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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Cheap and Easy Garden Trellis
If you live in an area with plenty of trees you are blessed with adequate building materials for trellises and posts. They may be rustic in appearance but they can function pretty good. Today I’ll show you my new trellis for my sugar snap peas. It’s made from 5 pieces of dead wood that fell from our tulip poplar tree. …
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From the Mountains of Middle TN
Fall is definitely at its peak here in Middle Tennessee! Rhonda at Adventures in My Garden has some great fall color in her own backyard. The view from her back porch is spectacular and would be envied by anyone who likes autumn leaves. Is there really anyone who doesn’t? And the quote she picked out by George Eliot to start…
Spring is Progressing Around the Garden
It’s been warm here in TN. Very warm. So warm that everything thinks it is indeed spring – including this gardener! Essentially it is spring. The weather is identical to a typical March, warm days, heavy rain showers coming through. We’ve even had thunderstorms – in January. It’s been a strange month. But just because it feels like spring, looks…
A Frosty December Morning
Over the last couple weeks the weather has been much warmer than it should be, but now we’re getting back to a much more normal December weather pattern. There was even the mention of snow in the forecast for next week. We’ll see. I won’t count my chickens but a little snow would make a nice scenery change! For now…
Walking on a Saturday Morning to See the Sunset (Echinacea and Maple)
This Saturday Morning I walked around the yard doing some little garden chores. I stopped by a mum and clipped it back (and took the cuttings inside for propagating). I watered a few things around the gardens, mostly cuttings that have been potted up. I limbed up our ‘Sunset’ maple (Acer rubrum) to prevent some lower branches from getting too…
How I Protect Trees From Deer Rubbing Damage
In my second year with our garden I experienced the joys and wonders of living with deer. In the three and a half years since I’ve learned a lot about protecting plants from deer but I still suffer from their exploits frequently. Most notably this year the deer discovered my vegetable garden for the first time. Maybe you noticed the…
Plant Propagation Bench for Seedlings and Cuttings
I’ll continue with the Seed Starting 101 Series tomorrow but I thought I would use today’s post to share with you a related project. Recently I purchased a seedling heatmat that I’ve been testing in the garage to see how seedlings will grow out there. The results have been pretty good so far with good germination rates for kale, chard,…
Taking Advantage of Good Weather
So far this weekend’s weather has been nothing short of fantastic. We had temperatures in the lower 70’s and part sun most of the day so of course I had to get outside for a little while. The plan on Saturday was to go to the home improvement store and get some interior wood stain to complete our patio doors….
How to Propagate Crape Myrtles: Step by Step
This weekend I picked up some cuttings of a red flowering crape myrtle to propagate. I took 6 inch hardwood cuttings that were just beginning to leaf out. Since I didn’t have time to treat them right away I left them in a jar of water overnight to stay moist and treated them with rooting hormone the next day. For…
Tinges of Red
You can see it in the tree line in the backyard. Tinges of red coloring in the foliage of the trees, the sassafras never fails for fall color. We’re not at peak yet, at least I don’t think so but I’m afraid this year will be hard to tell. The dryness of the last two months has stressed the trees…
New Garden Additions
This weekend was the annual Bloom ‘N Garden Expo at the Williamson County Agricultural Center. You can bet that when there are plants and me in the same location I’ll end up coming home with something! When going to these festivals I make two rules for myself with purchases. One, the purchase has to be something I don’t have and…
It’s All White With Me, Snow in Tennessee
I know those of you in Canada and the Northern U.S. see snow fairly regularly, but in Tennessee it doesn’t happen often. When it does it’s usually fairly substantial. In our area of Tennessee, which would be the Southern Middle region, we picked up 3-4 inches of the fluffy white stuff. For me it brings back memories of growing up…
Fall Color from our Garden in 2017
I’m a big fan of foliage! There is no better time of the year than autumn for those who love foliage, and naturally fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I thought I would share with you some photos I have taken over the last month of the foliage from my garden. Tennessee often has amazing fall…
A Crop of Fall Potatoes
This afternoon I went outdoors in the beautiful 60 degree weather and harvested our potato crop. Truth be told its a rather small harvest of potatoes but considering that I didn’t intentionally plant them I am quite pleased! When you leave behind a few potatoes from the spring/early summer harvest they grow into a nice fall crop. Growing potatoes is…
Hydrangea Propagation (Natural Layering)
Hydrangeas are fantastic garden plants! The flowers are beautiful but even when not in bloom hydrangeas can be a well formed shrub in the garden. Yesterday while walking through the garden I found a hydrangea that had rooted itself on the ground. This is called layering. Layering is a method of plant propagation where you can encourage roots roots to…
Planting in Teak Wood Planters!
A while back Teak Closeouts sent me several samples to try out and see if I could use in the garden. They carry a really neat line of products that general come from overstock teak wood products and sell it at better prices. They also have other products made from teak root which can be very interesting when used for…
Still Hanging in There!
This time of year it’s interesting to see which plants are still performing well. If we pay attention to how things perform and how long they last we can make better decisions when designing our gardens with plants in the future. If you want to extend the foliage we need to note which plants have long lasting foliage. The same…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: Looking at Tennessee from Florida
Did you ever realize that you could go to Florida and see Tennessee fall colors? Well you can today, since Meems brought fall colors from Tennessee to her blog Hoe and Shovel! She recently came here to TN to visit her sister and went to visit the beautiful gardens of Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. She put the pictures together in a…