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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Christmas Gift Ideas for Gardeners 2017
The holiday season is in full swing and the good news is that gardeners are very easy to shop for! Whether your gardener likes gardening with vegetables, herbs, or ornamental plants there is something for everyone. Today here are some Christmas gift ideas for gardeners to help you find just the right thing! (Disclaimer: The links in this post are…
Cool Combos: Achillea and Asiatic Lily
Sometimes I plan really well and gardens come together perfectly, sometimes I don’t, — and sometimes I get lucky! Luck is the case with the combination of Achillea and Asiatic Lily that I’m about to show you. Maybe I was thinking that because both plants started with the letter ‘A’ that they would go well together…I don’t think so. It…
New Garden Additions
This weekend was the annual Bloom ‘N Garden Expo at the Williamson County Agricultural Center. You can bet that when there are plants and me in the same location I’ll end up coming home with something! When going to these festivals I make two rules for myself with purchases. One, the purchase has to be something I don’t have and…
I Have to Admit it, I Really Do Like My Lawn…
I have to admit it, I really do like my lawn. The “in” thing right now is eliminating lawns by replacing them with gardens. That’s great idea that I fully support but it just isn’t feasible when you have a large yard. The other option is letting areas become meadows which I think is pretty cool too (and for one…
New Uses with Old Lumber
I did some collecting yesterday in the cold drizzling rain. Some friends of my parents wanted to get rid of a pile of wood that used to be their deck. They remodeled their house a while back and hard-scaped around the pool so they didn’t need the deck. The lumber was sitting near their garden just waiting to be used…
Here’s the Squash
One of our favorite vegetables to grow each year is the yellow summer squash. These are some of the best looking squash plants we’ve managed to grow. It could be due to the increased rain this year or maybe the raised beds, but whatever the reason the plants are looking full and strong. They should provide an abundance of squash…
5 Essential Garden Tools
For a look at what I think are 5 Essential Garden Tools go read my guest post on the Home Remodeling & Home Renovation (fixR) Blog!
The Scene Around the Arbor
A couple years ago I was fortunate to participate in the Better Homes and Gardens 48 Hour Blog Challenge. Three other blogs and myself competed with projects subject to online voting to see who would win. The winner took home $5000, unfortunately it wasn’t me but the whole project was fun anyway – and it paid for the arbor! My…
The Tree Line
This time of year is always very special. The leaves are coming out on all the trees and the barren treeline in the backyard becomes a lush forest of greenery. The treeline is filled with maples, tulip poplars, sassafras and small variety of other trees.
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 2008 Review
Since I have very little to show for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day in December I’ll display a review of each Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day post over 2008 that I’ve done. Inside this post you will see one or two pictures from each post that in my view are the best of the blooms. Unfortunately I missed a few months like…
5 Vegetables I Will Always Grow In My Garden
It probably seems early and with scattered snow it certain feels early but it’s never too early to start thinking about the vegetable garden! Store bought vegetables just don’t thrill me the way the fresh garden picked varieties do. It makes sense when you consider that garden grown vegetables don’t have to be picked days before use just to be…
Harvesting Basil
Earlier this week we had a light frost which meant it was time to collect the basil leaves! Without any real hope of the basil leaves surviving the sub 32 degree temperatures I gathered as much as I could. I brought the leaves inside and made pesto. The 6 cups of loosely packed basil I gathered ended up making only…
Hardening Off Seedlings (Seed Sowing 101)
Once your seeds have grown big enough to plant out in the garden it’s time to find a way to get them into the garden. Direct sowed seeds have a big advantage in this area as they have grown from the start in the great outdoors are are already well adapted to the weather. Seedlings grown indoors aren’t so lucky. …
From the Vegetable Garden
The heat and lack of rain are taking their toll on the vegetable garden here in late August but there is always something to talk about! The tomatoes are still producing but really could use some good irrigation from the sky. The garden is ready for some cleaning up and soon I will need to start the fall garden. I’ll…
Bloom N’ Garden Expo 2011
Today was my day to visit the Bloom N’ Garden Expo in Williamson County, TN. It’s a garden show put together by the Williamson County Master Gardeners which features talented speakers and all kinds of vendors ranging from carnivorous plants and daylilies to soaps, jams, and grape juice. There’s all kinds of neat stuff to see like the display gardens….
Plant Benches Completed
I wrote in my last post about the plant benches I was working on for the garden shed and this weekend I was able to finish installing the coated wire shelf tops. Now I can add plants in to overwinter, hardwood cuttings for rooting over the winter, or maybe even start seeds in the early spring.Each shelf is covered with…
Red Mums (Photo Post!)
Here’s just a quick post to share a few photos! Enjoy the red mums of fall! From bud… To blossoming… …to flower! Don’t forget to join in the 2011 Fall Color Project when your fall colors are at their peak!
How to Propagate Rosemary: A Complete Guide
Rosemary is one of my favorite plants in the garden. This amazing evergreen herb is well known for fragrant aroma and culinary uses. Rosemary grows very will in a variety of conditions including pots, in gardens, in raised beds, or even indoors! You might be wondering “Can you propagate more rosemary from your garden?” Yes you can! In fact it’s…