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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: An Autumn Acre and a Saturday Road Trip
Jump on over to Our Little Acre to see the fall colors! Not my acre, Kylee’s! She has viburnums, a gingko, sumacs, and many other plants that are showing some great fall foliage. The bald cypress and the beautyberry are two that I will have to add to our garden! Don’t forget to journey up to Kalamazoo, Michigan and the…
The 20-Minute Gardener – Book Review
The 20-Minute Gardener on Amazon A couple weeks ago I was sent a review copy of the 20-Minute Gardener from Sunset Books. The idea behind the book is very intriguing: 20 minutes of gardening each day for a great garden. You may have heard this concept before. The idea is simple. If you do a little bit in your garden each…
July and Some Summer Blooms
To say that this month has been difficult is an understatement. My time in the garden has been minimal and its current state is more akin to a wild meadow (and that’s being kind) than a well tended garden at the moment. Fortunately we still have some very reliable blooming flowers to show for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day. I’ve included…
5 Reasons Why Gardening Is More Important Than Ever
It may not be obvious, or maybe it is, but I think in 2013 vegetable gardening will be more important than ever. There are a myriad of reasons why I believe this and you can pretty much observe it everywhere you go, some sign that points to the importance of gardening. Let’s examine a few of signs of the growing…
Every garden has transitions. From the house to the garden, from one garden area to another, even within an established area a garden be transitioning from the sun to the shade, from one color to another or from one type of planting to another. Then there are seasonal transitions. Spring takes over from winter, summer from spring, autumn from summer,…
Sights from Around the Garden
I haven’t made it out into the garden much lately other than to gather the occasional item for the kitchen but I did manage to grab the camera and head into the yard this afternoon for a few minutes. Here’s a little of what I found! This is a ‘Golden Globe’ arborvitae. It has a nice rounded habit with golden…
The Do’s and Don’ts of August Gardening
As I’m writing this post I’m hearing the buzz of riding lawnmowers from various neighbors in our community and I thought why in the world are they mowing? It hasn’t rained and dust clouds are flying up everywhere which leads me to a second question why are they mowing the dirt? Things like this drive me nuts so I thought…
My Garden Shed Use Plan
It’s been another long break between postings here on the Growing The Home Garden Shed page. If you follow me on Facebook or read my main gardening blog you know how busy I’ve been with starting my own nursery. It’s been a challenge and even though I started off with the attitude that I should count a single customer as…
Making a Children’s Garden
One thing that is important to me is that our children learn to appreciate gardening and nature. All kids should learn at some point how to plant a seed, how that seed becomes a plant, and what it takes for that seed to grow. Learning those three ideas will instill in the child an appreciation for where our food supply…
Bad Breaks
Broken branch of a crape myrtle Sometimes in gardening, as in life, we experience bad breaks. We don’t intend for these to happen, they just do. Whether caused by too much stress, mistakes, or happenstance the only power we have over these breaks is to clean up and hope for the best. Such is the case with one of my…
The Surprise Vegetable Garden
You’ve seen it before I’m sure. A surprise plant or two coming up where you would least expect it. A bird may have moved the seed around, or maybe it was caught can carried along on the wind. But have you ever had a whole garden just appear ready to go? I have! Now it’s not the perfect fall garden. …
The Fall Vegetable Garden Update
I planted the fall vegetable garden in my 4’x8′ raised bed a couple weeks ago and thought it was time for another progress report. The tomatoes are still growing, or at least the cherry tomatoes are. They seem to be enhanced with the genetic make-up of kudzu and have taken over the garden effectively blocking out the sun and moisture…
From the Vegetable Garden: Potato Mounds, Lettuce Leaves, and More
Here’s an update from the vegetable garden! So far things are going pretty good. My tomato frost scare wasn’t as bad as I originally thought and since I have some spares to plant I should come out fine. I saw a scary 39 degrees on the forecast for Tuesday night but I’m prepared with coverings. I’m also starting a few…
A Spectacular Snowy Owl Photo
I got a few more pictures this morning of the Snowy Owl here in Spring Hill, TN from Pete. The first one can only be described as spectacular with a sunrise in the background. He also managed to get a few close-ups! Related Snowy Owl Posts: A Snowy Owl Story Snowy Owl Visits Spring Hill, TN
How Dave Saves The World
Jan at Thanks For Today is sponsoring a meme in support of Earth Day (April 22, 2010). I have to admit I’ve had trouble with this. It’s not that I have any problem with Earth Day or writing a post full of great tips for saving the world but when coming from a personal perspective to share something new my…
Planting A Tulip Garden in Spring
Springtime is full of all kinds of color. New foliage comes out, flowers bloom, and all kinds of fresh growth begins. One of the classic plants many people think of for spring is the tulip. Tulips are usually best planted in the fall about 6 inches deep in the garden, but sometimes we forget to plant tulips in the fall…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: A Virgina View
Breaking News: Fall Color has reached Virginia! Racquel the Perennial Garden Lover has sited some fall color in her neighborhood. Photos of a red oak and the borrowed view of her neighbors’ trees herald the southward march of the fall colors. Go visit her photos and share the fall color experience in Virginia!
Overwintering Rosemary
Rosemary is a wonderful plant for gardening. I love it as a ornamental shrub as well as an edible herb. The problem is it CAN be finicky. Sometimes the winter cold is too tough for rosemary and it sadly dies over the winter. Fortunately there are techniques you can use to make sure your rosemary comes back year after year….