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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Gardens Around the Shed
It’s been a while since my last garden shed update and I’ve done a few more things. Not directly on the shed itself but around the shed. You’ll see in the pictures below that there are two distinct garden areas near the shed. One directly in front of the shed and the other to the left (eastern) side. In between…
Fall Plant Propagation Updates: How my Summer Cuttings Rooted
In my latest YouTube video I went through and checked on many of the plants I’ve taking cuttings from this summer. There are a variety of plants in the video including rosemary, ninebark, fothergilla, boxwoods, crape myrtle, and cherry laurels. This was actually the first time I’ve tried rooting fothergilla and I had pretty good success taking a few small…
The Beginning of My Patio Project
This past weekend I jumped headlong into the patio paving construction process. I mentioned this project in my August project post and here’s how it all begins. My first step was laying out the edging stones to figure out the layout of the patio. Now you might ask “wouldn’t it be better to draw a layout of the patio first?”…
Cabinets for the Garden Shed
Please ignore the mess of bricks and leftover lumber lying on the floor at the bottom of this picture. Instead focus on the cabinets! Family friends were cleaning out their basement and passed on quite a few pieces of lumber and odds and ends they thought could be reused. The cabinets came along for the ride too. With a little…
More on the Brick Floor! (A Garden Shed Update)
For those of you who are interested in the status of my garden shed I posted a little more on the floor. I’m out of bricks and didn’t quite get the whole area covered but I’m happy with the progress for now. Let me know what you think!
A Natural Stone Bench
Yet another use for my pickup load of stone the other day is a bench for the little people. No I’m not talking fairies, elves, or garden gnomes but my two girls. Of course anyone else who might happen upon the bench and need to take a load off their feet is welcome to do so. I was lucky to…
Landscape Plan: Side Garden
Here’s another landscape plan I put together for some family members. The edges of this area would be in the sun while the inside area would be shaded by the existing eastern red cedar and a crape myrtle. A rough edged stone patio, dry creek bed, and a bench give the area a rustic appearance. The dry creek bed would…
My Project of the Week
It’s not the greenhouse, at least not today or tomorrow. Over the last couple years (yes I said years) my father and I have been working on a project in his backyard. It began as a patio in the middle of their yard where they could enjoy their backyard spaces and gradually grew into a patio covered with a pavilion…
Must be a Magnolia! (Magnolia grandiflora from seed)
Last year I spotted a little plant coming up in one of my garden beds. I left it alone to grow as I had a suspicion about what it wasn’t but still couldn’t quite remember what seeds I planted in that location. This spring has brought me confirmation – it must be a magnolia! A year ago last fall I…
Feels Like a Fall Morning
This morning’s cool temperatures made it feel like my favorite season is well on its way. Of course autumn is coming but the extra cool August temperatures we’re having have me hoping for an extended fall season. Here’s a look at a few things from around the garden this morning! ‘Arizona Sun’ Gaillardia – Blanket Flower is a good native…
How to Propagate a Deciduous Magnolia Through Layering
Layering is a fantastic way to make more free plants with very little risk. Propagating a plant through layering usually involves pinning down a branch to make contact with the soil so that the branch can begin forming roots. I’ve used layering to propagate more difficult to root plants like oak leaf hydrangeas. Below you will find a short…
Dappled Willows and Winter Interest
One of my favorite shrubs is the Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). In the springtime its new foliage emerges with variegated green and cream leaves that persist through the fall. The leaves darken some as they grow older (or for those who prefer different terminology “grow more mature”) until they bare themselves when the light levels drop and cooler temperatures…
Ponytail Grass (Nassella tenuissima, Stipa tenuissima)
Ornamental grasses are definitely something special to add to the landscape. They add texture, height, and a much needed contrast to flowering plants and wide leaved foliage plants. Ponytail grass (Nassella tenuissima) is a great ornamental grass to choose for many gardens. It goes by several common names like Mexican Feather Grass, Silky Thread Grass, and the aforementioned pony tail…
Dry, Dry, Dry
The dry season is well upon us. Here in Tennessee we haven’t seen a drop of rain in two weeks and even that was only .12 inches (at least in our garden). I’m not sure how long the plants can hang on without a good dose of liquid from the sky. And despite my repeated waterings the plants are suffering….
Still Hanging in There!
This time of year it’s interesting to see which plants are still performing well. If we pay attention to how things perform and how long they last we can make better decisions when designing our gardens with plants in the future. If you want to extend the foliage we need to note which plants have long lasting foliage. The same…
It’s Been a While – Time for a Garden Shed Update!
My last garden shed post was way back in June and I’m definitely overdue to share some more progress. This one has much more to do with gardening than building a shed so go take a look at the first part of two posts! The Gardens Around The Shed
Yellow Crocus – The First
The first yellow crocus of the year has emerged from the front garden! Many more blooms to come!
A Friday Photo: Red Knockout Rose with Morning Dew
Knockout roses are great additions to any garden. They are more resistant to pests and diseases and continue to provide blooms throughout the summer. This rose is planted in a corner bed between our front sidewalk and the driveway. Gallery of Other Roses from Our Garden More from Growing The Home Garden
![gaillardia oranges and lemons](https://i0.wp.com/growingthehomegarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Gaillardia-Oranges-and-Lemons.jpg?resize=700%2C464&ssl=1)
![rooting coleus cuttings](https://i0.wp.com/growingthehomegarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Coleus-with-roots.jpg?resize=400%2C359&ssl=1)