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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Smooshing Pumpkins
We’ve all heard about the infamous teenagers who go around neighborhoods looking for pumpkins to smash. Smashing pumpkins is one of those activities I never did and frankly always found rude and obnoxious, unless of course the smashers purchased their own pumpkins but that’s rarely the case. In fact I find the current state of my own pumpkins to be…
Glorious Gaillardia! (Photo Post)
Featured in today’s photo post are two types of gaillardia, ‘Oranges and Lemons’ as well as offspring of ‘Oranges and Lemons’! The offspring gaillardia is more of the typical gaillardia (Blanket flower) with the dark red flower petals highlighted with yellow on the tips. It’s a beautiful flower that starts blooming and doesn’t quit until the frosts come. Both gaillardias…
5 Things to do for the Mid March Garden
The garden is gearing up for growth are you ready? Have you prepared the garden and gotten everything set to grow? I haven’t but the warm weather is going to be here this weekend and I’ll be making some headway into my garden’s preparation. When to prepare the garden varies depending on where you live but several of these tasks…
Herbs for Turkeys!
While I claim no great skill or knowledge about cooking that big ole Thanksgiving turkey I can tell you about a couple herbs that may help you have a successful culinary experience!; I have the good fortune to have a mom who is an extremely good chef and I’ll share the recipe (or at least where to find it) that…
An Update on my Harbor Freight Greenhouse
A couple months ago I put together my little 6’x8′ Harbor Freight greenhouse. It was an inexpensive greenhouse that I was hoping would be a good way to increase my growing area for my small nursery business. I thought it was time I gave an update on how the greenhouse is working out for me. After one storm where a…
How to Separate Heuchera Seeds to Save and Grown
Back in the fall I collected quite few seeds heads from our heucheras for the purposes of growing more heucheras this spring. Heucheras don’t necessarily come true if grown from seed but some do like ‘Palace Purple’. ‘Palace Purple’ is easily reproduced from seed which is probably why it is the cheapest of the heucheras and most easily found throughout…
Snowhenge and the Ziggurat of Ice
Surely one of the greatest mysteries to appear in the history of the state of Tennessee. Recently strange shapes have appeared across the landscape. Covered with a cold and white mysterious substance these shapes reportedly have been erected by the mysterious “snowpeople” (the exact gender cannot be known except by manner of dress. Top hats and pipes tend to indicate…
Oops, I Missed One!
In my last post about the irises of May in my garden I showed you several of my irises. Today a new one opened up that we just planted this spring. It’s also a hand me down and has no real identity but it’s nifty to look at! I planted it with several others in front of the garden shed….
5 Beginning Gardener Mistakes!
All of us experienced gardeners can tell you, you are going to make mistakes! It’s inevitable. No matter how much planning or forethought you put into your garden you WILL make a mistake! How’s that for thinking positively? You positively will make a mistake, and you know what? That’s OK! We’ve all done it – albeit some more than others…
Progress Update on the Vegetable Garden Remodel
Things are going well with the vegetable garden remodel even though the pictures may not fully illustrate it (see the layout to get an idea as to what it will look like). Right now it looks kind of like a war zone complete with with bunkers, foxholes, and fencing but soon it will come together. You have to start somewhere! …
Re-planting the Self-Sowing Garden
A couple weeks ago I redid our self-sowing garden. It was getting messy and too many weeds incorporated themselves into the garden. I suppose they thought they could pass themselves off as desirable plants but their plans were foiled by May’s Lowe’s Creative Ideas Project! The theme for this month was bulb plants. Being one to never turn away from…
Still Waiting on the Warmth and a Vegetable Garden Update
This winter has been bitterly cruel. Not bitterly cold, just bitterly cruel. It’s tempted us into believing that spring was almost here, then the ground hog predicted 6 more weeks of winter..and we laughed. The weather was warm and what do groundhogs really know about the weather? Do they have live Doppler radar in buried in their dens? I don’t…
The Greenhouse: What To Do Next?
It’s been several days since I’ve been able to accomplish anything on the greenhouse. I’m hoping that Monday will be the day to get things done as it’s predicted to be 60 degrees with only a 20% chance of rain. Usually the 20% chance of rain will happen right when I don’t want it so I’ll be keeping my fingers…
The Garden Shed – Brick Floor Laying
Finally I braved the harsh August summer elements and trekked out to the garden shed to lay the brick floor down. I didn’t get finished but I did manage to get some important work done like leveling the crushed gravel underneath where the bricks will go. I took a board and a level and made sure that the gravel was…
Around the Birdbath Garden
Today I went out and took a few quick photos of the birdbath garden. It’s come along way from it’s beginning three and a half years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday, all young and small, with barely a plant in the garden. It’s amazing how quickly they grow up! Here’s a look at the birdbath garden now….
How to Grow Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum)
Sometimes there comes along a plant that is just a gardener’s dream. Beautiful during the growing season, native, great for pollinators, great for birds, useful in the landscape, and overall easy to care for. I’ve got you hooked already don’t I? This plant would be a member of one of my favorite groups of plants: the viburnums. Viburnum dentatum aka…
Exploring Outdoors in Winter
When winter comes I really feel it and maybe you do too. I feel the feeling of melancholy that accompanies being stuck indoors for long stretches of time. There is a name for that feeling, Seasonal Affected Disorder. I’m certainly not a doctor but I can recognize when “SAD” is hitting me and the best cure for me is to…
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden with Stone Borders
It’s taken me all summer to get to it but I’m finally taking the first steps toward changing the vegetable garden to the parterre layout. I had some of the blocks sitting around for months now and others I borrowed from our patio sidewalk expansion which I just haven’t had time to get to this summer. Using the stone for…