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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Alas It’s Dead, My ‘Husker’s Red’
Every gardener experiences loss. In fact some gardeners experience more loss than others but eventually no matter what kind of gardener you are (experienced or not) you will lose a plant. Sometimes the plant fades away and you don’t even notice it disappeared until later when you think “Didn’t I have a [insert whatever plant name you like] here?” Often…
From The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show: Pictures of an Exhibition
This Thursday through Sunday is the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show put on by the Horticultural Society of Tennessee. It’s a combination of show gardens, displays, and all kinds of garden goodies. The display gardens were impressive, filled with water features, flowering plants, and fire features! All the elements were at play in each of the designs. Natural looking water…
The Circular Raised Bed
After being cooped up all winter my daughters and I hightailed it to the backyard and spent the day outdoors digging in the dirt. We accomplished many of the chores I mentioned on Friday (wait they weren’t chores because I enjoyed doing them!). One of those tasks was a rearrangement of the vegetable garden. I wanted to move four small…
How to Propagate Holly Trees and Shrubs
It is pretty exciting to see a new holly cutting coming to life! This holly cutting is probably the Buford holly (Ilex cornuta) which is a popular one in the home landscape. We actually have four of them left out in out front area off the porch that came with the house. One other holly met an early demise courtesy…
Finally, the Sun
It’s been days since we’ve seen any sign of the sun. He was back today and even a little yesterday. I don’t think I’m alone in missing my friend the sun, am I?
A $50 Greenhouse!
Today I was stumbling through Stumble Upon and happened to come across a great tutorial on building a $50 greenhouse! What is especially cool is that the author of the blog (The Door Garden) who wrote the tutorial is also a Tennessean (Cookeville). The greenhouse he built is a hoop house made from PVC and has about 165 square feet…
Fall Seedlings
The fall vegetable garden is coming along! It never fails to fill me with excitement when those freshly planted seeds grow into seedlings. Especially when the seedlings were planted naturally through self-sowing as is the case with my cilantro. Cilantro is one of those expensive to buy but easy to grow plants. It likes it when the weather is cooler…
I’m Over There Too!
Every now and then I’ll be doing some posts for another blog called Complete Organizing Solutions. Tanna, the author of the blog, has invited several other bloggers to do a post every once a month or so to add greater diversity to her site. Can you guess what I’ll be talking about? And no, it’s not how to organize your…
Plant of the Week:Hemlock
Most people got it right! The correct answer was the hemlock. The Canadian Hemlock or Tsuga canadesis is a great plant to use as an evergreen screen or a specimen tree. It has the potential to grow between 40-70 feet tall and could spread up between 25-35 feet in diameter. Its foliage is soft and feathery unlike many other evergreen…
Garden Design Ideas: Salvia with a Red Backdrop
On my trip to the Vizcaya gardens in Miami I saw this salvia (Salvia leucantha/Mexican Bush sage) and thought it was a perfect way to display it – against a red backdrop. This salvia was located in front of a large patio area made from limestone blocks facing Biscayne Bay. The faded red from the side of the patio is…
A New Branch
Since changing my URL to www.growingthehomegarden.com from thehomegarden.blogspot.com over the summer I’ve realized that I have been under-utilizing my fancy new domain name. There’s this whole concept of subdomains that can fit right in with your main domain that can really enable blogs to branch out in different directions, which is what I’m in the process of working on right…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: In the UK
Do you want to dig a little deeper into the science behind the magical fall colors we see each fall? Or maybe you just want to take a peak at the fall show of a Continus coggygria (Smoke Tree). Either way stop over and visit Joco in the UK at Joco Serious. Joco posted a very detailed and thorough explanation…
Spring in Tennessee
The first day of Spring is marked by gardeners everywhere. Unfortunately not everyone gets to experience warm days, growing plants, and all the wonders of spring at the same time. It’s different for every region but that doesn’t make it any less significant. The first day of spring symbolizes the beginning of the growing season for many gardeners. Even gardeners…
For Local Radio Listeners!
For anyone who follows this blog locally in the Spring Hill, TN (Maury and Williamson County) area you’ll be able to hear me on the radio tomorrow talking about The Well Sprung Garden. Just turn to WAKM (that’s 950 on your AM dial) at 8:00 AM. The Well Sprung Garden is an organic vegetable garden started to supplement a local…
The Do’s and Don’ts of August Gardening
As I’m writing this post I’m hearing the buzz of riding lawnmowers from various neighbors in our community and I thought why in the world are they mowing? It hasn’t rained and dust clouds are flying up everywhere which leads me to a second question why are they mowing the dirt? Things like this drive me nuts so I thought…
The Back Ornamental Garden – The Beginning
I’m always trying to start something new, usually I bite off more than I can chew but in this case I’m taking our back ornamental garden at a casual pace. In other words I’m not pushing myself to get it done but just doing what I can when I can. It fits a general long range goal I have at…
Still Standing -My Bradford Pear Tree
For years now I have complained about our Bradford Pear Trees. In my mind they are one of the most problematic trees ever planted in the landscape. I despise Bradford Pear trees. There are so many reasons why Bradford pear trees are terrible for planting that I constantly wonder WHY were these things ever released to the public for purchase….
Propagation Update: Asiatic Lily and Viburnum
In late May I wrote a post about how to propagate Asiatic lilies from leaves. I figured it was time to show you how things are coming along. After small little bulbs began to form on the base of the leaves I planted the bulbs into small pots. As you can see in the picture below the old leaves completely…