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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Short Walk Outside
This post was meant for Saturday morning but our internet connection was down all day. I went outside yesterday for the first time in several days to tinker in the yard. I was only out for about 15 minutes (not including the time it took me to adjust our satellite dish) but in that time I checked out the little…
Alas It’s Dead, My ‘Husker’s Red’
Every gardener experiences loss. In fact some gardeners experience more loss than others but eventually no matter what kind of gardener you are (experienced or not) you will lose a plant. Sometimes the plant fades away and you don’t even notice it disappeared until later when you think “Didn’t I have a [insert whatever plant name you like] here?” Often…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: The Steps of the Plan!
Once all your prep work has been thoroughly completed gather up all your lists and get ready to design the plan for your edible landscape. When making an edible landscape plan it is important to keep all of your end goals in mind along with the time it will take to reach those goals. Purple Podded Pole Beans Time as…
November 2011 Grow Project Update
November finds my GROW project seeds from Renee’s Seeds pretty much finished. We’ve had 3-4 frosts which have brought the end to my ‘Yellow Splash’ Marigold and ‘Italian Cameo’ Basil plants. Both of these two annuals did very well in my garden. The basil was tasty and able to take a fair amount of neglect (it’s been a busy year…
Randomness from Wednesday
Wednesday was full of randomness, although it wasn’t all gardening. A little bird watching, a little gardening, and a little bit of house stuff all rolled together to make a Wednesday. The day started with a trip to the home improvement store. Not for gardening stuff this time but for painting materials. A bathroom in our house needs redone so…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here’s just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! It’s good to have a day to reflect on what you appreciate. Don’t over stuff on the turkey today! It’s usually the side dishes that get me!
Gardener Gone A.W.O.L (Making Hay)
The gardener gone A.W.O.L. was me of course, but for good reasons I assure you! No doubt you are familiar with the saying “make hay while the sun shines.” Well…the sun has been shining in our Tennessee home garden. The past couple days I have been busy in the yard trying to turn this place into a fantastic garden this…
‘Tis the Season for Mums!
Every fall it happens, mums (Chrysanthemums) galore appear in the box stores and nurseries. It’s a tradition that rings in autumn like college football, corn mazes, and garden blogger fall color projects (OK maybe not the last one, at least not yet!). But what do you look for when you buy your mums in the store? A full bushy plant…
Not Much to See Here for Bloom Day
As you probably know every 15th of the Month is Bloom Day started and hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens and as you know it’s February. When you put the two events together you will find that I really don’t have much to show. Last year at this time the daffodils and several other plants had already begun blooming….
Dave in the Garden of Benign Neglect
As you might guess from the title I paid a visit yesterday to a fellow garden blogger’s garden to visit none other than Clay and Limestone’s Gail. She invited me up to collect a tree for our garden that she didn’t have a home for after her patio area remodel. The tree was a serviceberry. A great tree to add…
Wacky Winter Weather
You know the saying “If you don’t like the weather in {Insert your state here}, just wait a few minutes!” In the last two days, and possibly much of January, truer words could not be said about the weather here in Tennessee. Gray skies have been intermittent with occasional sun. The temperatures have been warm, rainy, and much more like…
5 Gardening Aggravations!
Aggravations are sure to enter into everyone’s lives at some time or another and when we think of aggravations as a part gardening a whole lot of subjects arise! In fact this list of 5 gardening aggravations that I’m about to share with you could extend well beyond the necessary 5 items for a Friday Fives post. It could even…
Essential Beginning Gardener Tools
This year with the advent of the virus many people found themselves with time to spend in their gardens. Which means that a lot of new gardeners have started gardening for the very first time. As a beginner gardener it can be overwhelming and there can be a ton of questions. What plants to grow? Where to find seeds? What…
August in Bloom
It’s time for another edition of Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day brought to you by Carol of May Dreams Gardens! August is one of those times of the year before the fall flowers really start to get going where plants are kind of in transition but there are still many things in bloom. Today we’ll step back a bit and look…
The End and The Beginning
Today is the last day of 2008 but unless you’ve never seen a calander you probably knew that already. As one year ends and new one begins. It’s time for a short look back at 2008 and a glance into the future.2008 was the first full growing year that we really had in the garden. Our first year in our…
Tinkering and Puttering
Yesterday the weather was great so I went outside to tinker and putter around. Tinkering and puttering is just when you look for little things to do that don’t take a lot of time but you need or want to get done. Here’s what I did:I trimmed the ornamental grasses down. They were looking pretty ragged and since they never…
Sustaining Fresh Basil Over Winter with Basil Cuttings!
One of my goals this “offseason” (as if there ever really is!) is to maintain a constant supply of fresh basil from November to April. I could do this by simply planting a sequential crop of basil seeds every couple months. This will work but I have an easier way! Basil is one of those nifty plants that grows roots…
I Could Really Use that Pot O’Gold!
The rain today had a couple of small openings for some sunshine to come through. It always seems that March has the most rainbows, what do you think?