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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Why They Call It Beautyberry!
If you every wondered exactly why the beautyberry is called a beautyberry I’ll give you two words: “Beauty” and “berry!” These beautiful purple clusters of purple berries are well worth the wait each year for the autumn display. I’ve added several new beautyberries from cuttings to my garden this year and can’t wait until their display matches the first one…
The Birdbath Garden: Then and Now
Here’s the second second of my “waiting on spring” posts called The Garden: Then and Now. The first one featured the Deck Garden, this one is all about the Birdbath Garden. The birdbath garden originated with a little copper birdbath we were given years ago. It was designed to hook onto a deck railing on the back porch but we…
Blooms, Buds, Branches, and Bark
What do winter blooms, buds, bark and branches all have in common? You will have to look at the end of this post to find out. See if you can guess!The Winter BloomsThe henbit in our area is beginning to show signs of blooming. Masses of little tiny flowers will over take yards creating a purple carpet for spring.The lone…
Rock this Way!
Rocks are a great landscape feature to add to your yard and garden. They come in all sizes and don’t need any real maintenance. You can put moss on the rocks or let them rest as silent monoliths watching over your garden. You can use them for edging, for paving stones, stepping stones, and retaining walls. There are just so…
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 2008 Review
Since I have very little to show for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day in December I’ll display a review of each Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day post over 2008 that I’ve done. Inside this post you will see one or two pictures from each post that in my view are the best of the blooms. Unfortunately I missed a few months like…
The Front Sidewalk Garden in May
One of the coolest things about gardening is that every month brings a new scene. Different plants come to the forefront while others fade away leaving either seed heads or simply foliage in their place. Some may disappear completely among the foliage or die back to the ground revealing new fresh plantings that are coming into their own while some…
Plantings Around the Garden Shed
In my last post on the garden shed page I mentioned that I would show you in two parts the plantings. Well…I’m afraid I may have to expand that to three, we’ll see! After taking some pictures today and on previous days I’m happily astounded by the neat stuff I’m seeing. Please don’t take that as bragging since most of…
Winter’s Light: Shadow Play
The Gardening Gone Wild photo contest for February is all about Winter Light. The picture below is my entry which I took from our upstairs window out across the yard. I’m calling it Shadow Play, you can probably figure out why! The shadows of the ice covered trees are dancing across the backyard and the children’s playset creating an unusual…
The Fall Color Project: Fall Colour in the UK!
It’s time for the Fall Color Project to officially begin with our first participant! When the fall colors peak in your area consider it your blogging duty to share the view!Joco was concerned a couple weeks ago that there would be very little fall color in the UK due to the unusual weather but thankfully for us and our leaf…
Front Porch Garden Remodel Part 4
Today I thought I would show you the before and after since yesterday I teased you on the details of the front porch garden remodel. It’s current state is still classified in the unfinished category but it is well on its way to becoming a welcoming front porch garden. First let me show you the before pictures: The crabapple is…
How to Propagate Yew (Taxus x media ‘Densiformis’)
Just recently I checked some cuttings of Densiformis Yew (Taxus x media; also Taxus cuspidata) and found roots! Densiformis Yew is also known as a spreading yew and is a common evergreen shrub in landscape plantings. It makes an attractive foundation planting with its dark green needles. If you have animals fond of chewing on plants avoid planting yews since…
The Market Gardener by Jean-Martin Fortier (Book Review)
Recently I purchased a copy of The Market Gardener written by the Canadian organic farmer Jean-Martin Fortier. As soon as I read the description I was immediately interested in its contents. The Market Gardener explains how to raise enough crops on just 1.5 acres of land to make a full time income and support one’s family. Amazon Aff. With my…
How to Choose a Greenhouse
Recently a representative of Hartley Botanic asked if I would be interested in hosting a guest post. Since I knew of the beautiful designs for the Hartley collection of greenhouses I suggested she put together a post about how to choose a greenhouse. And here it is! Choosing the right greenhouse You would think that a greenhouse is an easy…
Planting a Vertical Garden Arbor with Gutters (Part 3)
This week I’ve been posting about a backyard project that involves vertical gardening! It was a fun one that actually went 100% according to plan! (That can’t be said for all of my projects!) Often I end up improvising somewhere along the way. The project involved putting up an arbor and running spray painted gutters between them to serve as…
October Tomatoes
We had another harvest of tomatoes this week! We’ve been loving the sheer volume of tomatoes this summer and are sadly lamenting the end of the harvest that will be coming soon. The weather is still warm enough for the tomatoes to produce and there will probably be another crop before the frosts but the end is near! Most of…
Win a Firepit and Grill for the Garden!
How would you like to add a firepit and a grill to your garden at the same time? Well today you get your chance! The people at Serenity Health and Home Decor have given me the go ahead to give away this amazing firepit/grill. All you have to do is comment in the comment section of this post on Growing…
5 Methods to Control Aphids
Every year I notice these little green insects, aphids. Well, sometimes they aren’t green, I’ve seen them in orange and yellow and they come in red, brown, and black too. Whatever fashion sense these insects display one thing is for sure: you don’t really want aphids on your plants! Aphids are a soft-bodied insect that love to suck on the…
How to Use Grass Clippings to Start a New Garden
Recently we moved into a new home. With a new home comes many challenges. With respect to the garden we are dealing with a blank slate to cultivate. Starting new gardens is a fun and challenging prospect but while doing so it is important to create these gardens in a way that will nurture them and help them grow in…