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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Gardens From The Porch Perspective
Have you ever stood in one place to take a few pictures in all the different directions of your garden? It’s a great way to observe the progress of your garden from slightly different perspectives. (Click on any of the below pictures to enlarge them.) We’ll start here against the house. Up close there is a pyracantha and a young…
Plants that Flower in the Fall Garden
Fall is well known for its colorful foliage that paints the country each year but there’s still lots to appreciate among the flowering plants! Here’s a few of our current blooming flowers from the garden. Some don’t have much longer to go until the frost declares an end to the show. The ‘Clara Curtis’ mums put on a spectacular show…
Weedy Wednesday: Ragweed Seedlings
It that transitional time of the growing season where the spring weeds are coming to an end and the warm season weeds are beginning to arrive. This time of year is also when many of our warm season crops and plants are coming up too. Sometimes it isn’t easy to distinguish between a weed and a seedlings planted from seed…
And The Winner Is…
This week has been an interesting one! I’m amazed and astounded by the sheer number of comments generated for the compost bin giveaway from Clean Air Gardening. At the cut-off time for the drawing there were 120 valid entries (Nancy’s, of Leaping Greenly, doesn’t count since she’s Canadian but I always appreciate her comments!). Here’s how the drawing worked: I…
Vegetable of the Month: Pumpkins of course!
I officially nominate the pumpkin for vegetable of the month! Do I hear a second?I realize that the selection of a pumpkin may be predictable but it’s such a seasonally appropriate vegetable for October. After all could you have even think of fall harvests and Halloween without pumpkins? Whether they are turned into pies or Jack-o-lanterns these orange globes of…
Planning Ahead For Spring
This time of year all of us gardeners are probably thankful for a little break. Winter can be a time to regenerate, rest, and plan for next year. While it isn’t technically winter yet the weather we have received in Tennessee certainly feels like it. (We had 18 degree F temperatures this morning!) This is early for that kind of…
One of My Favorite Garden Tools: My Swiss Army Knife
This may be an unusual tool to consider a garden tool but I have found my Swiss Army Knife very useful in the garden. As you probably know Swiss Army Knives have many useful attachments from the knife itself to toothpicks. I don’t use the toothpick at all but there are many other parts I use frequently. Disclaimer: Some affiliate…
5 Vegetables and When to Plant Them!
This time of year can be very confusing. Especially when the weather throws a few curve balls like extra warm temperatures! It almost makes you think it will be fine to plant those tomatoes four weeks early. I know why, everyone wants bragging rights about that first ripe tomato! I thought for today’s Friday Five post that I would mention…
April Garden To-Do List for Zone 7
April is here and with a new month and temperatures warming new garden tasks present themselves! Here is a garden chore list for April in zone 7. If you are in a different zone these items would be offset by a couple weeks. April Garden To Do List Continue sowing seeds indoors for summer crops of vegetables and flowers. It’s…
Volunteer Tulip Poplar Saplings
An interesting problem has arisen lately. You see, over the last few months little saplings of our Tennessee state tree the tulip poplar have popped up all over the place. It must have been a great year for tulip poplars last season because I’ve found over 7 saplings that seem to be doing great all over the yard. They all…
3 Garden Chores to Do in Fall for Spring!
It’s that time of year again, time to think about spring! Yes, I said that right. Spring! Fall is almost here but if you want to maximize the potential of your garden next year fall is the best time to get some work done. The autumn leaves will be changing soon and now is the best time to get some…
Don’t Forget About Worst Weed Wednesday!
Do you say “Do you feel lucky, punk?” when you stare down weeds while wielding a bottle of herbicide? Do you cringe when you hear crabgrass? Then don’t forget that this coming Wednesday July 29th is Worst Weed Wednesday where you get to rant all you want about the worst possible garden invaders to your yard! For more details check…
Fall is for Planting Garlic in the Garden
It’s October and the temperatures are getting cooler which makes it ideal for planting garlic! I just planted two raised beds full of garlic a few days ago. Garlic loves to start in cooler weather and this coming week we are predicted to have some night temperatures in the 30 degree range. It should be perfect for the newly planted…
Worst Weed Wednesday
On Wednesday (July 29th, 2009) I’ll be hosting Worst Weed Wednesday and I’d like to invite all my fellow blogging friends to participate! All you have to do is pick out (or pick on) your least favorite garden invader in a post on your blog. It could be any plant you consider to be a weed, after all a weed…
Tennessee Wildflowers Blooming: Sulphur Cinquefoil
Thank you for all those who took a stab at the latest Name that Plant. Several of you knew exactly what it was, sulphur cinquefoil or botanically known as Potentilla recta. This wildflower member of the Rosaceae family grows between 16 and 32 inches long with palmate leaves that have 5-7 leaflets on the lower parts of the plant and…
July and Some Summer Blooms
To say that this month has been difficult is an understatement. My time in the garden has been minimal and its current state is more akin to a wild meadow (and that’s being kind) than a well tended garden at the moment. Fortunately we still have some very reliable blooming flowers to show for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day. I’ve included…
Tips for Creating an Organic Lawn
Today lots of people are becoming more conscious of how their activities can change the environment. One of the things you often hear about is getting rid of the lawn. I’m not one of those people who advocates getting rid of the lawn but rather being more responsible for lawn care. Here are a few ways to do that! First…
Thinking Ahead About the Garden (When to do stuff!)
Christmas is just about here and our minds are all focused on celebrating the season with family and friends but soon after Christmas our gardens will be need attention. In gardening the correct timing can mean the difference between a great harvest, OK harvest, or even no harvest. Let’s take a quick look at some upcoming things that you should…