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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Garden Design Ideas: Create a Focal Point
A few years ago I helped my parents build together a focal point in their yard. It is made of two concentric circles of decorative concrete retaining wall, with the center circle taller than the outer one. The circles serve as a central location in the yard for some garden pathways. In the center ring is a weeping cherry tree…
11 Garden Projects for 2011
Each year I’ve posted about the projects I hope to accomplish in the New Year. They aren’t resolutions, just goals or ideas. I may not even get half of the projects accomplished but I find that if I get some ideas before the garden season starts in earnest I can be pretty motivated to get it worked on before the…
A Goal for the Vegetable Garden
I have a goal in mind for my vegetable garden this year. I have a similar goal every year but this year I think it’s especially important. I want to make our garden into our grocery store. I’m being realistic with this and in no way think I can completely eliminate the grocery store trips but I would really like…
Seedling Updates From the Garage Greenhouse
Last year I set up a small greenhouse in my garage. It was a gift from my parents and has come in quite handy. I keep it in the garage next to one of the windows and have an old aquarium light set up for the top shelf. This little greenhouse is the perfect place to harden off my seedlings…
Drive-By Shootings – With Ice
The other day when I went to pick up my bricks for the greenhouse flooring the temperatures were still at or around freezing. I had my camera along for the ride and took a couple shots of the ice structures that were along Highway 840 here in Middle TN. I’ve always found the ice sculptures that appear alongside the cliff…
How Big is a Moonflower Bloom?
How big is a moonflower bloom? Let me show you! If you use the lens cap of my camera as an indicator this moonflower bloom on our arbor is roughly 6-8 inches in diameter! Below the moonflower is a purple sweet potato vine. I think the dark foliage and bright white blooms look great together. Perhaps this year I’ll attempt…
Propagating Mums for Profit
It’s kind of an odd subject to bring up during spring but propagating mums for profit takes time. Spring is when you have to get started for fall mum sales. For the purposes of this article we are talking about the common chrysanthemum you find in stores everywhere during the fall. Also for this discussion it is important to note…
My Spring Challenge (Clearing the Weeds and Planting a Slope)
Here is a picture of our new territory that I didn’t quite know I had until a couple weeks ago. It is covered in a variety of weeds including notable family favorites like ragweed, goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace. Now if it were just the latter two weeds I would be OK with the area as a natural wild field…
Variegated Pachysandra – A Plant I Wish I Had a Spot For
Seen here is one plant I wish had the ideal location for it to grow. Ideal location you ask? OK maybe I’m putting words in your head but let me add an image too. Think shade, think moist, think well drained, think shade garden. I don’t have that place…yet. This little plant was planted in a nearly ideal location in…
Paving Stones for Pathway Entrances
One of my recent projects was to complete two entrances to our front sidewalk from the lawn. The openings were already there but didn’t have any definition – or at least any good definition that a person walking along would see a clear path to the sidewalk. I had some paving stones in the backyard set aside for another project (an extension to our…
A Little Green Roof
Now wouldn’t this be cool to have in the yard? No not the gnomes, the green roof! I took this picture last year at the Bloom’N Garden Expo in Williamson County last year. It’s a great example of nature and man working together to make something good for both. Green roofs are catching on all over because they help to…
Our Daylilies of 2012
It’s nearly summer which means that it’s time for the daylilies to be showing off their flowers. Daylilies aren’t native plants by any means but they do really well here in Tennessee. They have very few problems and tend to grow nearly untended! I’m sure that combining their low maintenance attribute with their beauty is why they have become so…
My August Project List
August isn’t a great month for planting plants here in Tennessee but it is a good time to get other projects done. That is if you can stand the heat! I have several things that I would like to get finished before the beginning of fall and I thought I would write a list to help keep myself organized.Here’s what…
Red Clover Cover Crop and Green Manure
After the summer garden is gone there is still work to be done. My daughters and I went out last week to take care of some last minute raised bed winterizing. We are doing one important step now: adding organic matter. Why? Because organic matter matters! By improving the soil you enrich it with the nutrients the plants need to…
A Few Blooming May Flowers!
It’s a good thing I took several pictures toward the end of last week since the rain and dreary weather has dampened much of the garden. Sunny days are ahead but until then all we have are a few photos of flowers from the gardens. That will just have to do! Up first we have some achillea. Also called yarrow…
Mystery Plant or Mystery Weed, Which Is It?
Maybe you can help us figure something out. Jaime sent me this picture of a plant growing where she wanted to plant zinnias. If the plant growing there is something good then she’d like to see it grow to flower but if it’s a weed well, you know what she’ll do to that weed! I’ve checked out several weed pictures…
The Story of a Lemon Tree in Tennessee
Many years ago back when I was in college I brought home a lemon from the store. On a whim I decided that I would plant a couple of the seeds from that little lemon into a cup and see if I could grow a lemon tree. The seeds sprouted and several little lemon trees grew. The little lemon trees…
3 Milkweeds to Plant in The Home Garden to Help Pollinators
One of the keys to attracting pollinators is to plant what they like. That means providing plants that give the pollinators food and shelter for all stages of development. Monarch butterflies one pollinator that can benefit from planting milkweed but there are many other insects and creatures that can benefit from the perennial. Also please keep in mind that milkweed…