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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Troy-Bilt 3100 PSI Pressure Washer Review (Sponsored)
Disclaimer: The following post is a sponsored review of the Troy-Bilt 3100 PSI Pressure Washer. All opinions are solely the opinion of the author who in exchange for goods and compensation was asked to do this review. There comes a time in the home garden when the house needs some work too. The house is (usually) the biggest structure in…
Sedum Signs of Spring
The signs of spring are coming up all over if you know where to look. In some cases like with the daffodils it’s obvious. Bright yellow flowers and buds are beginning to stand up for us to take notice. Other plants, like sedums, are beginning to show elements of growth. On the left is an unnamed sedum that I believe…
Gumdrop the Snowman and Other Snow Fun
Though I have not told her, I have officially named my wife’s snowman Gumdrop. You will see why when you look at the picture! The snow was dry and hard to pack. At least it was for a while, later in the day it melted some and snowmen of various shapes and sizes appeared through out the land as if…
Seed Starting Status Update #1 (Ornamental Seeds)
Here is the current list of seeds I have started so far. Only a few seedlings have popped up but more will come. It is still early and conditions outside are just now starting to warm up. I’m starting them in the garage under the cover of my mini-greenhouse and some plastic containers turned upside down as propagators. Spending $5.00…
Fiskars Hatchet and Billhook Review
It isn’t often I have a product to test in my garden where I actually say “Holy crap, this is awesome!” when no one else is around. Really. Products that good are really hard to come by because I’m fairly picky. A few weeks ago I was sent two items from Fiskars to try out. For disclaimer purposes I was…
One of My Favorite Garden Tools: My Swiss Army Knife
This may be an unusual tool to consider a garden tool but I have found my Swiss Army Knife very useful in the garden. As you probably know Swiss Army Knives have many useful attachments from the knife itself to toothpicks. I don’t use the toothpick at all but there are many other parts I use frequently. Disclaimer: Some affiliate…
How to Pot Up Rooted Cuttings
Once your plants have rooted they need potted up or planted. In most cases I will pot up the newly rooted cuttings to help them grow stronger and more established root systems before planting in the garden. Potting up cuttings is a very simple process but there are a few small things to keep in mind. For information on growing…
Save the Mums!
Mums are the staple of almost every household in the fall because of their abundant fall blossoms and varied array of colors. One thing many people don’t think about is that they are actually perennials. Some people realize this of course, but often people treat them as annuals only to buy them all over again next year. That is fine…
Red Foxes in the Garden
Last week I caught my first glimpse of something I have never seen before, a fox in my backyard. There was a little doubt in my mind when I saw it. Was it some sort of dog that resembled a fox or did I really seen one? I’ve never been fortunate enough to see one in the wild just in…
The Corner Shade Garden Through Time
The evolution of a garden is an interesting thing to look back at from time to time. For this month’s Gardening Gone Wild Garden Design Workshop: Made in the Shade I thought I would take a look back at where my corner shade garden was and where it is now. Here it is last year before most of the work…
My Garden’s Assassins (Assassin Bugs: A Beneficial Garden Insect)
Mother nature sends us all kinds of good things to help us with the bad, we just have to know where to look! Everyone knows about lady bugs and how beneficial they are too the garden but there are other little insects that can do a good job too. Take my recent discovery of assassin bugs for example. One day…
Two Shade Garden Plant Combinations I Like
Here is a post I meant to publish over a month ago and it just got lost in the abundance of things to talk about this growing season! I have added a couple updated pictures.In our corner shade garden we have hostas, heucheras, an oak leaf hydrangea, coleus, and astilbe. It’s fun to play around and see what plants look…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From Tennessee to the Blue Ridge Mountains
Today is a great day for fall color here in Tennessee. I went outside a few minutes ago and took some pictures for my Garden Blogger Fall Color Project Post which will come later this week. We also have a hat trick of fall color from several Tennessee bloggers!Peaceful and tranquil beauty grace the grounds of Gail’s Garden, the blogger…
The Best Way to Keep Green Onions Fresh
Green onions are a delicious topping to many soups and salads but they will go bad fast when stored in the refrigerator crisper drawer. However there is a way to keep green onions fresh for several weeks or more, and it’s so simple! To keep your green onions fresh put them with the bulb end down in a jar or…
Happy Halloween!
I’m a little late with the Halloween post but I hope you had a Happy Halloween!Here’s Little Jack*:Here’s Big Jack: Happy Halloween! *Little Jack was home grown from the vegetable garden. At least there was one pumpkin that was not smooshed!
Getting Things Done
Like everyone else this time of year my chore list seems monstrous, insurmountable, and just plain humongous. To write it all down would be a chore in itself. I suspect that if I did write it all down at one time it might look so large that I would just give up – probably not, I enjoy gardening too much…
Neglected is possibly the worst word you could use to describe a garden. It happens for many different reasons but the result is the same: weeds growing unkempt and uncontrolled while plantings get covered. It is quite possibly the most frustrating thing a gardener has to deal with but deal with it he or she must…eventually. As I write this…
Mimosa – Albizia julibrissin INVASIVE PLANT
Over the years travelers have brought back interesting plants from all over the world. Some plants are brought back because of their beauty. Other plants are brought to the U.S. to serve a purpose like roadway stabilization as in the case of Kudzu. Often these exotic plants from overseas become problematic. They can take over the local habitat in ways…