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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Still Hanging in There!
This time of year it’s interesting to see which plants are still performing well. If we pay attention to how things perform and how long they last we can make better decisions when designing our gardens with plants in the future. If you want to extend the foliage we need to note which plants have long lasting foliage. The same…
New Garden Additions
This weekend was the annual Bloom ‘N Garden Expo at the Williamson County Agricultural Center. You can bet that when there are plants and me in the same location I’ll end up coming home with something! When going to these festivals I make two rules for myself with purchases. One, the purchase has to be something I don’t have and…
A Touch of Whimsy in the Garden
This month’s Garden Design workshop at Gardening Gone Wild is all about Whimsy in the Garden. Unfortunately my garden is not the most whimsical that you will find, in fact far from it. My sense of whimsical garden implements dodges the garden gnomes and household items that other gardeners are prone to plant amongst the hostas and heucheras. Truthfully there…
Around Our Garden Landscape
This weekend after all the garden related chores were done for the day, and just before sunset came, I took a few photographs of how our gardens look this April. I still have mulching, pruning, weeding, and many other things to do but I thought it would be a good time to share some of our garden with you. These…
Coasting into the Fall
Do you know the feeling you have when everything major is accomplished for a while and you have nothing pressing that needs accomplished? You may still have chores and tasks that need done but it’s more maintenance than giant projects that constantly beckon for your attention. After hosting our garden club meeting where I lectured about building an arbor and…
The Ultimate Fall Flower
Is this the ultimate fall flower? Yellow Mums According to Robert Bornstein via Twitter and Stephanie via Facebook Or is this it? Goldenrod (Solidago) According to Suzy via Twitter Or is this it? Shasta Daisy According to Joyce via Facebook Or is it something else? What is the ultimate fall flower? Bloggers please remember the Fall Color Project!!!
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From the Midwest!
Here are two more great fall color posts for the Garden Blogger fall Color Project. These two posts come to us from the mid-west specifically Chicago, Illinois and Iowa.Mr. McGregor’s Daughter in Chicago, Illinois is observing some really fantastic fall color. The red oaks are competing with the maples for an extraordinary autumn show. Usually the maples win hands down…
A Pot Garden?
The other day I wrote a post about protecting your plants from a freeze. I followed what I preached and came through with no frost damage on my covered plants. I think Tennessee is now officially in the clear! I came away with these interesting shots. A new kind of pot garden?
Thinking About The Future Vegetable Garden
Recently I went over to our property and filmed a short video showing where our vegetable garden could eventually be. It’s fun to imagine the good that the future holds but at the same time it’s frustrating that we aren’t already digging in that dirt! I have all kinds of ideas in mind for the gardens. Edible vegetable areas, fruit…
The First Daffodil of 2013
Every year I show off the first daffodil to bloom in my garden. This year, I have to say, my first daffodil is less than impressive. The cold and wet weather has put a damper on the beauty of this little yellow flower. So far it’s the only one in bloom that I have seen but I haven’t fully explored…
The Border Garden – with a Border!
This summer heat, humidity, and assorted family issues have kept me behind in most of my goals. One of which was expanding the side border garden so that the caryopteris wasn’t completely absorbing the whole area. I tend to take a more conservative approach to pruning my caryopteris and consequently I didn’t prune them back enough this spring. They responded…
What Would Thanksgiving Be Without The Nuts?
You know the story. Everyone travels to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. All the family gets together and stuffs their bellies full with turkey, ham, potatoes, numerous sides, and of course the stuffing (oh wait we call that dressing down here in the south ;)). And of course, you know it’s true, every family has one or two, and sometimes many…
Timing (Your Seeds) is Everything! (Seed Sowing 101)
We’ve talked about how to pick your seeds and we’ve talked a little about the soil to use, but when should you start your seeds? This is when good planning comes into play. You want your seeds ready to go when it’s safe to plant but you don’t want to start them too early, so how do you figure that? …
The Rain Garden
Here you can find links to my posts about building a rain garden.The First Step to RecoveryDigging the Rain GardenWorking on the Rain GardenThe Rain Garden is Almost DonePlanting the Rain Garden(still to come)
Free Seed Packet Template (Basic)
I mentioned earlier today in a post on Facebook about using homemade seed packets as a gift idea for stocking stuffers. You can read more about that type of seed packet in this post: using wrapping paper for homemade seed packets. If you want a more typical style of seed packet that you can customize I put together a simple…
What Blooms in May in My Tennessee Garden?
Here is what blooms in my Tennessee garden in May 2010. There’s always a lot to see this time of year and I’m sure I’ve missed some things but here we go! Red AchilleaPatio Garden – Garden Shed in the background Achillea, Phlox pilosa, and Catmint CombinationDeck Garden – The irises here are done but the foliage still remains. Nepeta…
My Overwintering Coleus
‘Henna’ Coleus When the outside temperatures began to drop in the fall I knew there were a few tender plants that I wanted to preserve for next year like my coleus. I brought 2 varieties of coleus indoors in the hopes of planting them again in the Spring of 2011 and both are doing good! I put the pot near…
5 Garden Things to Do This Weekend (Zone 6-7)
Our garden sits precariously between zone 6b and 7. We’re in a very borderline area with multiple micro-climates within the 1.3 acres of land we have around us. We’re far enough into the warm season now that the frosts should not happen again until fall, but then we thought we were done with frosts over a month ago! This weekend…