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Around Our Garden Landscape
This weekend after all the garden related chores were done for the day, and just before sunset came, I took a few photographs of how our gardens look this April. I still have mulching, pruning, weeding, and many other things to do but I thought it would be a good time to share some of our garden with you. These…
Gardening in 2008 or NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS (insert dramatic music here!)
Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year again when everyone thinks of how they can do things better than last year. What can they improve? What should they never, ever do ever again? People call them RESOLUTIONS (insert dramatic music here). While there are certainly things that I can do better and improve on, most of my goals…
Why Plant a Tree?
Why should you consider planting a tree? Aside from the more pleasurable aspects of trees like flowers, leaf color, and shade there are some significant scientific reasons.I found a very interesting site called the Colorado Tree Coalition that has listed some very important information about trees and what they really do. The Colorado Tree Coalition talks about carbon sequestration. Which…
A Look at the Backyard
Here’s a quick look at the backyard from our side yard area. Of course the ugly but necessary heat/AC unit sits on the right so please ignore that now that I’ve pointed it out and drawn your attention to it. 😉 On the left is a rain garden with a river birch and ornamental grasses. Caryopteris will form a blue…
One Big Tree
I like this picture for both the tree and for the sky in the background. This is a tulip poplar tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) located in our newly discovered territory. It’s a large tree and suffered some branch die back because of the drought of last summer. The branches were knocked down recently in one of our storms. The tulip poplar…
A Few Garden Images of March
If you follow Growing The Home Garden on Facebook you may have already seen some of these pictures! The garden is really coming alive thanks to the extra warm weather. This post is very garden picture heavy! See if you can identify the plants in each photo. Try not to cheat by looking at the file names of the images!…
Google Patent Search for Plants
Google Patent Search has probably been around for a little while but since it says Beta it may be a relatively recent development. The patent search makes it very easy to find patented inventions including plants. Just type in the name of your plant and instantly you are provided with the patent records. This could be extremely useful for those…
How to Make a Raised Bed from Metal Roofing Materials DIY
Recently I put together my newest raised bed. I was inspired by some pictures I’ve seen lately where metal roofing materials were used for the sides. It was a very cool look that I wanted to see if I could replicate for my garden. Plus metal materials last longer than lumber for raised beds. I went to the store and…
Framing the Cosmos – Photo Post
Cosmos in the self-sowing garden framed by a decorative feature of the arbor. Also in the garden: Celosia, ‘Blue Bedder’ Salvia, Verbena bonariensis, sunflowers, coneflowers.
Aphids and Spirea Don’t Mix
Imagine my puzzlement when I glanced at one of my two spireas and saw empty branches. This was a plant that was flushing out with its reddish amber to golden leaves just a couple days ago. The leaves around the tips were completely intact but some of the stems were nearly naked. What caused this damage? Aphids! What do Aphids…
How to Get More Plants for Your Money
As everyone does I like bargains – especially when it comes to plants. I’m always looking for plant sales at local nurseries and of course the big box stores. Sometimes I find deals on the discount racks then try to save the wayward plant. Often those plants are just neglected and need a little TLC and they become good as…
Rooting Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum Propagation)
Arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) is one of my favorite shrubs (among too many to list) for good reason! It’s easy to grow, it’s dark glossy leaves change to various colors in red hues during the fall, and it provides nourishment in the form of berries for our local avian population. This variety is called ‘Morton’, a ‘Northern Burgundy®’ viburnum which…
Greenhouse Update
I just posted another greenhouse update that includes pictures of the new trim that is enclosing the eaves and along roof line. It’s progressing nicely and the roof is all enclosed! Post: Greenhouse Roof Finally Enclosed
Harvesting Basil
Earlier this week we had a light frost which meant it was time to collect the basil leaves! Without any real hope of the basil leaves surviving the sub 32 degree temperatures I gathered as much as I could. I brought the leaves inside and made pesto. The 6 cups of loosely packed basil I gathered ended up making only…
Looking Longingly at Lycopersicon!
Those hot days of summer are here again, and while were all complaining about our excess perspiration, lack of precipitation, and all kinds of heat related aggravation – good things are growing. Take the terrific tomato for example! Botanically speaking the tomato is known as Lycopersicon esculentum but I’ll just stick with tomato — or as those here in the…
2013 Home Garden Project List
Every year I write down my ideas for gardening projects. It helps me to put down some thoughts and map out where my garden needs to go throughout the season. I won’t be able to accomplish every project on the list but it does give me some direction. At the end of the year I’ll go back and see how…
Friday Garden Photo Free For All!
Yesterday I spent some time out in the garden with my 3 year old daughter. We dug, we raked, we planted, we played with worms, simply put … we gardened! Here are just a few photos from our time outdoors in the beautiful weather and in the garden. (Oh and just so you know “free for all” doesn’t mean you…
Nashville Lawn & Garden Show 2015: Wine Festival
26th Annual Nashville Lawn & Garden Show 2015 Nashville Lawn & Garden Show Announces Wine Festival Wine Festival occurs on Saturday, March 7 during the 4-day Show Nashville, TN – The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show will partner with the Tennessee Farm Winegrowers Alliance to present a one-day-only Wine Festival during its traditional four-day Show at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. …