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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The First Daffodil Bloom of 2010
During these gray overcast days of a winter almost past, seeing the first daffodils of spring bloom in our yard is like watching the sun sprout from the earth. Our garden is behind most at this point but that’s OK because it means that there will be more blooms overlapping each other than usual! When did your first daffodil bloom…
‘Trombetta’ Climbing Squash
One of the more unusual vegetables I am growing this years is the ‘Trombetta’ climbing squash. Its name is derived from the Italian word for bugle or trumpet which is the shape it resembles. ‘Trombetta’ is a climbing squash that when ideally placed has the strong support of an arbor or trellis on which to grow. The squash itself gets…
Organic Seed Starting from a CSA
Yesterday I watched and shared this video from Quiet Creek Farms and the Penn State Extension Service on the Growing The Home Garden Facebook page. The video has some great techniques for seed starting including a recipe for their seed starting soil. It has a business slant geared toward developing a CSA but the techniques described are very usable in…
Planting Sage, Basil, and Pepper Seeds (Seed Sowing Saturday)
It’s time again for another Seed Sowing Saturday post where we talk about what we sowed over the week, how the seedlings are doing, and any tips or tricks that we run across in our seed sowing adventures. This week I finally got around to sowing basil, peppers, eggplant, and a few others! I planted the seeds in a peat…
Homemade Plant Tags for Hybridizing Plants
Last year I began to experiment with hybridizing. I’m hoping that the plants I cross together result in something really nice but it takes a few years to get something from the crosses. So far I’ve experimented with daylilies, echinacea, and irises. Hostas are on my list but the deer keep getting to the flowers before they’ve had a chance…
A Variegated Caryopteris Cutting
Yesterday day I mentioned how quickly and easily my Snow Fairy caryopteris (Caryopteris divaricata) rooted. Today I went out and potted my little cutting up into a small 4″ pot for it to grow a stronger root system before I plant it in the yard. I took a picture to show you about what size and kind of cutting I…
The Frosted Garden
The first frosts are almost always something that this gardener dreads. Mostly because it is the end of the growing season – mostly, some plants will grow on through the winter. But if you look closely at the frost you can also find it is a thing of beauty. Frost on Viburnum x burkwoodii Frost on Butterfly Bush Frost on…
GB Fall Color Project: Ithaca, New York and the Mountains of Maine
Have you had enough of fall color yet? Not me! We have two more great examples of spectacular fall color from two more great bloggers.In Maine Sarah, a professional writer and blogger of Sarah Laurence Blog, takes us on a weekend hiking trip into the mountains of Maine. The photographs of fall colors in Maine are simply stunning. While the…
Still Waiting on ‘Clara Curtis’ and the Winner Is…
I figured since you’ve been waiting in anticipation for the winner of the $50 Lowe’s Gift Card from Lowe’s Creative Ideas that I would share with you a picture of something I’m waiting on – ‘Clara Curtis’ mums to bloom. These beautiful daisy flowered mum that I received at a plant swap several years ago have grown and spread into…
Around the Garden in October
It’s been while since I showed larger scale pictures of the garden. Mostly because it was such a mess over the summer. Today I’ll share a few photos of the various garden areas. The resiliency of plants is simply amazing. With neglect, wet weather, dry weather, hot weather, and lack of time my plants seem to be doing fine! The…
Self Sowing Garden Preparation
It won’t be long before the warm weather approaches (or at least I keep telling myself this) and gardening begins for the 2009 season in earnest. One of the projects I have planned this season is the self sowing garden. A self sowing garden is pretty self explanatory, it has plants that seed themselves year after year without much attention…
The Birdbath Garden August Expansion
August isn’t really the best time to expand a garden. It’s hot, not much water, and usually the nurseries don’t have a whole lot of nice plants to choose from since they are waiting on the fall stock to arrive. Even though I wouldn’t recommend buying and planting plants right now if you promise the plants that you will water…
Vegetables for 2010, Any Suggestions?
Every year I like to try a few new vegetables in the garden. New varieties add a little extra interest to the same old tomatoes and cucumbers that we grow every year. Sometimes the new varieties stick around in the memory and will be planted the next year and other times they are better left forgotten! I started my list…
Decorating the Garden for Halloween
October is always a fun time of the year. Fall festivals are in full swing, the leaves are changing, the weather is more cooperative for gardening, and of course there’s Halloween. We don’t typically decorate much around here for Halloween. Part of it is the difficulty of managing a whole lot of decorating with four kids running around and all…
Growing Dogwoods (Cornus kousa) from Seed in the Fall
A week ago we found ourselves at the doctors office for one of my children. Nothing major (this time), just a regular check up and physical so she could run cross country (Very cool that a 7 year old wants to run cross country!). After her appointment we left the doctor’s office and found a dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, that…
Happy Halloween!
How to Buy Mums (Hardy Chrysanthemum)
OK, you might be thinking to yourself that this headline “How to Buy Mums” is about a topic we don’t even need to discuss. Really, how hard can it be? You go to the nursery, pick out a full bushy plant full of blooms. You walk to the check out counter buy it and go home to plant it. If…
More Fall Foliage Fun! (Fall Color Project 2010)
While my garden is pretty much bare naked others are still draped in colorful fall foliage! From Tennessee to Alabama and Georgia fall color has peaked in the the 7 days since our last Fall Color Project Post. Let’s take a look! Frances has a great fall color post filled with autumn associated colors. One of my favorite plants (that…