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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Grow Project: ‘Spitfire’ Nasturium Take Two

    Sometimes everything is grand and the garden grows so well that the gardener efforts are minimal but other times the garden seems to want to thwart the will of the gardener. The latter case is true at least so far for my nasturtiums. When I last mentioned our rising protagonists they were planted surrounding the garden obelisk near my side…

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    I’m Over There Too!

    Every now and then I’ll be doing some posts for another blog called Complete Organizing Solutions. Tanna, the author of the blog, has invited several other bloggers to do a post every once a month or so to add greater diversity to her site. Can you guess what I’ll be talking about? And no, it’s not how to organize your…

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    Planting a Hemlock Privacy Screen (Tsuga canadensis)

    Here’s a picture of our eastern property line. Along the line we placed 4 Canadian hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) about 8 feet apart to create a border hedge and privacy screen. The hemlocks will eventually fill together and create a nice soft evergreen screen for that side of the house. I would like to make this area into a woodland corridor…

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    Planting in Three Dimensions (3D)

    When you plant a tree there are many things to consider about its location. The amount of sun it needs, the soil qualities and the size of the plant are some things that need to be considered. When you think about the size of the plant you need to think in three dimensions: the height of the tree, the diameter…

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    grass clippings as a mulch

    How to Use Grass Clippings to Start a New Garden

    Recently we moved into a new home. With a new home comes many challenges. With respect to the garden we are dealing with a blank slate to cultivate. Starting new gardens is a fun and challenging prospect but while doing so it is important to create these gardens in a way that will nurture them and help them grow in…

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    5 Essential Things to Know About Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

    Everyone starts somewhere with a vegetable garden.  You can’t instantly have the garden of your dreams. That dream garden has to come together bit by bit, a little each day.  That goes for experienced gardeners as well as those just starting their first vegetable garden.  It’s just the nature of gardening.  You don’t receive instant gratification but each day you…

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    Companion Planting and Raised Beds (A Growing Challenge Post)

    I’ve been planning my raised bed garden for a while now and now I’ve come to another phase. Figuring out how to plant the garden. I’m planning on using a technique called companion planting. Carol at May Dreams Gardens mentioned this a couple weeks ago although she called it Three Sisters gardening. It’s concept is pretty simple, plant plants that…

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    Anticipating the Vegetables

    I just can’t wait. Pretty soon the tomatoes will be ripening and we’ll be pulling them from the vine as fast as we can. Unfortunately the hard part of gardening is learning patience for we still have to wait. It takes time for things to grow and mature and you have to grow to appreciate the process from seed to…

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    Chilly Days and Things to Do

    There’s not much happening on the greenhouse right now – it’s too cold! I walked out this afternoon to see if I could add some weather stripping to the front windows but it was too cold to add them as it needed to be higher than 40 degrees, or so said the packaging. This time of the year it should…

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    July and Some Summer Blooms

    To say that this month has been difficult is an understatement. My time in the garden has been minimal and its current state is more akin to a wild meadow (and that’s being kind) than a well tended garden at the moment. Fortunately we still have some very reliable blooming flowers to show for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day. I’ve included…

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    Making Gardening Plans

    I do a lot of thinking. Too much probably but I have ideas and they have to work themselves out in my head or in the garden one way or another!  The gardening “off-season” is when I plan.  It’s when I take those thoughts in my head and entertain them before discarding the impractical ones.  You know, like the idea…

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    A Morning Walk Around the Yard

    Periodically I like to walk around the yard to see what there is to see. I was out around 7:30 this morning and took these pictures of the yard. The plants are really showing their eagerness for the spring season.I don’t think many people consider maple trees for their flowers but maybe we should all take a closer look. The…

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    Advantages of a Self Sowing Garden

    One of my projects this year is a self seeding garden. I showed you in yesterday’s post what I’ve done so far and I mentioned a few of my personal reasons for planting a self sowing garden but since that post I thought of a few more general ideas why someone might want to consider planting one.1. Cost – seeds…

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    Marigolds are a Must Plant Annual, Here’s Why

    This post will begin a series of several posts that I believe are “must have” garden plans! These are plants that I think are great for the garden in some way. Maybe they are beneficial for growing other plants, have some important benefits, maybe in the case of vegetable produce are delicious, or are simply beautiful plants to have around!…

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    5 Activities Children Can Do In The Vegetable Garden

    Kids in the garden are funny creatures. Although your kids may be too young to do many of the garden chores that need done it’s important to get them out there not only to learn but to get fresh air. Gardening is an invaluable educational tool because children can learn how to do things, procedures, why things are done a…

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    Sustaining Fresh Basil Over Winter with Basil Cuttings!

    One of my goals this “offseason” (as if there ever really is!) is to maintain a constant supply of fresh basil from November to April. I could do this by simply planting a sequential crop of basil seeds every couple months. This will work but I have an easier way! Basil is one of those nifty plants that grows roots…

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    Things to Know About Using Woodchips and Leaves in the Garden

    If you are a gardener you have probably heard people talking about how great woodchips are. That is probably because they are a very good resource for building up organic matter. Woodchips and leaves are also very easy to acquire and and best of all cheap! Woodchips do have a few drawbacks but if you are aware of those you…

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    Garden Mystery Closeup Photography

    Can you identify the picture below? I’ve zoomed in and removed the color to make your guess a little more difficult but I think you can handle it! Email your guess to The Home Garden so that we can retain a little mystery and give everyone a chance to guess! If you get it right you’ll get a link to…

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings