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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The November Vegetable Garden
It’s finally time to get the chore to end all chores done: cleaning up the vegetable garden. After a year of intermittent neglect, frustration, summer heat, and family tragedy it is definitely time to put this year’s garden under wraps. Mostly under wraps that is. We actually have a crop of greens on the way to help feed the family…
Cornus Florida at Sunset
In the light of the fading sun the shadows of the dogwood (Cornus florida) flowers rest lightly upon the bracts.
My Vegetable Garden To-do List
Guess what? June is here, we’re even a week into it, and I still haven’t gotten my vegetable garden completely ready! It’s frustrating to say the least. I’ve been so busy making plants for other people, selling at a local farmer’s market, and recovering from a nasty family sinus virus that I just haven’t been able to get out there…
5 Essential Vegetable Garden Chores
It’s planting time in many areas of the country and many gardeners are just starting their first gardens. Figuring out just what to do in the garden can get a little overwhelming for beginning gardeners so here are 5 essential garden chores that gardeners can do to maximize their success! 11 Things to Consider When Designing a Raised Bed Vegetable…
Feels Like a Fall Morning
This morning’s cool temperatures made it feel like my favorite season is well on its way. Of course autumn is coming but the extra cool August temperatures we’re having have me hoping for an extended fall season. Here’s a look at a few things from around the garden this morning! ‘Arizona Sun’ Gaillardia – Blanket Flower is a good native…
Why Do Tomatoes Crack?
Everyone loves a good tomato but sometimes there are problems. Take cracking in tomatoes for instance. Cracking in tomatoes might seem concerning but the answer to why this happens is very simple: inconsistent moisture! Often tomato cracking can appear when there has been a dry spell followed by significant rainfall. The fix is also very simple, be more consistent with…
Gardening Before Breakfast
In the south it’s a necessity to get up early to get outside for gardening. Any delay into the mid-morning will result in unnecessary suffering due to the heat and humidity! This morning was already very humid before 8 AM. In the summer it is much worse and this morning’s humidity is just a sign of rain on it’s way….
5 Essential Things to Know About Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
Everyone starts somewhere with a vegetable garden. You can’t instantly have the garden of your dreams. That dream garden has to come together bit by bit, a little each day. That goes for experienced gardeners as well as those just starting their first vegetable garden. It’s just the nature of gardening. You don’t receive instant gratification but each day you…
Anticipating the Vegetables
I just can’t wait. Pretty soon the tomatoes will be ripening and we’ll be pulling them from the vine as fast as we can. Unfortunately the hard part of gardening is learning patience for we still have to wait. It takes time for things to grow and mature and you have to grow to appreciate the process from seed to…
Photos from Around the Garden in February
This are warming up again around our Tennessee garden this February. While I’m writing this post spring-like storms are pouring down outside. February again seems more like March than February! But that’s how it is sometimes with our weather patterns in TN. We get some crazy stuff sometimes. The unseasonable warmth has given rise to many things that would normally…
A Few Garden Chores Accomplished
While the girls were at their grandparent’s house today I was able to get quite a bit done in the yard. Here’s the list of accomplishments in no particular order: Picked a handful of beans (this morning.) Mowed the yard with the riding mower, the trim mower and trimmed with the weedeater. Mowed a new pathway into our slope area…
How to Propagate Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Ninebark (Physocarpus) is a beautiful garden shrub that grows up to around 10 ft tall in the right location. Many varieties of ninebark have been developed for gardeners including ‘Diabolo’™/’Diablo’™ and ‘Coppertina’™ and can be a great addition to add a nice copper color to your garden foliage. Ninebark can also be very easy to propagate more of from cuttings….
I Need Your Help!
Today is the day. The day when the challenge is evaluated by friends, family, and fellow bloggers through online voting at BHG.com and I need your help to win. The projects have been done and everyone has done a fantastic job by bringing us slick porch remodels, an elegant potting bench, a cool barbecue cart, and my personal favorite: a…
Fall Color Project: A Walk Through the Park
For today’s Fall Color Posts we have three garden bloggers who all decided to take their photography skills on a walk through the park. Of course since the bloggers live it different states it was not the same park but one thing was the same, awesome photography and great fall color! Oh wait…that was two things… oh well, just go…
Shrubs for Fall Color (Fall Color Project 2010)
While I’m not officially wrapping up the Fall Color Project for this year the entries do seem to be slowing down! More and more leaves are finding their way to the ground, hopefully to become mulch or compost as nature intended! Today’s entry comes from the blog Garden Sense and shares with us the gorgeous colors that fall foliage brings…
Powdery Mildew and How to Fix It!
This Sunday’s weather was gorgeous. A little cooler than we’ve been having but a great day to get out and get some big jobs done. I spent much of the day mowing and preparing the vegetable garden then went around taking pictures of the gardens. Things are coming along nicely but there was one issue I’m not too pleased about:…
5 Favorite Heucheras Varieties To Grow in the Garden
Over the years I’ve planted quite a few heucheras for my garden. Heucheras or coral bells are becoming more and more popular as a wide array of unique cultivars continue to come on the market. You might even think that heucheras are relatively new to the horticultural world when in fact they’ve been tinkered with by horticulturalists since the late…
Clearing a Shady Area for a Garden
In the very back of our property we have a shady area. It’s about the only shady area that has occured naturally in our landscape. A mixture of walnut, sassafras, hackberry, and maple trees create a shade area that until recently was completely unusable! It was a problem area in our landscape which I thought would make a great subject…