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Over the Weekend: Fall Garden Preparation!
This weekend I tackled two major garden tasks that were all about preparing the garden for fall. Task one was planting a few seeds in the vegetable garden. That task was fairly quick and easy to do in my circular raised bed. The other beds are mess still with summer vegetables going everywhere. I need to get out to the…
My Vegetables for the 2009 Garden
As real gardening time approaches and we stop planning and dreaming to actually begin planting we have to know what we are going to do with our gardens. The big thing on my mind lately has been the vegetable garden. I miss the tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers that came out of our garden fresh everyday. I want to grow more…
Edible Landscaping For Beginners: More Elements of a Good Plan
In this continuing series of edible landscaping we’re going to discuss more elements that should be in the sustainable edible landscape plan. In the last post we brought up the importance of good soil and water systems as well as having a good way to take care of pests. If you’re new to this series of posts please check out…
How to Propagate Stevia from Cuttings
There are some plants that are tricky to propagate but stevia isn’t one of them! In fact stevia is very easy to root from cuttings. Read on to learn more about propagating stevia from cuttings! Why Would You Want to Propagate Steve from Cuttings? Stevia rebaudiana is an herb often used as a substitute sweetener for sugar. It isn’t reliably…
Fritillary Caterpillar and Butterfly
One of the fun side events caused by the gardening habit is the witnessing of nature’s amazing works. Lately I’ve been seeing quite a bit of the fritillary butterfly in its various stages of growth. It’s probably the gulf fritillary butterfly but there are several different kinds in our area and even though I’m a plant person I’m not necessarily…
The Wonders of a Heat Mat! (for Early Seed Starting)
This year I invested some money into heat mat. I’ve heard for years how bottom heat speeds up seedling and root growth and I thought it was high time I got my act in gear. So toward the end of last year I ordered one. And let me say, I’m enjoying it already! It’s not really time to start seeds,…
A Cheap and Easy Garden Trellis
If you live in an area with plenty of trees you are blessed with adequate building materials for trellises and posts. They may be rustic in appearance but they can function pretty good. Today I’ll show you my new trellis for my sugar snap peas. It’s made from 5 pieces of dead wood that fell from our tulip poplar tree. …
An Indoor Hanging Wall Planter Garden
The current project I’m working on for Lowe’s Creative Ideas fits into two categories for me: indoor gardening and vertical gardening. “Migration” was the theme given to us which means we were to bring the garden indoors but the issue with that for me is space. I bring plants indoors to overwinter each year like coleus or my avocado tree…
Three Perennial Plants Never Touched By Deer
Never say never right? In my experience there are very few plants that are truly safe from deer. This year I’ve had big time deer issues. The extra tomato bed I planted was completely devoured by the two deer that are camping out in our backyard. That isn’t shocking really. I wasn’t able to put a good fence around any…
Making a Children’s Garden
One thing that is important to me is that our children learn to appreciate gardening and nature. All kids should learn at some point how to plant a seed, how that seed becomes a plant, and what it takes for that seed to grow. Learning those three ideas will instill in the child an appreciation for where our food supply…
Quick Tip: Try Seed Planting With a Hula Hoop
Have you ever used a kids toy to plant seeds? It might be worth a try! While out in the garden planting rainbow chard and spinach I used a hula hoop as a planting aid. Inside the hula hoop I planted the rainbow chard and in the outside ring I planted spinach. When the plants sprout and begin to grow…
The Greenhouse Project: Mostly Screwed
Yes you read the title right. My greenhouse shed project is mostly screwed. Rather than use nails to hold everything together we’re using coated deck screws as they tend to hold things much better and if you mess something up it’s easier to fix! The three disadvantages of this is it takes longer, the drill eventually runs out of power…
Finicky Frosty Weather (Protect Your Plants!)
The weather in Tennessee is extremely volatile this time of year. One day it could be in the 70’s (as it was today) and then the next day it could be a 40 degree high (as it is predicted for tomorrow!) This makes it a challenge to garden in the spring time. There are a few things you can do…
I Could Really Use that Pot O’Gold!
The rain today had a couple of small openings for some sunshine to come through. It always seems that March has the most rainbows, what do you think?
Cobblestone Patio Project Progress Report
Here’s look at where I’m at with my cobblestone patio project. It’s still not quite finished but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s been a couple weeks since my last update on the patio and my progress has been very intermittent. Last week I woke up on Wednesday morning nearly immobilized with a terrible…
A Few Facts and Tips about Growing Basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is one of the easiest herbs to grow. Here are a few growing facts about basil in the garden! Corsican Basil Basil grows well from seed. You can sow it in the garden or start the seeds in pots. It transplants well. Keep basil seeds moist until germinated and established.Basil is a great companion plant to just about…
The Return of the Flaming Mower
It’s been a long time. Last year, or last mowing season, I had the misfortune of blowing up my mower. Well I nearly blew up my mower. It was close, very close. While mowing one fine spring day last May the blades ran over a nylon cord and got caught. I did what any responsible power tool user does in…
Sustaining Fresh Basil Over Winter with Basil Cuttings!
One of my goals this “offseason” (as if there ever really is!) is to maintain a constant supply of fresh basil from November to April. I could do this by simply planting a sequential crop of basil seeds every couple months. This will work but I have an easier way! Basil is one of those nifty plants that grows roots…