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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
5 Fall Vegetables for Your Garden
Fall is creeping closer and closer each day which brings to mind cool evening breezes, pumpkins, festivals, the Fall Color Project (more on that later), and of course the fall vegetable growing season. Most gardeners seem to garden almost exclusively in the spring or summer and don’t even consider the fall. It’s probably since starting plants this time of year…
How to Propagate Holly Trees and Shrubs
It is pretty exciting to see a new holly cutting coming to life! This holly cutting is probably the Buford holly (Ilex cornuta) which is a popular one in the home landscape. We actually have four of them left out in out front area off the porch that came with the house. One other holly met an early demise courtesy…
Garden Photography: Asters and Butterflies (with my new camera!)
Thursday I got my new camera and of course I couldn’t wait to get outside and take a few pictures to test it! Let me just say that I am impressed with this Nikon D40. The pictures are much more clear and precise. The camera just functions better than our old Olympus. I’ll still use the old camera from for…
Scenes from the Self Sowing Garden
One of the projects I’ve been cultivating this year is my self-sowing garden. Part of the motivation for this garden is due to its location. Nearby is a gas utility line and I didn’t want to plant anything here that I would feel bad about removing should the need arise, but I still wanted plants that looked great. Nearly every…
St. Patrick’s Day: Anything Green
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day here is my Anything Green Post! You are welcome to join in and post anything that is green and growing in your gardens in the month of March!Here’s the tour of what’s green in my gardens.The daffodils in my yard are still green while most of the other daffodils I have seen in our area…
Corner Shade Garden Then (2008) and Now (2011)
Three years ago I redid a corner spot along our house and turned it into a shade garden. Two plants were present when I started to install the shade garden: a privet (ligustrum) and a cedar tree. I removed the privet mostly because I didn’t like it and removed the cedar due to a bagworm infestation I had early last…
How to Propagate Plum Trees from Hardwood Cuttings
Last year my plum tree was the victim of a savage deer rubbing attack. The bark was stripped all the way around the trunk leaving no possibility of water passing toward the top of the tree through the cambium layer. It was frustrating to say the least. Two varieties of plum trees are necessary for good cross pollination to produce…
My Kids are Weird, and I’m Proud
My daughters from 2009 – Ages 2 and 4 My kids are kind of strange. Of course I know what you’re thinking, all kids are a little weird. They have their quirks, their unique traits that will eventually turn them in to unique adults. That’s not the kind of weird I’m talking about. While visiting family over the Christmas season…
Birds of Prey
Wild animals have always fascinated me and I think there are not many that have the beauty and majestic nature of the birds of prey. While we were at the Bloom ‘N Garden Expo on Saturday there was a table set up from a wildlife rescue group. I wish I remembered the name of the group so I could give…
The First Snowfall of 2011
Technically my title is completely incorrect! We did have snow in January and February but this is the first snowfall of the coming winter season. And technically this isn’t even officially winter yet. I’m just breaking all the rules for this post! I’m going wild! Anyway…yesterday we had a light snowfall. It was the kind of snow that was so…
More on GM Seeds
Last week the idea of genetically modified seeds popped up due to a seed giveaway I was hosting. I mentioned that it would be a good topic for further discussion and recently Susy at Chiot’s Run put together a great post explaining everything that you need to know about GM seeds. It’s frustrating to realize that a large seed conglomerate…
Aphids and Spirea Don’t Mix
Imagine my puzzlement when I glanced at one of my two spireas and saw empty branches. This was a plant that was flushing out with its reddish amber to golden leaves just a couple days ago. The leaves around the tips were completely intact but some of the stems were nearly naked. What caused this damage? Aphids! What do Aphids…
15 Plants to Start in August for Fall in Tennessee
It may not seem to be the right time to be thinking about fall but it is! Temperatures are still in the 90’s here in Middle Tennessee but we have to get those fall seeds started and now is the time. Growing plants from seeds requires enough time to maturity to make sure you can have an abundant crop. Below…
Fall Color in the South: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
Today we have three bloggers who have fall color to share! All three reside in the south and have a wide array of color to show. Those of us who live in the south enjoy the mild winters and long growing season which of course means the fall color lasts much later into the year. As I look out into…
A Garden Trip to Savannah Georgia
This is a paid endorsement. I have been compensated and provided with products free of charge in return for my honest opinion. All opinions are 100% my own! If you’ve followed Growing the Home Garden for a while know then you might remember that I’ve worked with Troy-Bilt as a member of the Saturday6. Through Troy-Bilt I’ve had the opportunity…
Growing Crocus in the Garden
These particular crocuses were tiny little bulbs (actually corms) that we planted outside of our apartment in east Tennessee. We didn’t have much space to do anything and just experimented with a few just to see if we could get a little color along our short walkway. They would pop up in the early spring and give us a little…
My Vegetable Garden is Started!
Lately I’ve been working on getting everything up and running with my vegetable garden. I followed the raised bed layout I made and filled the beds several weeks ago. I’ve already planted lettuce, tomatoes, marigolds, peppers, beans, cucumbers, watermelon, catmint, and squash. In the picture to the right you can see the little cucumber sprouts popping up through the soil….
Weekend Update
It’s been a busy weekend. We’ve been out of town since Friday visiting the in-laws house. I spent much of the weekend working on their landscape trying to get some things ready for the wedding in July. My task has been to spruce up various areas that will be around the wedding. I won’t be doing any flower arranging just…