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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Personal Update from Dave
Good morning gardeners! I wanted to write a post to update you on a few events going on in my life. I don’t write much personal information on this blog. I always like to keep my writing very close to gardening, but I felt it was time to share an update with you. For the last 8 years I have…
Crazy Thought? Maybe Not! (Butterfly Bush Cuttings)
Last night I had a crazy thought “why not take a few last minute cuttings before the cold weather moves in for good?” The cuttings would need warmth to root and survive, so keeping them outside was not an option. I found a decorative pot that my wife bought a few years ago at a campus art sale back in…
The Story of a Lemon Tree in Tennessee
Many years ago back when I was in college I brought home a lemon from the store. On a whim I decided that I would plant a couple of the seeds from that little lemon into a cup and see if I could grow a lemon tree. The seeds sprouted and several little lemon trees grew. The little lemon trees…
Botanical Pictures from a Zoo (Columbus)
Last week our family went for a vacation. The primary goal of this vacation was to let our oldest daughter see her favorite animal (the cheetah) in person. My wife did some research into various zoos and my mom suggested the Columbus Zoo in Ohio based on a Jack Hanna segment she saw on TV. We ended up scheduling two…
Designing a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Layout: 11 Things to Think About
Raised beds are a great way to garden! Here are 11 raised bed garden tips to help you design a great vegetable garden layout.Gardening in Late July
July can be a tricky month. The weather is normally hot and very dry which brings with it challenges for irrigating the garden and keep plants alive to produce well throughout the fall. This July in TN has bee a lot different. Out hottest days so far this year were like normal days in previous years and our normal days…
Using Black Plastic Tarps to Clear a Garden Bed
This week I began testing a new (to me at least) gardening technique! Using black plastic tarps in the garden to kill off the weed growth underneath. The concept is a simple way to prepare a garden bed for planting. The use of garden tarps is something that I discovered when I read The Market Gardener by Jean Martin Fortier…
Some Pictures of Early January in Tennessee
Here are some pictures that we have taken of 2008!Here is a snowfall on a very cold evening. I like how the white snowflakes are captured, frozen in time, by the reflected light of the flash. A visitor to our new bird feeder! This white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinesis) is cracking open the shell of a sunflower seed for his feast….
Bad Breaks
Broken branch of a crape myrtle Sometimes in gardening, as in life, we experience bad breaks. We don’t intend for these to happen, they just do. Whether caused by too much stress, mistakes, or happenstance the only power we have over these breaks is to clean up and hope for the best. Such is the case with one of my…
Fall to Winter Cuttings of Arborvitae for Propagation
Back in the fall I decided to take some arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) cuttings and test to see how well they would root over the winter. Propagating plants over the winter as hardwood cuttings has some big advantages so it was definitely worth trying. How I Took the Arborvitae Cuttings I used the same method for taking cuttings that I wrote…
The Greenhouse: What To Do Next?
The Greenhouse: What To Do Next? (from The Home Garden ~ In The Greenhouse) It’s been several days since I’ve been able to accomplish anything on the greenhouse. I’m hoping that Monday will be the day to get things done as it’s predicted to be 60 degrees with only a 20% chance of rain. Usually the 20% chance of rain…
Raised Bed on a Deck Question
A Growing The Home Garden reader sent me this question asking how I would build a raised bed on a deck. It’s a very interesting question. I’ve never built a raised bed on a deck before but if I were planning one here’s what I would do. But first the question: Dave, I want to build a raised bed garden…
Dave vs. Deer: Deer 5, Dave 0
To say I’m furious tonight would be an understatement. The deer have struck again, and again this week, relentlessly. This week’s attacks have been the most brutal by far. I normally like the deer. It’s fun to see the fawns scamper through the backyard, or to watch the watchful mother and father deer looking after the young ones. But today…
Seed Starting Status Update #2
The seeds are sprouting pretty good so far. I need to get some pictures taken of them but haven’t had the time this week to do much. I have inspected them daily waiting eagerly for the next little green baby plant to say “hello!” I was getting a little bit of damping off but I took care of it with…
Starting Lettuce from Seed in the Vegetable Garden
It’s that time of the year here in Tennessee where if you haven’t already done so you might want to think about planting lettuce in your vegetable garden. Lettuce likes the cool air of early spring to start growing. I planted three types of lettuce last week in our raised beds – all of which are heirlooms. How I Plant…
Georgia in The Fall
Skeeter has brought us our latest Fall Color Project post! Skeeter teams up with Tina at In the Garden and offers up her garden experiences from Georgia for readers to share. Go visit Skeeter as she strolls the Augusta Canal with the beautiful Savannah River in view. You know how spectacular fall colors and water scenes can be so go…
Parenting, Gardening, and Time…
I’m finding that this year has by far been the most challenging year for the garden. At least so far. It’s not just because of the sweltering heat that is sitting on us like some big ole bear on a circus ball. And it’s not just the complete lack of rain over the last couple week (wait I did feel…
Top Posts from Growing The Home Garden! (Friday Fives)
It’s been a while since I’ve recapped any of the older posts here at Growing The Home Garden. Since today I’ll be at the Bloom N’ Garden Expo I thought I would put together a quick recap post for the Friday Fives. The posts listed in this post have been around for a while and continue to be some of…