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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
My Vegetable Garden Layout Revisited
I suppose it’s human nature to second guess oneself and lately I’ve been wondering if the vegetable garden layout I decided to make was designed the best way. It’s very functional and all the vegetables have been growing wonderfully (until a couple pests came along, but that isn’t related to the garden’s layout.) Aesthetically the layout works well and there…
October Garden To-Do List
Another month has begun and the list of chores keeps mounting. September’s To-Do List didn’t get completed and those items may need attention in my garden this month too. The weather is nothing short of stunning in October with warm sunshine and cool days, and as long as time is available gardening is a top priority! Here’s what I need…
Beginning the Garden Fence (Friday Free For All)
I’ve been busy this week. I say that as if it’s something new but it seems like life is just a matter of varying degrees of busy. Sometimes you’re really busy and other times less so but always busy! This week I dove headlong into my latest project. I’ve been talking about this one for years and I’m just now…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: Looking at Tennessee from Florida
Did you ever realize that you could go to Florida and see Tennessee fall colors? Well you can today, since Meems brought fall colors from Tennessee to her blog Hoe and Shovel! She recently came here to TN to visit her sister and went to visit the beautiful gardens of Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. She put the pictures together in a…
Growing Dogwoods (Cornus kousa) from Seed in the Fall
A week ago we found ourselves at the doctors office for one of my children. Nothing major (this time), just a regular check up and physical so she could run cross country (Very cool that a 7 year old wants to run cross country!). After her appointment we left the doctor’s office and found a dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, that…
Dave vs. Deer: Deer 5, Dave 0
To say I’m furious tonight would be an understatement. The deer have struck again, and again this week, relentlessly. This week’s attacks have been the most brutal by far. I normally like the deer. It’s fun to see the fawns scamper through the backyard, or to watch the watchful mother and father deer looking after the young ones. But today…
Testing the Troy-Bilt TB490 XP™ 4×4 Pushmower
Disclaimer: The following post is a sponsored review of the Troy-Bilt TB490 XP ™ 4×4 Self-Propelled mower. All opinions are solely the opinion of the author who in exchange for goods and compensation was asked to do this review. In my last post I told you a little bit about my trip to Savannah, Georgia with the Troy-Bilt Brand Ambassadors….
In the Cold Wet Snow
Today school was out, the roads were iced over, and the garden was draped in white. I always enjoy the one or two times each winter when our landscape is covered in snow. That’s the great thing about living in Tennessee – or one of the great things – the mild winters! It will snow a couple times each year…
Propagating Asclepias incarnata through Cuttings!
I’m always interested in trying to make new plants and recently I decided to give my Asclepias incarnata a try. Asclepias or butterfly weed make great host plants for butterfly larvae. I’ve always assumed that asclepias needed to be grown from seed or from root cuttings but as it turns out they will root easily from stem tip cuttings. I…
Bee Photography
Here are a few pictures of the bees in my garden. I hope you enjoy the beeutiful photos! Bee on a coneflower Purple Coneflower Bee on a sunflower Sunflower Bee on a cosmos flower Cosmos Bee on verbena Verbena bonariensis Bee on ‘Oranges and Lemons’ Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’ Gaillardia Two Bees on coneflower ‘Sunset’ Coneflower My garden “bee” friendly,…
Vegetable Garden Progress: Melons, Potatoes, and Tomatoes
My lately planted vegetable garden is doing its best to get back on track! It’s been a busy spring time and everything got delayed until the official “whenever I could manage a few minutes” time. But one of the great things about gardening in Tennessee is the long growing season. Even if you don’t get the vegetable garden planted within…
Cobblestone Patio Project Progress Report
Here’s look at where I’m at with my cobblestone patio project. It’s still not quite finished but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s been a couple weeks since my last update on the patio and my progress has been very intermittent. Last week I woke up on Wednesday morning nearly immobilized with a terrible…
Making Gardening Plans
I do a lot of thinking. Too much probably but I have ideas and they have to work themselves out in my head or in the garden one way or another! The gardening “off-season” is when I plan. It’s when I take those thoughts in my head and entertain them before discarding the impractical ones. You know, like the idea…
The Beauty of a Cover Crop
Cover crops are an excellent way to improve the soil without adding chemical fertilizers – and they look great too! Today while driving home from a talk I gave on plant propagation I drove down an old country road and took a few pictures of the red clover. Most likely the farmer is using the clover to enrich the soil…
A Radical Tree Pruning
The other day I mentioned something I’ve been putting off: a tree removal. It didn’t take long but it was tough work especially the hauling away part. I don’t own a chainsaw and just used an old bow saw that has been worth its weight in gold over the years. The tree was a cedar. I don’t know exactly what…
My Dad
Have I ever told you much about my dad? Probably not. I normally keep this blog close to the garden subject area. Sometimes I stray and talk about my kids, but there is usually a gardening slant. I suppose today will be no different because my dad has always been supportive of my gardening projects. He’s been there for most…
Planting ‘Savannah Sunset’ Azaleas from Monrovia
Today was a fantastic day to be outdoors, and of course for most of the time being outdoors means I’m planting something! Today I planted three azaleas into one of my gardens courtesy of Monrovia. Monrovia gave me an opportunity to try out these ‘Savannah Sunset’ azaleas in my garden. ‘Savannah Sunset’ is a part of Monrovia’s Bloom N’ Again…
Beans and Corn, Corn and Beans
This is the first year in our garden that I’m trying corn. Last year we didn’t have the space but since we expanded the garden this year with my newest layout I have an 8’x10′ area for corn. I’m planting it in succession. The first part is planting a small square of corn. Squares are efficient for corn because corn…