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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
From The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show: Pictures of an Exhibition
This Thursday through Sunday is the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show put on by the Horticultural Society of Tennessee. It’s a combination of show gardens, displays, and all kinds of garden goodies. The display gardens were impressive, filled with water features, flowering plants, and fire features! All the elements were at play in each of the designs. Natural looking water…
Extending The Stone Garden Path
Can you believe I reached the end of my stone? I emptied the truck the day I brought the stones home but only yesterday did I finished my stone projects. Please keep in mind that finished is a relative word since many of my projects are ongoing. You might remember a little while back I added a few stones to…
Disclosure and Privacy Policy
This blog does receive a small amount of revenue from advertising that enables it to function, grow and hopefully make it more interesting. Funds gained through advertising are used for projects, plants, and other things that will are discussed on The Home Garden and The Home Garden ~ In The Greenhouse. At no time will email addresses or private visitor…
Around Our Garden Landscape
This weekend after all the garden related chores were done for the day, and just before sunset came, I took a few photographs of how our gardens look this April. I still have mulching, pruning, weeding, and many other things to do but I thought it would be a good time to share some of our garden with you. These…
Thrifty Gardening Tips: Plant Propagation
Here is Part 9 of The Home Garden’s weekly series about gardening on a budget.Plant propagation, at last, my favorite subject! I was saving the plant propagation post for the last few segments of this series on gardening cheap. Plant propagation is one of the most inexpensive ways to make more plants and expand your gardens. There are several methods…
A Question of Perspective: Native vs. Exotic
This could be a tense question for all those opinionated gardeners out there but which should you pick, native or exotic plants? There are definitely advantages to choosing native plants with tolerance to the climate being first and foremost. Natives are better for the indigenous wildlife as it provides the food and sustenance they are used to eating.Exotic plants are…
How to Save Seeds from Ornamental Peppers
So what can you do while it’s under 20 degrees outside and you are stuck inside but still want to do something garden related? Extract seeds from ornamental peppers! That probably wasn’t the first thing on your mind but it works for me! Extracting the seeds from these ‘Black Pearl’ ornamental peppers was one of those small items on my…
5 Favorite Perennials for the Garden
Perennials are the work horse of just about every garden. Trees and shrubs provide structure, but perennials provide a consistent impact. Annuals are great for an instant punch but perennials give you a repeat performance year after year. Some perennials bloom consistently through the season while others give a nice show for a short period of time. Narrowing down the…
A Few Notes on Summer Heat and Watering
The weather has turn hot and humid, of course this is normal for summers in Tennessee. We are blessed with a very long growing season but our summers can be extremely warm. Last year on a record setting June day we reached over 110 degrees. Which also happened to be the day our air conditioner decided to quit! We spent…
Frosty Mornings Ahead
The gardens are closing down for the winter and fall color is nearly peaking. Frosty mornings are here again. I’ll miss the warm temperatures, the yummy tomatoes, and the fresh air that comes with working in the garden. Every season has it’s own interesting things to enjoy and the fall-winter seasons are no exception. The first heavy frost hit us…
Companion Planting with Parsley
Parsley for me used to be that thing on the side of my plate at restaurants. I didn’t think much about it and it seemed like a useless garnish. Today though I appreciate parsley in a number of dishes and in the garden. Parsley is a very good plant to have mixed together with your garden vegetables. Here is an…
Making Gardening Plans
I do a lot of thinking. Too much probably but I have ideas and they have to work themselves out in my head or in the garden one way or another! The gardening “off-season” is when I plan. It’s when I take those thoughts in my head and entertain them before discarding the impractical ones. You know, like the idea…
Common Raised Bed Garden Questions Answered
Raised beds are one of the absolute BEST ways to grow a garden but there can be challenges to growing in raised beds. Often gardeners have questions about the best methods to grow in a raised bed. In this post I’ve taken some common raised bed garden questions and put together some answers based on my experience. I’ve grown in…
Gardening, A First Step to Homesteading
Homesteading has seen a resurgence over the last several years which is very cool. More people are opting to build a strong connection with the land and are moving toward mini-farms and homesteads to raise their families. Before beginning a homestead future farmers should do one thing: learn to garden! The garden is one major component of a successful homestead…
A Review of the Greenstalk Vertical Planter
A Couple weeks ago a friend from Texas sent me a 5 tiered Greenstalk Vertical Planter. It’s an interesting concept for a planter that allows you to grow vertical and save on garden space. The planter came shipped with the 5 tiers, the top watering reservoir, a stand with wheels, a short drain tube for excess water, and of course…
Baptisia Australis Seed Sowing Update
Several weeks ago I planted Baptisia australis seeds. It’s also known as false indigo. It took some time but with bottom heat from my seedling heat mat and continued patience several of the seedlings have sprouted. It’s always exciting to see new plants come alive from seed. It took the Baptisia seeds about a month to germinate. Please note one…
Rooting Japanese Dappled Willow Cuttings (Salix integra) In Water
In the world of plants there are few that are easier to root than a willow. Whether you have a weeping willow, contorted willow, or dappled willow they all root very easily. Rooting a dappled willow is extremely simple and can be done in a glass or vase of water. Rooting a Willow Tree To root a willow in most…
2016 April Garden Gardening Update
If you’re a gardener (and if you’re reading this you probably are!) spring time excites you like no other season. April is a great month to get in the garden and get some work done but always remember to take a few moments to appreciate what’s growing! Here’s a quick rundown of a little of what is growing in my…