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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
How to Separate Heuchera Seeds to Save and Grown
Back in the fall I collected quite few seeds heads from our heucheras for the purposes of growing more heucheras this spring. Heucheras don’t necessarily come true if grown from seed but some do like ‘Palace Purple’. ‘Palace Purple’ is easily reproduced from seed which is probably why it is the cheapest of the heucheras and most easily found throughout…
Blooming Daylilies
Daylilies are one of those plants every garden should have. Unfortunately I’ve been lax in adding daylilies to the garden over the years. I’m not sure why really. It might be the fact that daylilies in the garden centers aren’t all that thrilling and that is where I do most of my shopping. I’ve perused catalogs for various online nurseries…
The Good Bug Files: Ladybug Larvae!
Among all the beneficial insects one of the most well known and well regarded is the ladybug (or properly called ladybeetle). Either the ladybug is really good for the garden or it has a great PR person! Of course it could be both since when you do good things people talk about you and we all know that word of…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From the Midwest!
Here are two more great fall color posts for the Garden Blogger fall Color Project. These two posts come to us from the mid-west specifically Chicago, Illinois and Iowa.Mr. McGregor’s Daughter in Chicago, Illinois is observing some really fantastic fall color. The red oaks are competing with the maples for an extraordinary autumn show. Usually the maples win hands down…
Look at This Strange Cocoon!
Large cocoon on ninebark For several months I’ve been watching this strange cocoon attached to my ninebark. I was curious what might come from it, and a little apprehensive too, then yesterday I found a second one on a viburnum. What if it was something that would chow down on my garden? What if it was some dangerous? What if…
Taking Flight
When stuck indoors on a cold winter day while layers of snow blanket the ground there isn’t much else to do other than watch the birds! Well maybe there is something else to do but chores are not as much fun!
Georgia in The Fall
Skeeter has brought us our latest Fall Color Project post! Skeeter teams up with Tina at In the Garden and offers up her garden experiences from Georgia for readers to share. Go visit Skeeter as she strolls the Augusta Canal with the beautiful Savannah River in view. You know how spectacular fall colors and water scenes can be so go…
Flowers in February! Winter Jasmine
You just have to love a flower that brings the sunshine down into the bland February garden. Winter Jasmine (Jasmine nudiflorum) is a perfect fit for those gardeners who are fed up with winter and can’t wait for spring. It isn’t very showy the rest of the year with its normal looking deciduous green foliage but just before spring this…
How to Easily Remove Fall Web Worms from Your Trees Without Chemicals
Fall web worms (tent caterpillars) appear this time of year but it doesn’t have to be a problem. You don’t need chemical sprays to remove them, just one simple thing – a stick! Use the stick to stab open the caterpillar web to break it open. Give it a twist like you are turning cotton candy at the fair. It’s…
Reviewing the Troy-Bilt 4 Cycle Trimmer (TB675 EC)
This summer as part of the Saturday6 Bloggers with Troy-Bilt I tested a 4 Cycle Trimmer (TB675 EC). I’ll be completely honest and tell you that weed eating is not one of my favorite tasks in the garden. It’s necessary to keep things cleanly edged, keep weeds down, and even clean out brush areas. Weed eaters are very useful tools….
A Garden Regular: The Tufted Titmouse
One of the reasons so many people enjoy gardening as a hobby is to attract wildlife. All sorts of wildlife can enjoy you gardening from the butterflies and bees to the deer, but few kinds of wildlife are easier to attract than the birds. One of our most frequent fliers is the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor).This mouse gray bird with…
The Arbor, Daffodils, and the Front Garden
It really seems that spring has sprung already. The warm temperatures have brought everything to life, I only hope that the plants aren’t doomed by the next freeze happens to come along. It’s reminiscent of the spring of 2007. Back then we had an early warm-up followed by a hard freeze that damaged a significant number of Japanese maples and…
A Great Way to Get New Plants
If you are like me and are always trying to find economical ways to improve your landscape and gardens then you should consider visiting a plant swap. Coming up next Saturday at Henry Horton State Park in Middle Tennessee is one such opportunity. The folks over at the GardenWeb: Tennessee community organized a plant swap that meets once a year…
Beginning a Nursery Business: Where to Sell Your Plants?
Before you really get into producing plants for sale it is very important to come up with a way to get the plants to the customers. I don’t have a place where costumers could just come by and browse the plants since I do all my production from my own garden. One day perhaps, but I needed to come up…
Helpful Gardening Hints: Weed Slaying!
An ecologically safe and easy to use weed killer is simply water! Just boil it in your teapot and water the troublesome weed with some scalding hot water. It is non-selective so anything it touches it could kill. It’s effective against most weeds but they may need a second treatment. Be sure to target the root and stem area. Just…
A Step to Bridge the Gap
The first major task I tackled this week with our patio project was this step landing. It was a problem that had to be fixed. When we had our home inspected before we purchased it the inspector noticed that the deck needed one more step to fit codes. That wasn’t the only problem here, the stairs led right out to…
White Nose
Almost sounds like a Christmas song but White Nose is the name of a squirrel that frequents our yard and our back deck. He’s a pretty big little guy with a furry white nose, hence his name. He feels quite comfortable partaking of our bird buffet. I really don’t mind the squirrels visiting the bird feeders. The only bad thing…
The 2009 Vegetable Tally
Here is the beginning of a running tally of vegetables we collect from the garden. I’ve noticed that several other garden bloggers are doing similar vegetable counts and it’s just too cool of an idea to pass up! Hopefully I can keep it updated on a daily basis. Keeping track of the total vegetable crop should be a good way…