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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
It’s Not Just a Box
It’s not just a box. Really it isn’t. It’s so much more than that. You built it in your backyard, sideyard, or even front yard. You filled it with soil. You tended that box and nurtured every single tiny seed you planted in it. That box is your garden. That box with the untreated wood your neighbor told you would…
Japanese Maples from Seed Update!
Have you been wondering for months what ever became of Dave’s Japanese maple seedlings? I bet you have…er well maybe not but I’ll show you even if you weren’t wondering all winter about my Japanese maple seedlings! In case you are wondering how to grow Japanese maples from seed the big secret is stratification. Stratification is where you expose a…
October in the Garden
Yesterday during a reprieve from the rain we went out to examine the state of the garden. The past two weeks I’ve been mostly concentrating on the greenhouse project and I felt it was time to see what I’ve been missing. The celosia I planted from seed this year did really well. It’s a virtually no maintenance annual unless you…
Some Days You Get Rain…
Some days the rain gets you!Here’s one very wet cardinal finishing off the seed from our bird feeder in the rain.
A Formal Vegetable Garden Layout
A garden layout should be well designed with the convenience of the gardener and function of the garden in mind.April Garden Tour of Our Garden
Welcome to a quick garden tour of our garden in April of 2022! There’s lots of blooming going on around here in our Zone 7 Tennessee garden. The viburnums are their usual showstoppers with their prolific blooms but there are many other things to observe as well. Solomon’s Seal, hostas, heucheras, honesty (interesting that honesty and money plant are the…
How to Propagate Purple Leaf Plum from Cuttings
One of the reasons I like gardening so much, and I believe that other gardeners share the same reason, is to see the result of your work. To see a job finally come to completion. I enjoy the journey and the process too, but it is extremely gratifying when the end of a project comes and something worked really well…
Beginning a Nursery Business: Selecting a Niche
When I made the decision to begin my micro-nursery (Blue Shed Gardens/HomeGardenBox) I had to figure out first what kind of plants I wanted to produce. This was a very difficult decision since I like pretty much anything there is to do with the garden. Selecting one type of plants or one area seemed just wrong because I was leaving out all…
Don’t Forget!
Don’t forget that today is the last day to tell your bug tale to win an EcoSmart product! Read here to find the details for the giveaway!
What’s Not to Like About ‘Homestead Purple’ Verbena?
What’s not to like about ‘Homestead Purple’ Verbena? The only answer I could come up with to my own question is that I don’t have enough of it! It is a fantastic flowering ground cover. ‘Purple Homestead’ grows very well with little care in full sun. For Tennessee gardens it’s a must have perennial. Who Discovered ‘Purple Homestead’ Verbena? Do…
TGT: Saving Seeds and Cuttings
Saving seeds and cuttings in the fall is one additional way you can save a few bucks for the next gardening season. In the fall, plants produce their final batch of seeds and the thrifty gardener can take advantage of this! Seeds in general aren’t very expensive. You can find all sorts of mail order seed places and find a…
Snow Day Dawning
It was a moment of pure beauty early this morning. We awoke to find the landscape covered in snow and with a winter wonderland waiting before us. I was out just before dawn to catch the sunrise and take some pictures in a setting that I very rarely get to photograph. I’m especially pleased with the first picture. It’s a…
5 Things You Need to Know About Growing a Great Tomato!
Tomato planting season is almost here for Middle Tennessee so I thought now would be the perfect time to share some things you need to know about growing a great tomato! Tomatoes have always been my favorite crop from the garden. I like tomatoes fresh, cooked, preserved – it doesn’t matter how – I like a GREAT Tomato! There are…
Layering a Viburnum, The Results!
It’s not a secret that I’m a fan of plant propagation. Who wouldn’t be? You get free plants! One of the easiest ways to propagate a plant is through a technique called layering. With layering you essentially pin down a branch of a shrub or tree to the soil and encourage it to form roots. The roots usually appear at…
The Sun and Sky after an Autumn Rain
Here are a couple pictures I took on Friday November 7, 2008. In the morning it rained; in the afternoon it rained sunshine.
Reclaiming the Vegetable Garden
To say that I am ashamed of certain spots in my garden is an understatement. Several gardens have become filled with weeds run amok and whether or not the weather is cooperative I have to get some work done. Today I spent some time outdoors in the 95 degree heat tackling a couple of the raised bed problem areas in…
Completely Random Garden Photos
There’s no rhyme or reason to the pictures in this post. It’s all random and just for fun! Or does saying that give it a theme or a reason? Hmm…. Verbena bonairensis beginning the process of reseeding in the self-sowing garden. Celosia in the reseeding garden! The front garden on October. I’ve noticed that this year there is a definite…
Spring Is Here!
Yesterday brought in that first official day of spring but it sure seems that spring beat the calendar to the punch. The warm weather has brought many of our plants and trees much further along at this time of year than they should be. It has me concerned. I love the warm weather and the sights of blooming flowers but…