on one corner of my house I installed a shade garden. I removed the old $30 builder special privet bush and put an oak leaf hydrangea in its place. I added astilbe, ferns, hostas, heucheras, and heucherellas. We traded at a plant swap for some variegated Soloman’s seal and added annuals like caladiums, coleus, and impatiens. What I…
Easy to grow, Low Maintenance Plants for the Garden
Over Christmas we traveled a little. Not much, we never go very far. We just visited with family. One evening a family member asked me if I knew of some attractive, easy to grow, low maintenance plants she could put in the front of her house. She wanted something she could plant that wouldn’t require a whole lot of time…
You Can Say I’m a Fan of The Ginkgo Tree (Picture Post)
The fan shaped leaves of the ginkgo are one of my favorite trees to watch in the fall. The leaves turn a bright gold that really is quite magical to see! You know what though? The summer leaves look pretty awesome too! Ginkgo biloba backlit with the sun.
Some more plants!
Today I stopped by one of our big box home improvement stores and visited the declining stock in their gardening area. I’ve mentioned before about the good deals you can find there and so today I found a couple deals! While they are desperately cleaning out their summer and autumn wears to make room for Christmas trees, I picked up…
How to Propagate Plum Trees from Hardwood Cuttings
Last year my plum tree was the victim of a savage deer rubbing attack. The bark was stripped all the way around the trunk leaving no possibility of water passing toward the top of the tree through the cambium layer. It was frustrating to say the least. Two varieties of plum trees are necessary for good cross pollination to produce…