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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Finally a Decent Evening
Wilted ‘Oranges and Lemons’ Gaillardia As most of you already know the weather here has been abysmal. Temperatures have been in the mid to upper 90’s frequently with little rain to cool things off or water the plants. In most cases I’ve let the plants fend for themselves. Many are drought resistant/tolerant and should come out OK in the end…
Fall Color Project: More Autumn Art
Up in Michigan Joey has posted some really cool collages for the Fall Color Project. The colors from the maples and other trees around her town couldn’t have been painted more vividly with any paintbrush. It’s a palette of autumn color that awaits you at The Village Voice! The colors have officially reached their peak here in Tennessee. Over at…
A Photographic Moment: Morning Sun Peeking
A morning sun picture taken on Saturday October 4th, 2008.
My Vegetable Garden Video Update!
Since I bought my new toy (a Sony Handycam HDR-CX130) I’ve been playing around with filming my garden in different areas. I have to admit – talking to a camera by oneself while wandering around your garden is a weird sensation. I’m convinced that my neighbors already think I’m crazy and I doubt video recording my garden is going to…
3 Garden Chores to Do in Fall for Spring!
It’s that time of year again, time to think about spring! Yes, I said that right. Spring! Fall is almost here but if you want to maximize the potential of your garden next year fall is the best time to get some work done. The autumn leaves will be changing soon and now is the best time to get some…
Still Waiting on ‘Clara Curtis’ and the Winner Is…
I figured since you’ve been waiting in anticipation for the winner of the $50 Lowe’s Gift Card from Lowe’s Creative Ideas that I would share with you a picture of something I’m waiting on – ‘Clara Curtis’ mums to bloom. These beautiful daisy flowered mum that I received at a plant swap several years ago have grown and spread into…
First Snowfall?
I’m not sure how this snowfall counts. Would it be the first one in Middle Tennessee? Would it even be enough to count? I’m not sure, I only know that we did not receive what our northern neighbors have been gifted with this December!I know it disappointed my two year old daughter who asked me several times to make a…
Over the Weekend
This weekend was a busy one and not even really in the garden. The garden chores that need attention are significant but sometimes I actually have to get out of the garden to do other things! Hard to believe but it’s true! This weekend had me shopping for materials on Friday night until 9:00 at the local home improvement store…
Early May Garden (Grapes, Irises, Dappled Willow)
I went out to water plants in the garden this morning and thought it was a good time to show you how the garden was growing this morning. So far the first week of May have been warm and sunny and the garden is responding accordingly. Here is what you can see in our zone 6b garden this spring: Our…
Greenhouse Project: Feeling Closed In
It’s time for another backyard greenhouse shed update and I’m excited about this one! You might ask why am I so excited…the doors have been set! This is when I can see that everything is starting to look like I originally intended. The front doors are on after a little bit of repair work. We shaved off an inch of…
5 Easy To Propagate Plants from Cuttings
One of my greatest gardening pleasures is that of making a new plant, for free! Well I don’t actually do the work the plant does, but knowing how to give the plant the optimum conditions for rooting is important for success! The plants I’m listing today for The Friday Fives are easy to propagate plants from cuttings. In case you…
Building a Vertical Garden Arbor with Gutters! (Part 1)
Recently the folks at Lowe’s Creative Ideas asked me if I could put together a once a month project using products I found at Lowe’s that fit a specific theme. Of course since I enjoy doing these types of projects around the garden I jumped at the chance! This month they wanted a project centered around the theme:”Pots and Plants”. …
November 2011 Grow Project Update
November finds my GROW project seeds from Renee’s Seeds pretty much finished. We’ve had 3-4 frosts which have brought the end to my ‘Yellow Splash’ Marigold and ‘Italian Cameo’ Basil plants. Both of these two annuals did very well in my garden. The basil was tasty and able to take a fair amount of neglect (it’s been a busy year…
Reusing an Old Wheelbarrow and a $50 Gift Card Giveaway to Lowe’s!
A couple weeks ago I saw a picture posted on Facebook with a display of sedums all planted in an old wheelbarrow. It was a pretty creative idea to re-use a wheelbarrow that may have just been discarded and turn it into something of interest. This gave me an idea for my latest project for Lowe’s Creative Ideas. The theme…
Putting Siding on the Greenhouse Shed
It’s been a little while since my last greenhouse shed update but things are coming along. It’s been difficult to deal with the cold temperatures and find suitable days to work but that’s the challenge of working on an outdoor project in the winter. Lately we’ve been focusing on applying siding to the solid areas of the building. I picked…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2008
The fifteenth of every month is Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day hosted and originated by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Please take a look at the plants blooming in our garden then go see what’s blooming in other gardens across the world!The trees and shrubs:Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)Propagating crape myrtlesButterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii)The Perennials:Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)More on Russian sage.Propagating Russian…
Bees in the ‘Yoshino’ Cherry Trees
What is my favorite tree? That’s a hard question to answer, since there are so many trees that I enjoy. Some trees provide fruit, other trees, shade, and others flowers which makes them hard to pick a single favorite. I have to categorize. In the spring for the flowering trees I would have to say my favorites are the cherry…
Think Ahead About the Spring Garden – Create a Garden Schedule
We’re still in the middle of winter and the weather outside is bitter cold as I’m writing this post but that doesn’t mean gardening should be out of your mind. Now is the perfect time to get your garden plan together for 2016 so that you can maximize your yields and minimize your workload! Today I’ll walk you through my…