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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Clearing a Shady Area for a Garden
In the very back of our property we have a shady area. It’s about the only shady area that has occured naturally in our landscape. A mixture of walnut, sassafras, hackberry, and maple trees create a shade area that until recently was completely unusable! It was a problem area in our landscape which I thought would make a great subject…
Garden Design Ideas: Salvia with a Red Backdrop
On my trip to the Vizcaya gardens in Miami I saw this salvia (Salvia leucantha/Mexican Bush sage) and thought it was a perfect way to display it – against a red backdrop. This salvia was located in front of a large patio area made from limestone blocks facing Biscayne Bay. The faded red from the side of the patio is…
Mid March Seedling Update! (Seed Sowing Saturday)
I thought with this Seed Sowing Saturday post I would update you on how my seeds are coming more so than talk about new seeds. In fact I can sum up the new stuff in with simple sentence: I sowed ‘Rudbeckia Cappuccino’, ‘Starlight’ Coneflower, and Penstemon. There, that was easy! I’ve been busily getting the garden ready outdoors this week…
Coral Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Coral Red honeysuckle or Lonicera sempervirens is the honeysuckle you want – I mean really want- not the other kind. You probably have honeysuckle somewhere near you right now. It’s white, smells pretty good, and it may even be right behind you as you read this, don’t look! Lonicera japonica knows you are there, it’s waiting to spread and take…
And The Winner Is…
This week has been an interesting one! I’m amazed and astounded by the sheer number of comments generated for the compost bin giveaway from Clean Air Gardening. At the cut-off time for the drawing there were 120 valid entries (Nancy’s, of Leaping Greenly, doesn’t count since she’s Canadian but I always appreciate her comments!). Here’s how the drawing worked: I…
Among the many chores I mentioned in my last post was the toppling of several large trees. There were three trees in that were dead and needed removal. At some point recently one of the branches of the trees fell and speared the ground below to a depth of 6-8 inches. To keep the trees in such a state in…
How Would You Like $100? (Giveaway!)
How would you like $100 to use in your garden? If you would then this might be your lucky day! Recently The Home Depot spotted me a little gift card to accomplish a little project in my yard and now they are offering one to you worth $100. I only have one card to give away so to decide who…
March Garden To-Do List for Zone 7
Here in zone 7 spring is showing signs of emergence. Daffodils are beginning to bloom, crocuses are popping up, and the weather is teasing us with 70 degree days (immediately following 4 inches of snow and 10 degree weather!) It’s time to seriously get ready for gardening! With that being said here is a list of things to do for…
Compost Tumbler Contest Last Call!
Don’t forget that Friday is the last day to enter the compost tumbler giveaway sponsored by Clean Air Gardening. At the time of my writing this reminder there are 95 entries and the competition is fierce! It just shows that gardeners know how important composting is for our gardens. I do want to thank Clean Air Gardening for offering the…
Designing the Winter Garden: An Asymmetrical Plan
Here is the second of the two hand drawn sketches of my winter garden layout. The first one was symmetrical. This layout uses mostly the same plants just puts them in different places. One addition to this plan is a miscanthus that I originally planted in the Japanese Maple garden. It was only placed there temporarily until a better spot…
5 Garden Chores I Need To Do
This time of year I’m always overwhelmed by the massive amount of work that needs done in the garden. This blog sometimes helps me to keep organized when I put together a list of those garden things to do. 5 Fall Garden Chores I Need to Do in My Garden Clean up the vegetable garden. It’s overgrown from too many…
A Farewell to a Feline Friend
It was springtime in 1999. The day was warm and the windows were open in my college apartment. I was in my upstairs bedroom reading a book and had left the backdoor open to create a cross flow of air through the apartment. Motion in my bedroom door caught my eye and the little tortoiseshell colored cat was walking into…
How Long Does It Take Roundup to Break Down in the Soil?
There are lot of home and garden products that a gardener can choose to use in the garden. Not all of them are good to use frequently and should only be used sparingly or not all all. Roundup is one of those types of chemicals. It accomplishes its goal very well but will leave residue in the soil. Here is…
5 Ways to Help the Garden Survive Droughts
Drought tolerant Purple Coneflower It’s June and already we’re suffering drought conditions. The weather around us is more like late July and August than June with temperatures ten degrees higher than normal and no rain. We are dry as a bone. Last night I watched as a huge rain cloud dissipated into nothing before it made it to our garden…
Rainy Day Cuttings
Today and yesterday it rained. While it wasn’t the nice steady soaking rain that every gardener dreams of it also wasn’t the wimpy little sprinkles that tantalize the taste buds of the drought worried plant person. It was somewhere in between. Hopefully a little more rain will fall tomorrow as I can envision our tomatoes growing to the size of…
Saturday Sunsets
Saturday Sunsets and Silhouettes of CedarsSubscribe to The Home GardenStumble it!
10 Great Ways to Use Your Fall Leaves in the Garden
With fall almost here it’s time to start thinking about gardening chores and the task that most people have to do in some way is deal with the leaves. What do you do with the leaves is an important question. For way too long many people have burned them which to me is the worst possible way to dispose of…
Winter Garden Plants
When you look out at your garden in the winter what do you see? Is it dull and drab with little or no interest? Or does it have something in it that pops and makes your garden standout in the neighborhood? What might be the difference between that boring winter landscape and the awesome winter garden is the plants. Winter…