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The End and The Beginning
Today is the last day of 2008 but unless you’ve never seen a calander you probably knew that already. As one year ends and new one begins. It’s time for a short look back at 2008 and a glance into the future.2008 was the first full growing year that we really had in the garden. Our first year in our…
Seeds for 2008 Part 1
I started the seed selection process the other day. I ordered seeds through the American Horticultural Society’s seed exchange. I wasn’t able to contribute seeds to the exchange this year but they do allow you donate $5 and pick ten different selections from this year’s list.Here is what I picked:Rudbeckia hirtaAgastache foeniculumAsclepia tuberosa (Butterfly weed)Dianthus deltoides ‘Arctic Fire’Echinacea purpereaEchinacea purperea…
EcoSMART Insect Products Part 1
I don’t think there is any question that parents want safe products to use in their yards, gardens, and around the home. That’s why when the people at EcoSMART contacted me about testing their ecologically safe and family friendly products I was more than happy to give them a try. For this post I interviewed Vijay Das the director of…
Fall Color Project Sponsors
I wanted to put together a quick post to thank all those garden bloggers who have taken the effort to post the Fall Color Project Banner somewhere on their blog. It definitely is not required to participate but I wanted to pass on my appreciation for the extra visibility. So … thank you! Here are those who added the banner…
Drought Tolerant Garden Plants
My gardens haven’t seen any rain for several weeks now. The grass is brown and I even commented to my daughter that it sounds like crunchy snow. Of course the reality couldn’t be further from the truth – it’s hot! No snowball could survive in our back yard today with temperatures expected to rise into the triple digits. Droughts do…
Close Ups in the Bird Bath Garden
Here is one of our coreopsis plants with it’s blooming like dozens of little yellow and red suns. I’ve recently discovered two small pots that have between 10-15 coreopsis seedlings in each of them. The rain garden I built will probably be a recipient of several as will the vegetable garden perennial ring.And a close-up picture with some rain drops…
Bradford Pears Breaking Buds
I bet when you read the first three words “Bradford Pears breaking” you immediately though of another kind of breaking. One of the reasons they are on my least favorite ornamental tree list is because the trees frequently break in storms. These trees grow so fast that the wood suffers and they just can’t muster the strength to hold out…
Raindrop Garden Photography
Rain has been ever present in our garden for the last two weeks it seems. Even the “dry” days are still wet when you consider the soggy ground and grasses you have to walk through to get anywhere. Today I thought I would share a couple pictures that are enhanced by the rain. Raindrops on Clover Clover is one of…
A September Sky at Dawn
Here are some pictures of our sky yesterday morning September 11th 2008. It was a beautiful morning that I spent (at least before 7:00 AM) potting up a couple demonstration plants for what else? A demonstration! I’ll be giving a demonstration at our local gardening club (Spring Hill, TN) about propagating plants from cuttings. I potted up a Veronica and…
Adventures on a Warm Winter Day!
On Monday Tennessee had near record temperatures in the upper 60’s.On Tuesday it got warmer.According to the local television broadcast Nashville hit 71 degrees Fahrenheit which ties a record set in the 1800’s. The warmth has left us now but we took advantage of it while it was here! Here’s what we did:Monday Morning:I ran around the yard chasing my…
It’s All White With Me, Snow in Tennessee
I know those of you in Canada and the Northern U.S. see snow fairly regularly, but in Tennessee it doesn’t happen often. When it does it’s usually fairly substantial. In our area of Tennessee, which would be the Southern Middle region, we picked up 3-4 inches of the fluffy white stuff. For me it brings back memories of growing up…
Looking Ahead
It’s amazing how fast time flies, isn’t it? It seems like just a short time ago I posted my 2010 garden project list (which I can never fully complete!) Soon it will be time to write a new project list and bring back some of those projects that have been hanging around for years! I’ll have that list up after…
5 Favorite Perennials for the Garden
Perennials are the work horse of just about every garden. Trees and shrubs provide structure, but perennials provide a consistent impact. Annuals are great for an instant punch but perennials give you a repeat performance year after year. Some perennials bloom consistently through the season while others give a nice show for a short period of time. Narrowing down the…
About The Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato
This year one of the tomato varieties I decided to grow was the ‘Tasmanian Chocolate’ tomato. Overall it proved to be a tasty and easy to grow tomato. The ‘Tasmanian Chocolate’ tomato is a determinate variety that is well suited for growing in pots. It grows to about 3 feet tall, at least the plant I grew did in my…
How to Propagate Catmint from Cuttings (Nepeta faassinii)
Last Saturday I was shopping at a nursery where I found a ‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint (Nepeta faassinii). I’ve talked about the benefits of Nepeta before so it may not be a surprise that I bought one. I planted the new perennial the other day in our front sidewalk garden. Catmint flowering near a witchhazel and lemon balm. Simply brushing the…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: The Steps of the Plan!
Once all your prep work has been thoroughly completed gather up all your lists and get ready to design the plan for your edible landscape. When making an edible landscape plan it is important to keep all of your end goals in mind along with the time it will take to reach those goals. Purple Podded Pole Beans Time as…
Pak Choi and Other Fall Greens
A few weeks ago I planted our fall greens from seed in the vegetable garden. I planted a mix of kale, chard, lettuce, spinach, pak choi, and Brussels sprouts. The seedlings are all located in one of my long 10’x3′ beds made from scrap lumber. They were originally meant to be 10’x2′ like in this raised bed layout but I…
The Garden, with Frosting!
This time of year it isn’t unusual to see the garden in a crystallized form. Wet winter weather insures that enough moisture is around to turn the landscape into a frosted garden. The unique appearance of the frosted garden gives the gardener a great opportunity to play around with some photography. Here are a few photos from this morning at…