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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
An Arbor Day Pledge
Coming up on April 25, 2008 is Arbor Day. It’s a day to celebrate a unique feature of our planet the trees. The trees are so important to us. They serve as the planet’s lungs filtering the air we breathe, they provide us fruit and nuts to eat, paper to read and write with, drugs like aspirin and shade to…
My Mailbox Garden
I did a post a while back on my front yard garden spots where I wrote about my mailbox garden and felt today that I needed to update what I’ve done since then. I really haven’t done much, as far as adding plants goes, but I can definitely tell you that a little mulch goes a long way toward making…
The Return of Warmth
This week marked the return of warm temperatures to Tennessee. Last Sunday was beautiful, the kind of day you can wear short sleeve shirts and start thinking about grilling out. Monday was even better then the rains came but the warmth was still there. This weekend brings us to a little cold front that tagged along with the rains or…
August in Bloom
It’s time for another edition of Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day brought to you by Carol of May Dreams Gardens! August is one of those times of the year before the fall flowers really start to get going where plants are kind of in transition but there are still many things in bloom. Today we’ll step back a bit and look…
Finicky Frosty Weather (Protect Your Plants!)
The weather in Tennessee is extremely volatile this time of year. One day it could be in the 70’s (as it was today) and then the next day it could be a 40 degree high (as it is predicted for tomorrow!) This makes it a challenge to garden in the spring time. There are a few things you can do…
April is for Blooms!
So you like blooms do you? Then April is the month for you here in Tennessee. There are so many blooms around I can’t post all of them up here at once. You’ll just have to come back and see them later! For now though I’ve picked some of the best of the blossoms for your enjoyment. Viburnum x burkwoodii …
A Short Greenhouse Project Update
Here’s just a quick update on the greenhouse-shed project. More work will ensue later in the week but several time consuming things have been done. The roof windows on the south-western side are somewhat framed, the plywood is attached and the shingles are up. The roof is one of the more shed-like aspects of this project. Since the south western…
30 Flowers for A Cut Flower Farm Business (in Tennessee)
A cut flower business sounds like a neat idea doesn’t it? It’s a lot of work but if you enjoy gardening with flowers it may be a great business for you. I’ve compiled a list of potential cut flowers that would make good options for a cut flower business. Check out the list below. This list of plants is certainly…
I Have Two Huge…
Hollyhocks! These plants are simply enormous. I haven’t measured them but a rough estimate of six and a half feet sounds very realistic. Unfortunately they are in a really bad location – flanking our front walkway. I should have transplanted them last year to another location more suitable but either didn’t think of it or was too lazy. Although the…
Thrifty Gardening Tips Part 5: Make Compost
Here is Part 5 of Growing The Home Garden’s series of tips on how to garden on a budget. One of the best fertilizers has to be compost. It’s cheap, easy to create, and makes plants grow like crazy. With compost you can replace most of your fertilizer use! Now why don’t more people do it? Maybe because they believe…
Oak Leaf Hydrangea – Garden Favorites
Over the years I have grown many plants. I have a bit of a collectors attitude toward my garden and pick out unique plants as much as possible. Some of those plants haven’t done well for me, but other plants have simply been amazing. I thought it would be a good idea to go back and look at some of…
A Formal Vegetable Garden Layout
A garden layout should be well designed with the convenience of the gardener and function of the garden in mind.How to Remove Aphids from Ornamental Peppers!
Insect pests (like aphids) are always frustrating to find on your plants. I’ve dealt with aphids many times before but I still never like to find them again. Inevitably I do. Aphids are one of the most common insect pests in every garden. If you garden you will eventually find them on one of your plants. I’ve had them on…
Growing for a Farmers Market Part 2
When growing products for a farmers market you have to keep your eye on what sells. In my last post I mentioned a few of the products that sell well at our local farmers market. Today here are a few more good selling products that you may want to consider selling at your local farmers market! Baked Goods Baked goods…
The Mailbox Garden in August
One of the first things to greet anyone at our house is the mailbox garden. It’s the first thing that people see as they drive by or visit. It’s also about the only thing you can see of our gardens from a distance since our house sits down below the street level in a cul-de-sac that most people probably don’t…
Reusing an Old Wheelbarrow and a $50 Gift Card Giveaway to Lowe’s!
A couple weeks ago I saw a picture posted on Facebook with a display of sedums all planted in an old wheelbarrow. It was a pretty creative idea to re-use a wheelbarrow that may have just been discarded and turn it into something of interest. This gave me an idea for my latest project for Lowe’s Creative Ideas. The theme…
The Difference a Few Months Makes in the Garden
The passage of time in relation to plants is an amazing thing. I was looking back the other day at some old pictures from this past spring and was amazed at how different everything looks today. What was once a nearly barren bed in the front of our house has grown tremendously. The tulips of springtime faded and the front…
And the Tomato Seed Winners Are…
Thank you to everyone who entered the drawing for the ‘Woodle Orange’ Heirloom tomato seeds. You WILL enjoy these next year or I’ll give you your money back! (Oh wait you didn’t pay anything – oh well ;)) The winners as randomly selected by Random.org are can be seen below in the picture. Just count down the commenters until you…